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[FAQ] MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X: Configuring GPIO Interrupts

Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


How to Configure GPIO Interrupts in AM263x for individual GPIO pins.

How is it different from the existing GPIO Bank Interrupt Configuration example in the SDK.

  • GPIO Pins in AM263x:

    AM263x has 139 GPIO pins

    The device has four instances of the GPIO module, one dedicated per R5FSS processor core

    • Pinmux/IOMUX allows assignment of GPO pin control to a specific R5FSS processor core using a 4:1 MUX  (MCUSDK sysconfig generates code automatically for configuring this)
    • GPI pins are observable by all processor cores

    The GPIO modules are capable of supporting a maximum of 144 dedicated pins. AM263x implements 139 pins.

    GPIO Interrupts in AM263x:

    Regarding interrupts,

    From the GPIO modules, 180 events/interrupts reach as input to GPIO Interrupt XBAR as shown in diagram below. 

    The 180 inputs contain both the individual GPIO interrupts (144 muxed from 4 GPIO modules) and also the 9 bank interrupts of 4 GPIO module

      Number of Interrupts
    Single GPIO Pin Interrupts 144
    GPIO Bank Interrupts for instance 0 9
    GPIO Bank Interrupts for instance 1 9
    GPIO Bank Interrupts for instance 2 9
    GPIO Bank Interrupts for instance 3 9
    Total Inputs 180

    The below picture is taken from AM263 TRM - "Figure 10-4. GPIO XBAR Interrupt Router Integration Diagram"

    GPIO Interrupt Route to R50_0:

    • VIM0 is connected to R50_0.
    • 4 GPIO INT_XBARs can be routed to VIM_0 and hence to the R50_0 core.
    • All the GPIO Pin Interrupts in one bank are routed together to a single GPIO Bank Interrupt Routine and this Bank Interrupt can be enabled through  GPIO_bankIntrEnable.
    • The Multiple GPIO Pins in the same GPIO Bank cannot have unique ISRs. 

    GPIO configuration for bank interrupt:

    In the Current SDK 8.5 we have gpio_input_interrupt example using GPIO bank interrupt. The below reference is taken from GPIO app guide -

    In the example Go to SysCfg --> GPIO INT XBAR Option.

    The following code can be taken as reference to configure the bank interrupt for HWIP:

    static void GPIO_bankIsrFxn(void *args)
        uint32_t    pinNum = (uint32_t) args, bankNum;
        uint32_t    intrStatus, pinMask = GPIO_GET_BANK_BIT_MASK(pinNum);
        bankNum = GPIO_GET_BANK_INDEX(pinNum);
        intrStatus = GPIO_getBankIntrStatus(gGpioBaseAddr, bankNum);
        GPIO_clearBankIntrStatus(gGpioBaseAddr, bankNum, intrStatus);
        if(intrStatus & pinMask)
            * Handle all the expected pin interrupts within a bank using intrStatus flag
    void gpio_bank_interrupt_init(void)
        int32_t         retVal;
        uint32_t        pinNum = gGpioPinNum, bankNum;
        HwiP_Params     hwiPrms;
        bankNum = GPIO_GET_BANK_INDEX(pinNum);
        /* Interrupt setup */
        GPIO_setDirMode(gGpioBaseAddr, pinNum, GPIO_DIRECTION_INPUT);
        GPIO_setTrigType(gGpioBaseAddr, pinNum, GPIO_TRIG_TYPE_RISE_EDGE);
        GPIO_bankIntrEnable(gGpioBaseAddr, bankNum);
        /* Register bank interrupt */
        hwiPrms.intNum = gGpioBankIntrNum;
        hwiPrms.callback = &GPIO_bankIsrFxn;
        hwiPrms.args = (void *) pinNum;
        retVal = HwiP_construct(&gGpioHwiObject, &hwiPrms);
        if(SystemP_SUCCESS != retVal)
    void gpio_bank_interrupt_deinit(void)
        uint32_t        pinNum = gGpioPinNum, bankNum, intrStatus;
        bankNum = GPIO_GET_BANK_INDEX(pinNum);
        /* Interrupt disable and clear any pending interrupts */
        GPIO_bankIntrDisable(gGpioBaseAddr, bankNum);
        GPIO_setTrigType(gGpioBaseAddr, pinNum, GPIO_TRIG_TYPE_NONE);
        intrStatus = GPIO_getBankIntrStatus(gGpioBaseAddr, bankNum);
        GPIO_clearBankIntrStatus(gGpioBaseAddr, bankNum, intrStatus);
        /* Unregister interrupt */

    GPIO configuration for per pin interrupt:

    To use the Individual GPIO Interrupt, change the XBAR Output option to respective GPIO_MUX pin required for you. Here ignore the "_MUX" in this context, this refers to the individual GPIO Pin only.

    The following code can be taken as reference to configure the per pin interrupt for HWIP:

    static void GPIO_pinIsrFxn(void *args)
         * Handle pin interrupt - This is pulse interrupt. No need to clear status
    void gpio_pin_interrupt_init(void)
        int32_t         retVal;
        uint32_t        pinNum = gGpioPinNum, bankNum;
        HwiP_Params     hwiPrms;
        bankNum = GPIO_GET_BANK_INDEX(pinNum);
        /* Interrupt setup */
        GPIO_setDirMode(gGpioBaseAddr, pinNum, GPIO_DIRECTION_INPUT);
        GPIO_setTrigType(gGpioBaseAddr, pinNum, GPIO_TRIG_TYPE_RISE_EDGE);
        GPIO_bankIntrEnable(gGpioBaseAddr, bankNum);
        /* Register pin interrupt */
        hwiPrms.intNum = gGpioPinIntrNum;
        hwiPrms.callback = &GPIO_pinIsrFxn;
        hwiPrms.args = (void *) pinNum;
        retVal = HwiP_construct(&gGpioHwiObject, &hwiPrms);
        if(SystemP_SUCCESS != retVal)
    void gpio_pin_interrupt_deinit(void)
        uint32_t        pinNum = gGpioPinNum, bankNum;
        bankNum = GPIO_GET_BANK_INDEX(pinNum);
        /* Interrupt disable and clear any pending interrupts */
        GPIO_bankIntrDisable(gGpioBaseAddr, bankNum);
        GPIO_setTrigType(gGpioBaseAddr, pinNum, GPIO_TRIG_TYPE_NONE);
        GPIO_clearIntrStatus(gGpioBaseAddr, pinNum);
        /* Unregister interrupt */

    While acknowledging and checking the interrupt status for Individual and Bank GPIO Interrupts these APIs can be used:

    GPIO Bank Individual GPIOs
    GPIO_getBankIntrStatus GPIO_getIntrStatus
    GPIO_clearBankIntrStatus GPIO_clearIntrStatus

    Thanks & Regards

    Sri Vidya