I am using above mentioned MCU with CCS Version: .
I have created two project one is bootloader and second is actual application.
In bootloader i have used ARM compiler having version TI v20.2.4 LTS and have generated hexfile using ARM hexfile utility with option --memwidth=8 --romwidth=32 --diag_wrap=off --intel.Hexfile is generated but hex record have size of 32 bytes(data only).Also there is some lines which has length less than 32 bytes but i want all lines of HEXFILE having same length either 16 or 32 bytes.
Also in second project i have used GNU compiler v7.2.1(Linaro) and using GNU objcopy Utility i have generated HEXFILE which has hexrecord of 16 bytes and some lines have less than 16 byte data.
My purpose is that i have to generate hexfile with fix length in both cases either 16 or 32 bytes both remain same in both projects.
Also i have try below command but not getting expected output instead of getting same as above described.
C:\ti\ccs1031\ccs\tools\compiler\gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major-win32\bin\arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe -O srec --srec-len 0x10 "iocard_v3.elf" "iocard_v3.srec";
C:\ti\ccs1031\ccs\tools\compiler\gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major-win32\bin\arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe -I srec -O ihex iocard_v3.srec iocard_v3.hex
Kindly Help to resole this.