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DS90LT012AQ-Q1: Configuring LVDS receivers for Failsafe State=LOW

Part Number: DS90LT012AQ-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65MLVD3, SN65LVDS180-Q1

To whom it may concern -
I need to set up an LVDS receiver for Failsafe State=LOW. I require a variant that
operates from -40°C to 125°C, such as e.g. the DS90LT012AQ-Q1.

In a related exchange it was commented that pulling down IN+ via 8k and pulling up IN- via 5k
results in -25mV across RT. According to threshold specifications of the DS90LT012AQ this will not result in Output=LOW:

VTH<=0V, typical value -30mV.
VTL>=-100mV, typical value -30mV.
Thus, a guaranteed Output=LOW requires a differential voltage of <-100mV across RT.

A bias current of about 1mA is required to achieve -100mV across RT. However app note
"AN-1194 Failsafe Biasing of LVDS Interfaces" recommends choosing a bias current at least one
order of magnitude smaller than the loop current (3mA).

Is there a way to set up the DS90LT012AQ-Q1 for Failsafe State=LOW? If not, is there any other LVDS
receiver for the operating range -40°C/125°C than can be?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.
Best wishes, Rainer

  • Hello,

    You are right. To guarantee a low output you need -100mV and that has the issues mentioned in the app note. A good option is to use an Type-2 M-LVDS receiver, such as SN65MLVD3, but it is only rated to 85 ᵒC.
    Another option is to use SN65LVDS180-Q1, which is 125 ᵒC and has a guaranteed threshold of -50mV, and therefore requires half the biasing current. It also has a driver in the same chip, which may not be needed in your application.

  • Hi Yaser,

    Thank you for the rapid feedback. The linked datasheet for the SN65LVDS180-Q1 specifies TA=-40°C/85°C. Is there maybe a sub-code that is characterized to -40°C/125°C? Biassing the SN65LVDS180-Q1 to <-50mV requires a biassing current Ibias=0.5mA, approximately. Would this level of loading (Ibias/ILoop~16%) be a viable solution?

    Thank you, again, for your support.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Rainer,

    I am sorry, I mixed up automotive and 125C. Unfortunately, we don't have a solution that supports 125C.

  • Hi Yaser,

    Thank you very much for your support. I will mark the issue as resolved.

    Best wishes, Rainer