Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1644, ISO1640
Device Name: ISO1644DWR assembled on ISO1644DWEVM
I am building the system to test if ISO1644DWR can bridge the communication of I2C in the following system.
ISO1644DWR on the ISO1644DWEVM. The signals, power and GND are jumperd with wires.
CHA_2, CHB_2 and CHC_3 are connected to the GND on the ISO1644DWEVM.
The pull-up resistors on ISO1644DWEVM were replaced to tune the pull-up current with the ones in the diagram above because there are also 10K pull-up resistors on TXS0102DCUR. But I can change it if there is more better value.
Issue: There is oscilation in SDA1 and SCL1 as the red circles in the following image.
The I2C controller cannot read the correct value, for example above, the I2C controller got 0x03, not 0x01.
I saw there was no oscillation with the oscilloscope if I connected I2C directly without the isolator.
It would be appreciated if you advise how to remove this oscillation.