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I have a question about the maximum bit rate value allowed for the SPI communication on the RM46L852 microcontroller. I want to use the MT29F4G01ABAFDWB_IT_F flash memory, this memory can work at a maximum bit rate value of 133 Mhz, but I would like to work to 110 Mhz or 55 MHz. However, on page 160 of the RM46L852 datasheet (https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/rm46l852.pdf?ts=1712518075244&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.ti.com%252Fproduct%252FRM46L852) appears that the minimum value of SPICLK cycle time is 40 ns -> 25 MHz.
However, the Halcogen tool allows getting a higher value of SPICLK frequency. Regarding this application, I could reach a value of 55 MHz.
This situation contradicts the information that appears in the datasheet. Therefore, what information would be correct?
Best regards,