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RM46L852: ETM interface on RM46L852?

Part Number: RM46L852


I have simple question about ETM interface on RM46L852. In the TRM or datasheet i cant find this interface anywhere, see below.

Why then in the hercules development board of the same controller ETM is present?

Thank you.

  • Hi Devendra Gupta,

    Datasheet and TRM were correct, i mean there is no ETM support for RM46x device. It was only supported in RM48x series.

    Here is the pins for MIPI ETM connector in RM46 HDK.

    As you can see there were no ETM pins.

    But if you compare same connector in RM48HDK

    Here you can see, ETM pins were connected to this MIPI connector.

    And thanks for pointing out this issue and i will raise a request to correct this mistake in next document version.

    Thanks & regards,

  • Thankyou Jagadish,

    It was confusing because even in the schematics of the board it is showing ETM interface as below, Anyhow now its clear