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ISO7821LL: DC isolation

Part Number: ISO7821LL


Does ISO7821LL support DC signal isolation? Datasheet describes that the signaling rate range is 0~100Mbps, but our customer tested that ISO7821LL didn't support DC isolation, while other signaling rate like 6.5Mbps could be no problem. So could you please help to confirm?

Best regards


  • Hi Kailyn,

    The LVDS isolator family has two kinds of devices - ISO7821LL & ISO7821LLS (note the difference between part numbers, this part has an additional 'S' added at the end). ISO7821LL does support datarates from 0-100Mbps while ISO7821LLS only supports datarate from 50-150 Mbps.
    The ISO7821LLS part requires a DC-balanced input and we guarantee datasheet specifications from 50-150Mbps. The device can still work for lower frequencies than 50Mbps but the datasheet specifications are not guaranteed.

    For more information on DC-balanced inputs, please refer to ISO7821LLS datasheet section 8.3.1. DC stands for Distortion-Correction in this context.

    It is possible that customer maybe accidentally testing ISO7821LLS sample instead of ISO7821LL, please do check with customer and make sure they use ISO7821LL. They should not face any issues in using ISO7821LL with DC input.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, thank you.

    Koteshwar Rao

  • Hello Koteshwar,

    Thank you very much for your quickly answer, and I will confirm with the customer if he used ISO7821LL or ISO7821LLS.

    Best regards
