Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN
I am having problem receiving data over UART on the LAUNCHXL-RM42 (rev C) board.
I've written code to simply echo back typed characters on a serial terminal. The code works when connected to the XDS100 USB serial COM port (USB cable from PC to LaunchPad board). However, when tested on a different COM port (virtual COM port with FTDI USB to serial cable) on pins SCI1_TX, SCI1_RX, the receive line (SCI1_RX) does not get any interrupts from input characters.
I use HALCoGen (4.7.1) to configure the SCI module to enable the UART function:
- On the Driver Enable tab, enable the SCI driver
- On the SCI/LIN Globlal tab, enable RX INT (high level interrupt)
- On the SCI/LIN Data Format tab, configure baudrate=9600, stop-bit=1, length=8
- On the VIM Channel 0-31 tab, enable channel 13 for IRQ (LIN1 Level 0)
Please let me know if I've missed anything.