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TCAN4550: Not able to set SID filters for received CAN messages

Part Number: TCAN4550


I am using TCAN4550 with NXP i.MX 8M NANO board to transmit and receive the CAN messages. In normal mode,i am able to receive the CAN messages sent from TCAN4550 to NXP board. Now my aim is to set the message filters for the messages(I am using the drivers provided by TI and i have made few changes according to my requirement in configurations).

Here are the changes i have made-

1)In init_CAN()-

TCAN4x5x_MCAN_SID_Filter SID_ID = {0};
//SID_ID.SFT = TCAN4x5x_SID_SFT_CLASSIC; // SFT: Standard filter type. Configured as a classic filter
//SID_ID.SFEC = TCAN4x5x_SID_SFEC_PRIORITYSTORERX0; // Standard filter element configuration, store it in RX fifo 0 as a priority message
SID_ID.SFID1 = 0x101;
SID_ID.SFID2 = 0x110;
TCAN4x5x_MCAN_WriteSIDFilter(0, &SID_ID);


As per above configurations,my understanding is ,filters are enabled to receive the CAN messages in range of 0x101 to 0x110 and will be stored in RX FIFO 0.



TCAN4x5x_MCAN_WriteSIDFilter(uint8_t filterIndex, TCAN4x5x_MCAN_SID_Filter *filter)
uint32_t readData;
uint16_t startAddress;
uint8_t getIndex;
PRINTF("read data in TCAN4x5x_MCAN_CACHE_SIDFC 0x%x\r\n",readData);

getIndex = (readData & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
if (filterIndex > getIndex) // Check if the fifo number is valid and within range. If not, then fail
return false;
getIndex = filterIndex;
PRINTF("getIndex %d\r\n",getIndex);
startAddress = (uint16_t)(readData & 0x0000FFFF) + REG_MRAM;
PRINTF("startaddress 0x%x\r\n",startAddress);
// Calculate the actual start address for the latest index
startAddress += (getIndex << 2); // Multiply by 4 and add to start address
PRINTF("Actual start address=0x%x\r\n",startAddress);
AHB_WRITE_32(startAddress, filter->word); // Write the value to the register
// Verify that write was successful
readData = AHB_READ_32(startAddress);
if (readData != filter->word)
return false;
return true;

Here the startaddress is 0x8000 in TCAN4x5x_MCAN_WriteSIDFilter.

3)My  can message receiving logic-

TCAN4x5x_Device_Interrupts dev_ir = {0};// Define a new Device IR object for device (non-CAN) interrupt checking
TCAN4x5x_MCAN_Interrupts mcan_ir = {0}; // Setup a new MCAN IR object for easy interrupt checking
TCAN4x5x_Device_ReadInterrupts(&dev_ir);// Read the device interrupt register
TCAN4x5x_MCAN_ReadInterrupts(&mcan_ir); // Read the interrupt register

if (dev_ir.SPIERR) // If the SPIERR flag is set
TCAN4x5x_Device_ClearSPIERR(); // Clear the SPIERR flag
TCAN4x5x_Device_ReadInterrupts(&dev_ir);// Read the device interrupt register

if (mcan_ir.RF0N) // If a new message in RX FIFO 0
PRINTF("\r\nnew message in fifo");
TCAN4x5x_MCAN_RX_Header MsgHeader = {0}; // Initialize to 0 or you'll get garbage
uint8_t numBytes = 0; // Used since the ReadNextFIFO function will return how many bytes of data were read
uint8_t dataPayload[64] ={0}; // Used to store the received data

TCAN4x5x_MCAN_ClearInterrupts(&mcan_ir); // Clear any of the interrupt bits that are set.

numBytes = TCAN4x5x_MCAN_ReadNextFIFO( RXFIFO0, &MsgHeader, dataPayload); // This will read the next element in the RX FIFO 0

//printing message data here


Now my problem is even if i am sending CAN message ID 0x555 from PCAN-View simulator,I am getting that message on NXP board,but it should not be received as i have set the filter in range ox101 to 0x110. is something that i am missing here in configuration?

please explain me this .

Thanks in Advance.



  • Bipin,

    Thanks for bringing this question to E2E and thank you for the code. I recommend using the TCAN4550-Q1 Software User's Guide document if you haven't already. Also, can you verify the SID filter configuration, that is the standard filter type, and the standard filter element configuration?


  • Hi Eric,

    I am referring TCAN4550-Q1 Software User's Guide and the filter configurations(standard filter type is Range Filter: Accepts all IDs from SFID1 to SFID2 and standard filter element configuration is "TCAN4x5x_SID_SFEC_STORERX0" i.e, to store the message in RXFIFO 0 if filter matches.)All this configurations i have already share with you in previous post. is there anything else that i am missing here?



  • Answering my own Question-

    TCAN4550 has default behaviour -if incoming message doesn't match a filter then accept message into RXFIO0 for standard ID messages (11 bit IDs) as well as Extended ID need to change the global configuration(Register=1080)


    TCAN4x5x_MCAN_Global_Filter_Configuration gfc = {0};



    gfc.ANFE =TCAN4x5x_GFC_REJECT ; 
    gfc.ANFS = TCAN4x5x_GFC_REJECT;

    and it will work as per your filter configurations.

