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SN65LVDT34: SN65LVDT34D used with RS-422 Input

Part Number: SN65LVDT34

Hi Team,

Our customer would like to use SN65LVDT34 as an RS-422 receiver.
They understand that this is an LVDS line receiver, but they need to know the reliability implications for this part if it is used as an RS-422 receiver. Is there immediate damage to the part? If not, how is the reliability reduced operating the part in this way if at all? 

The part is operated at a maximum of 3.4V on VCC and can have an operating temperature as high as +85C.

Please let me know your comment and if you have any questions.



  • Hi Jonathan,

    Please reference the recommended operating conditions table in the datasheet. If the device is operated within these conditions then there will be no reliability concerns.



  • Hi I.K,

    I just received a response from the customer today.
    Upon sharing your answer, here's the additional question of the customer:

    There is a possible condition in their application where the differential voltage at the input of the SN65LVDT34D could be as high as 3.5V.

    As they understand the Absolute Maximum Ratings table, the LVDT version of this part has a maximum differential input voltage of 1V; is this limit just due to the on-chip resistor for this part? If the 1V differential input voltage limit is exceeded is it just the resistor that could be potentially damaged and the rest of the part would still function normally, or would more extensive damage to the part occur? If they were to use the LVDS version of this part (SN65LVDS34D) would it be able to handle a 3.5V maximum differential input voltage?

    Please let me know your comment above.



  • Hi Jonathan,

    Good question. 3.5V could damage the LVDT version, but it will not damage the LVDS version. However, note that the recommended magnitude range for the LVDS version is 0.1V minimum and 3V maximum. So although 3.5V will not damage the device, we cannot guarantee correct operation if the device is operated outside of the recommended operating conditions. 

