Hello team,
What is the difference between CAHC1G04QDCKRG4Q1 and SN74AHC1G04QDCKRQ1?
Are there any functional difference?
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Hello team,
What is the difference between CAHC1G04QDCKRG4Q1 and SN74AHC1G04QDCKRQ1?
Are there any functional difference?
Hi Hirata,
Functionally they will be the same. One has the G4 suffix, which you can read about here: [FAQ] Why does a logic device's part number have an E4/G4 suffix?. The reason the part number starts with "C" instead of "SN74" is to make the part number shorter on the website.
Hi Albert-san,
Thanks for your detailed answer!
I didn't know either one and these history is interesting :-)
I appreciate your support.