Hello everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I need help finding a solution to my problem, which is that my launchpad and my computer are uncapable to establish connection between them
Every time I try to test connection, verify connection or debug the program, CCS just instantly crashes without any message. I'm using XDS100v2 USB Debug probe as my connection, which is the one I'm supposed to use, but it isn't working.
I have tried to test connection from the .ccxml, but the same thing happens, it just freezes, as you can see in the image below, and crashes. Also, I've tried to execute xds100serial.exe, but it just flashes a screen and immediately closes
It looks like the drivers are working correctly, as you can see in the screenshot below, it recognizes the launchpad
I already uninstalled and reinstalled several times CCS, but it doesn't change anything, also, I tried with another launchpad, a TMS0570LS043x, and the same thing happens, I don't know what else to do.