I have got TDA3X EVM board.
I have Adapter board DS90UB960-Q1.- deserializer board
I have TIDA01004 . (DS90UB933 Serailzer and camera module.)
camera sensor->TIDA01004 (DS90UB933) serializer- > DS90UB960 Dserializer->CSIPHY->CAL module(TDA3).
I am able to configure dserializer chip i.e DS90UB960 and able to communicate and read and write registers of that.
But I have issue communication with TIDA01004 (DS90UB933) serializer.
I always get I2c error communicating with serializer but i can see device ID of serializer is reflected in 0x5b of dseriailizer.
I can also observe lock and pass status is set in RX port status register.
Please help to locate issue.
Dserializer configuration (Seriailzer is connected to port 3):-
Thanks and Regards
Vishal Singh