Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC61416
Hello TI engineers,
We are currently developing a design where we control the DAC61416 (5V logic) with a 3,3 V µC (Teensy 4.1). To achieve SPI communication we need to shift the values to 5 V which we are doing with the TXU0304. For testing we only try to speak to one DAC board at a time (in the final design there are 13 connected). The problem is that our Levelshifters keep failing (heating) shortly after the connections are being made. Sometimes once the heating occurs only CS and Clock being level shifted. SDI is not showing anything on the high side. Also sometimes the whole part failes and no shifting is done anymore.
Is there any specific power up procedure we are missing or any passive components that should be placed to make the two parts compatible or are these two parts not compatible? From our understanding of the datasheets and the application note it should work without any additional support of the level shifter.
We are having the following design:
If you need any additional information let me know,
Thank you in advance for any advice or solutions,
Best regards,