Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN, ARM-CGT,
We are new to TI's ARM MCUs (formerly we've worked mostly with Atmel's). We are evaluating the RM42L432 for a project. We'd like to use TI's Clang toolchain rather than the "legacy" ARM-CGT toolchain. However, HALCoGen does not generate Clang-compatible code. (We have read about this on E2E and verified it for ourselves.)
What does TI recommend we do for peripheral drivers when using Clang?
Does TI provide peripheral driver source code that is compatible with Clang?
Does TI provide some tool other than HALCoGen that generates peripheral driver source that is compatible with Clang?
Are there plans to replace HALCoGen with something that is Clang-compatible or to update HALCoGen?
Thanks in advance!