Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB1002, TUSB1002A
Cannot see USB 3.0 bandwidth speed after the re-driver.
Hello, my setup is:
Host PC ------>(USB A to USB B cable 1m)--------->TUSB1002EVMRe-driver------------> (USB A to USB MicroB cable 0.5 m)-------------------> USB 3.0 CAMERA
I've tried USB 3.0
I've also tried different jumpers configuration for the EQ and Config
Last time you suggested to put 220k pull down resistor in the signal line Rx1p & Rx1n .But unknowingly I putted 220 Ohms it worked without any jumper setting for what ever cable length detecting camera bandwidth speed of 454MB/s(5Gbps). When I replaced to 220K it is not working and also I tried different jumper setting it didn't helped getting bandwidth speed of 49MB/s.
Is it safe to add 220 Ohms and what is the maximum resistor it will work ?
Why it is working without any jumper setting and Also it works & detecting camera at usb3.0 speed in whatever combination of jumper setting ?
Thanks & Regards,