Part Number: TMDS273GPEVM
We have recently purchased a TMDS273GPEVM board and have the following doubts which are to be clarified.
- The board worked initially for few days, later started showing the error(attached as Debug_Error.png), we can build the code without any errors,
but when it comes to run the code from CCS, unable to access the DAP error is popping up in on board XDS110 mode
2. Currently we are referring to the mcu_plus_sdk_am273x_09_01_00_41, for the example codes, when the code sbl_can_uniflash_am273x-evm_r5fss0-0_nortos_ti-arm-clang is
imported and built, bootimage_gen:65 error is coming, please refer the attachment – sbl_build_error.png, this is the secondary bootloader code which generates, .tiimage file.