I am using the SN74LVT125-Q1 in the following schematic:
Not pictured in this schematic is a fairly large (2.2 microFarad) capacitor which I have placed between power and ground to filter the input power, which has helped a great deal in cleaning up the output waveform.
The purpose of this design is to repeat an input signal on each of the four outputs with minimal voltage ripple and rise time.
However, I am still finding a problem with the rising edge and of the waveform, which is too messy for my purposes. Here is a picture of the waveform. Power is in purple, input in yellow, and output is the blue waveform at the bottom.
I have found that the initial "bump" in the output is persistent even with very high capacitance across power and ground, approaching 1mF. What circuits have you used to minimize the noise of output signals? I have attempted using a basic RC filter on the output circuit; while this has helped to reduce voltage ripple, this has left that initial output "bump" unaffected.
Thank you for any insight you are able to provide.