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INA333-HT: Recommended attachment method.

Part Number: INA333-HT

could you provide a recommendation of the typical solder or electrical contact method for surface mount components with the operation temperature of 210°C

Is there a industry standard? Is there a reliable solution that TI uses?

  • Hello David,

    • At the board level, solder reflow profiles are dependent on numerous factors including, but not limited to, solder type, flux, package type, number of components, board layers, board size, reflow oven type and accuracy as well as pre and post cleaning processes. Because of the number of variables it is not possible to provide a single reflow profile that is representative of every board using a specific package type. Typically manufacturing houses have reflow profiles in place and modify them for specific hardware.

    • TI suggests using the flux manufacturer’s recommended profile as a starting point. In general ceramic parts are compatible with ramp-rates of less than or equal to 5°C/second with a maximum temperature of 265°C. Variations of course need to be comprehended based on time required to volatize the flux prior to the solder reaching liquidus.

    • Metal lid packages use a 80%Au20%Sn gold-tin solder preform to attach the lid. Gold-tin solder will begin to soften at 270°C and has a eutectic point of 280°C. The package body temperature must not be allowed to exceed 265°C at any time or permanent damage will occur due to compromising the package’s hermetic seal. Note that though-hole hermetic device specify a maximum temperature for soldering as a lead-temperature of 300°C for 10 seconds. This is not a reflow temperature.

    • When using gold-plated leads or pads with MIL-SPEC plating thickness (60 µ-in to 225 µ-in), it is strongly recommended that the units be pre-tinned (solder-dipped) before board mounting to scavenge the gold from the leads or pads. If this is not done there is a chance of gold-embrittlement of the board-level solder-joints. A flowing solder-pot or two passes in a static solder-part is recommended.
  • Thank you for that information it is very helpful.
    Is there a specific solder that TI has used on it's high temperature parts for evaluation and had success with for reliability?
    From the response typical HMP is not recommended due to it's high re-flow temperature. And other typical chemistry's used in the industry have too low of a re-flow temperatures for use.

  • Hello David,

    On our high temp evaluation boards, we have used Kester K100LD solder in the past.

    However we not recommend or have qualified any particular solder.