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SAFETI_DIAG_LIB: Is there more up to date documentation for the SAFETI_DIAG_LIB?


I am running demo app for the SafeTI diagnostics library (2.4.0) for the Hercules TMS570LC4357 on a TMDX570LC43HDK development kit.
In the TMS570LC4357_NoOS file HL_sys_startup.c the function call resetReason = SL_Init_ResetReason(); returns a number of values.
Two of the values returned are:
These are defined in sl_types.h.

As part of the installation of the SafeTI diagnostics library there is SafeTIDiagnosticLibrary-User'sGuide-v2.4.0.chm.
However, this user guide does not document what causes RESET_TYPE_CPU1 and RESET_TYPE_ICSTRST.
Is there a more up to date version of the user's guide that includes this information?

Also, what is the difference between RESET_TYPE_EXTRST and RESET_TYPE_EXTRST_NERROR?