My query concerns a previous post regarding the power-up sequence: "SN74GTL16612 power up sequencing" e2e.ti.com/.../121264.
Our application involving SN74AVCH2T45 is such that either of VCCA or VCCB can power-up or power-down first; there is no fixed sequence in which these two powers up. Hence, we are uncertain about using this part as in the datasheet "www.ti.com/.../sn74avch2t45.pdf" it is specifically mentioned that "A proper power-up sequence always should be followed".
However, in the post mentioned above a similar query involving different part no. was asked where the reply said that the powering-up of VCCA first is only to ensure that control pins (DIR in SN74AVCH2T45) work properly, other than that the device would not be harmed if VCCB comes first.
For our case, DIR control is not an issue, however, we wanted a confirmation that without a fixed power-up sequence the device doesn't get damaged. So wouId you provide some clarification on this?
Thank You.