abs max rating lists "current into any output in the high state, Io" only for Vo > Vcc (Note 2). Is there abs max rating for high state current when Vo < Vcc?
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abs max rating lists "current into any output in the high state, Io" only for Vo > Vcc (Note 2). Is there abs max rating for high state current when Vo < Vcc?
CFP packages
Here are details of fault condition. 54LVTH16245 driving HI state into 24.9 ohm and 33.2 ohm resistors, which then connect to 54LVTH244 driving LO state .. these two outputs contend thru the two resistors.
Board max temp = 84C. Tj (54LVTH16245) = 86C, Tj (54LVTH244) = 91C from detailed thermal analysis.
Vcc = +3.3V for both devices.
From load line analysis using typical IBIS model I-V curves, I get 40 mA current.
The resistors will be removed and replaced. I seek to determine if the drivers are OK for use-as-is.