Currently, I'm looking to use ISO7321C for two voltages on Vcc.
We have the VCC1 set to 3V3
VCC1 : 3V3
GND1: 0V
and VCC2 set to ~5V,
VCC2: -43V
GND2: -48V
According to the tables provided in 6.5 and 6.6, the VCC's are recommend to be within 10% of either 3v3 or 5V. So the question is, will the isolator still function correctly when the 10% relative voltage is exceeded? As 3v3 and 5V is larger than the 10% difference, or is there built in level translation to allow for one Vcc to be 3.3V and one to be 5V. It seems to mention translation on first page of datasheet.
Lastly, is the -43V and -48V even possible on Vcc2 and Gnd2? Seems it will violate abs max spec on these pins even though effective voltage is 5V.