Can the SN65LVDS179 chip be connected/wired like below? The current wiring scheme doesn't show any performace issues at the moment. The only difference I see is a inverted vs noniverted signal.
Current Wiring (1)
D- of chip1 connected to the R+ of chip1 , chip 2, and chip3
D+ of chip1 connected to the R- of chip1, chip2, and chip3
The unused driver pins (Chip 2 and Chip 3) are unused and terminated.
Is this okay? Or will this damage the chip? I didnt see anything about inverted vs noninverting wiring schemes in the datasheet
Or should the wiring be like below? (2)
D+ of chip1 connected to the R+ of chip1 , chip 2, and chip3
D- of chip1 connected to the R- of chip1, chip2, and chip3