Quickly find solutions to common questions about digital isolator devices by clicking this link. This FAQ answers the most common questions asked about these devices …… ……… …
FAQ: Isolation >> Quality, Reliability, and Certifications
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Isolation Parameters
- [FAQ] What is Maximum Working Isolation Voltage (VIOWM) and Maximum Repetitive Peak Isolation Voltage (VIORM)?
- [FAQ] What is Maximum Impulse Voltage (VIMP)?
- [FAQ] What is Surge Isolation Voltage (VIOSM)?
- [FAQ] What is Withstand Isolation Voltage (VISO) and Maximum Transient Isolation Voltage (VIOTM)?
- [FAQ] What is Partial Discharge, Method a, Method b1, and Method b2 tests?
- [FAQ] What is Comparative Tracking Index (CTI)?
- [FAQ] What is Distance Through Isolation (DTI)?
- [FAQ] What is the difference between UL1577 VISO Rating and Test Voltage?