If either input A or B, pins 1 and 2 respectively, are left open can the input be considered a logic 0 at that input. In other words, if A input is low at 0V and B is left open can I be sure the output will go to logic low(0Volts)?
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If either input A or B, pins 1 and 2 respectively, are left open can the input be considered a logic 0 at that input. In other words, if A input is low at 0V and B is left open can I be sure the output will go to logic low(0Volts)?
No. A floating input might be read as low, or high, or oscillating. And it will increase power consumption, and might damage the device. See [FAQ] How does a slow or floating input affect a CMOS device?
Okay thank you.
I'm doing a safety circuit where I have to consider open traces in circuit board(PCB) as a failure mode. I need a similar device that would have internal pull-down resistors or defined state with open inputs, any ideas?
TXU translators have internal pull-down resistors, but they do not implement logic functions.