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DS125DF1610: The DCR is not locked on the customized board

Part Number: DS125DF1610


Design details:

  1. Application data rate - 5.6376 Gbps
  2. REF_CLK - 312.5MHz
  3. Manual Data Rate calculation
VCO setting
Reference Clock F0 312500000
Desired VCO Frequency F1 11,275,200,000 To support sub rate of 5.6376 Gbps
Number of Reference Clocks N =1024 1024
VCO Freq ÷ 32 F2 = F1 ÷ 32 352,350,000
Counts of VCO Freq ÷ 32 required F3 = F2 x N÷F0 1154.58048
Counts of VCO Freq ÷ 32 required rounded F4 1155 Round F3 to the nearest integer value. Convert this value to binary. Program the upper 8 bits to ch register 0x61(0x63) and the lower 8 bits to ch register 0x60(0x62). Be sure to set channel register 0x61(0x63)[7] to 1 to enable the override function for manual programming. 483
PPM error due to rounding Err = 1e6 x (F4– F3) ÷ F3 363.3527565
Required PPM tolerance T 1000
VCO Freq ÷ 32 +PPM tolerance F5 = (1+ T÷1e6) * F2 352702350
Rounded Counts of the VCO Freq ÷ 32 +PPM tolerance required F6 = F5 x N÷F0 1156
PPM Counts delta F7 = F6– F3 1.41952 Convert this value to binary. Program the most significant bit channel register 0x67[7(6)] and the rest of the bits to channel register 0x64[7:4] 1

4. Channel Register setting

Channel Reg Value
0x60 83 Group 0 count LSB
0x61 84 Group 0 count MSB
0x62 83 Group 1 count LSB
0x63 84 Group 1 count MSB
0x64 ee
0x67 20
0x2F 06 group divider 2,4 0x2F[7:4] =2'b00


Ref CLK is OK by checking Register B.

reg 0xB --> 0x40

Register 78 shows that we can detect signal at RX, but, but CDR is not locked.

reg 0x78 --> 0x20

All other regester setting are using the default value.

  • Hi Frank,

    I see that the customer made a mistake in their calculation. Internally the reference clock always operates at 25 MHz so F0 = 25e6. Therefore, F4 = 14432 = 0x3860.

    Additionally, I recommend the customer sets register 0x64 = 0xFF to ensure there is enough PPM tolerance.

    Please ask the customer to use the following register write sequence.

    1. 0x0A = 0x5C // assert CDR reset
    2. 0x60= 0x60
    3. 0x61 = 0xB8
    4. 0x62 = 0x60
    5. 0x63 = 0xB8
    6. 0x64 = 0xFF
    7. 0x2F = 0x06
    8. 0x0A = 0x50 // release CDR reset

