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ISO7341C: Pspice model

Part Number: ISO7341C
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO6741

Hi Experts,

Our customer is looking for Pspice model for ISO7341. I only see IBIS model. If Pspice model is available, please share if ok. Thank you.

Best regards,


  • Hello Gerald,

    Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, we do not have a Pspice model for ISO7341C.

    Please note that the ISO7341C is an older family of devices. Please consider the ISO6741 from the newer ISO67xx family of digital isolators. These devices have TI's latest isolation technology and PSpice models.

    I hope this helps,

  • Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for your response. Though I have not looked into the alternate part number you gave, but just wanted to know from your expertise if I can use spice model of ISO6741 as an alternate for 7341

    Best regards,

  • Hello Gerald,

    Using the PSpice model for ISO6741 to simulate ISO7341 depends on the customer's application. Both devices are digital isolators and will have the same basic function however, ISO7341 is a much older device. As a result, ISO6741 will have much better data rate, timing characteristics, and a wider supply range. 

    As a result, we recommend ISO6741. Is there any reason the customer cannot use ISO6741?


  • Hi Andrew,

    Please see below for our customer feedback:
    "Actually, the board has already been designed with ISO7341 and we are facing some issues with that. That is why we thought of simulating the schematic.

    For the next revision, definitely I will use ISO6741. But to simulate this version I am looking for ISO7341 spice models. Let me know whats the best way to go for this time"

    Best regards,


  • Hi Gerald,

    Since we do not have a PSpice model for ISO7321, can you provide more detail on the issues the customer is facing? Is the device not working at all? Is it timing related? More information on the customer's application would help decide if the ISO6741 PSpice can work for the ISO7341.


  • Hi Andrew,

    Please see customer feedback below:
    "The issue was with the timing of enable pin. It is taking more than what we wanted. Probably we missed the details while we were selecting the part. That is the key reason for going to schematic simulations, to catch these errors before layout."

    Thank you and kind regards,


  • Hello Gerald, 

    Does this mean that you believe this inquiry is closed? 

    If so, I will close it. If not, please let us know how we can further support.
