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Part Number: DK-TM4C129X

I am using 800*480 display  (ssd1963 ) in dk-tm4c129x board i want configure that display enable parameter 16 bit mode how can do it ? 

  • Hi,

      If your question is about programming SSD1963 for 16-bit interface then you should refer to SD1963 datasheet for details. Please note that we can only support questions related to MCU, not external components like SSD1963 as we do not have the knowledge for it. Please consult with the SSD1963 vendor for assistance should you have questions concerning SSD1963. Check the Kentec320x240x16_SSD2119Init() in grlib_demo/drivers/kentec320x240x16_ssd2119.c file on how to initialize ssd2119 display driver. You will need to modify it for SSD1963 accordingly.