Dear Team,
My customer evaluates the ISO7763DBQR on their board, and when they measure the input vottage waveform, it is wider than the recommended operating conditions.
Recommended operating conditions:
Absolute maximum ratings:
Input voltage waveform on their board is almost the same as Figure 9-4. Eye Diagram.
When I see this Figure 9-4 Eye Diagram, VIH_max is arouond +4.0V and VIL_low is around -0.75V. those are wider than the absolute maximum rating of Voltage at INx of -0.5V_to_Vccx+0.5V.
If this input voltage waveform of -0.75V_to_+4.0V is applied to INx of ISO7763, will the ISO7763 be damaged?
Input voltage waveform normally has overshoot and undershoot, so it will not be within the recommended operation condition of 0V_to_VCC.
How should I consider the range of the input voltage waveform?
What input voltage level would damage the ISO7763?
I look forward to your reply.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Koshi Ninomiya