I have just purchased TPS25831Q1EVM-062 and have powered up the device to test and see if the power input is working correctly, and to test if the power outputs are working, as we are developing an entire series of powered devices based on the 25831Q1. Unfortunately, the EVM test module that I just received does not allow any power to pass through the USB C connection. When the EVM is powered, with no shunts, all the LED are off, (as it should be) and when the USB C connector is attached, (with the power connected,) the blue and green LED light up properly, and yet, no power moves to the devices downstream of the USB C connection. There seems to be some error in the logic to the actual USB C connector, as every other test using the shunts (on J4 and J5) seem to show the power input is correct, and nothing allows for power to pass through the USB C connector. If there is another configuration test, please let me know, otherwise would like to replace this EVM with another one that has been tested to work downstream below the USB C.
Thanks, Pflinked