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TI-RTOS-MCU: SWI_Post() call in HWI function results in Posting of the SWI but not executing the function

Part Number: TI-RTOS-MCU
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C1294NCPDT

I am using TI-RTOS in my project, I am Posting a Swi using Swi_post() in the Hwi function of I2C peripheral , the swi is posted but the function is never executed.

  • Hi Ahmed,

    What TI device do you use TI-RTOS-MCU on?

  • TivaC tm4c1294ncpdt

  • Hi,

      Do you have BIOS_start() called at the end of your main()? Without BIOS_start(), the OS kernel will not schedule for the SWI to run. Look at this  below example. It is an example for TM4C123 but has the same concept of usage for TM4C129. A HWI is created to handle the Timer interrupt. When there is an timer interrupt, it calls Swi_post to run the LED function. 

    // BIOS header files
    #include <xdc/std.h>  						//mandatory - have to include first, for BIOS types
    #include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h> 				//mandatory - if you call APIs like BIOS_start()
    #include <xdc/runtime/Log.h>				//needed for any Log_info() call
    #include <xdc/cfg/global.h> 				//header file for statically defined objects/handles
    #include <xdc/runtime/System.h>
    #include <xdc/runtime/Error.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h>
    // TivaWare Header Files
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include "inc/hw_types.h"
    #include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
    #include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
    #include "driverlib/gpio.h"
    #include "inc/hw_ints.h"
    #include "driverlib/interrupt.h"
    #include "driverlib/timer.h"
    // Prototypes
    void hardware_init(void);
    void ledToggle(void);
    void Timer_ISR(void);
    // Globals
    volatile int16_t i16ToggleCount = 0;
    // main()
    void main(void)
        Hwi_Params hwiParams;
        Hwi_Handle myHwi;
        Error_Block eb;
        /* Initialize error block and hwiParams to default values */
        hwiParams.enableInt = FALSE;
        /* Create Hwi on vector 51 which is the TIMER3A */
        myHwi = Hwi_create(51, (Hwi_FuncPtr)Timer_ISR, &hwiParams, &eb);
        if (myHwi == NULL) {
        System_abort("Hwi create failed");
        Swi_Params swiParams;
         Swi_Handle LEDSwi;
         Error_Block eb2;
         /* Initialize error block and hwiParams to default values */
         LEDSwi = Swi_create((Swi_FuncPtr)ledToggle, &swiParams, &eb2);
         if (LEDSwi == NULL) {
         System_abort("Swi create failed");
       hardware_init();							// init hardware via Xware
    // hardware_init()
    // inits GPIO pins for toggling the LED
    void hardware_init(void)
    	uint32_t ui32Period;
    	//Set CPU Clock to 40MHz. 400MHz PLL/2 = 200 DIV 5 = 40MHz
    	// ADD Tiva-C GPIO setup - enables port, sets pins 1-3 (RGB) pins for output
    	// Turn on the LED
    	// Timer 2 setup code
    	SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER3);			// enable Timer 3 periph clks
    	TimerConfigure(TIMER3_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC);		// cfg Timer 3 mode - periodic
    	ui32Period = (SysCtlClockGet() /2);						// period = CPU clk div 2 (500ms)
    	TimerLoadSet(TIMER3_BASE, TIMER_A, ui32Period);			// set Timer 3 period
    	TimerIntEnable(TIMER3_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT);		// enables Timer 3 to interrupt CPU
    	TimerEnable(TIMER3_BASE, TIMER_A);						// enable Timer 3
    // ledToggle()
    // toggles LED on Tiva-C LaunchPad
    void ledToggle(void)
    	// LED values - 2=RED, 4=BLUE, 8=GREEN
    	i16ToggleCount += 1;									// keep track of #toggles
    	Log_info1("LED TOGGLED [%u] TIMES",i16ToggleCount);		// send toggle count to UIA
    // Timer ISR - called by BIOS Hwi (see app.cfg)
    // Posts Swi (or later a Semaphore) to toggle the LED
    void Timer_ISR(void)
        TimerIntClear(TIMER3_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT);			// must clear timer flag FROM timer
    	Swi_post(LEDSwi);										// post LEDSwi

  • First of all thank you for the reply I did figure out earlier today that the issue was me unclearing the the RIS register as well as for the IMR being still set so the interrupt is just triggered always without letting the swi to execute, so the solution was to clear the RIS flag before posting swi so the I2c interrupt is not triggered again from this context.