Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SAFETI-HALCOGEN-CSP, HALCOGEN

perl v5.32.1 32 bits version (also tested with 64 bits version, same result)
Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22631
Code Composer studio v12.4.0
HALCoGen 04.07.01
LDRAunit-TI-Qual 9.4.3

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The result of clicking 'always' , 'only once' or no action is the same: build failed error:
I think that your .pl extension is not associated with your perl. You should check the properties of .pl files.
This point was already checked and already commented in our description above, please see comment: "AU promts again and again for the perl interpreter (which is already set in windows defaults). "
As extra info, you can see our Windows default config:
Is the tool tested in latest version of Window 11?
Thanks and best regards,
Hi Albert,
I saw the similar problem before in Window 10, and the problem was solved after changing the .pl file association. We don't test it in window 11.
I don't LDRA license to run the test. Could you please check with LDRA support?
Hi Albert,
Alex Lim in LDRA USA branch is a professional expert. He is cordial and knows CSP and TAU pretty well.
Hi QJ Wang,
We have been in contact with Alex Lim. this is the current status:
- We can avoid the problem related perl files if we execute HALCoGen TAU tool in a windows user with full administration privileges. It is not enough with just giving administration privileges when HALCoGen TAU is executed (from a non-administrator user).
- Now we are having a compilation problem where Alex can't support. The tool tries to invoke cl470 compiler, which it does not exist in our CCS 12.4 installation. We have seen in the TI forum that cl470 executable is not available since CCS 5.0... (E2E link).
Please, how we can get a HALCoGen TAU compatible with current CCS version? Or how we can avoid this problem?
Thanks for the support!
HI Albert,
- We can avoid the problem related perl files if we execute HALCoGen TAU tool in a windows user with full administration privileges. It is not enough with just giving administration privileges when HALCoGen TAU is executed (from a non-administrator user).
I experienced the same issue on my laptop.
- Now we are having a compilation problem where Alex can't support. The tool tries to invoke cl470 compiler, which it does not exist in our CCS 12.4 installation. We have seen in the TI forum that cl470 executable is not available since CCS 5.0...
The CCS12.4 supports compilers for TMS570 devices: ti-cgt-arm_20.x.x.LTS or ti-cgt-arm_1x.x.x.LTS
how we can get a HALCoGen TAU compatible with current CCS version? Or how we can avoid this problem?
Can you change line 176 of file "create_Make_file_HCG.pl" to "if($CG_TOOL_ROOT=~/20\./)", if you use compiler ti-cgt-arm_20.x.x.LTS?
Hi QJ Wang,
Thanks for your feedback, with the information provided we could execute the tool!!
But some more questions appears to us:
Thanks for your support!
Can we simply change this file and consider "oficial SAFETI-HALCOGEN-CSP Tool", or TI plans to do a bugfixing release?
We don't have a plan to update the scripts. Please change the script based on the compiler version or halcogen version.
Doing test execution of ADC, the tool gets "frozen" in test 14
I don't have LDRA license, so I am not able to run test.
Hello QJ Wang,
Attached the file generated by TAU (ADC1_UT.tcf 7230.ADC1_UT.zip), and a screen shot of what we get from the tool, where it gets blocked:
The configuration we are using for the ADC1 FIFO is:
Hi Albert,
It is testing the adcStopConversion() function. Did you use the default ADC trigger configuration? The example test case uses GIOB to trigger Group 0 (Event Group) conversion,and SW to trigger Group1 and Group 2 conversion. If you change the settings in yor code, you need to update the test case accordingly.
Hi QJ Wang,
Yes, we changed ADC setting for project needs. We understood from spnu633_HALCoGen-CSP_User_Guide.pdf (chapter 8 "How to Use HALCoGen TAU?") that configuration can be changed. If we need to change the test case, how we should know what to test and the expected result? We had a different understanding of what is a "Qualification package".
But in the meantime, we created a default Halcogen project, and tested it and there is around 30% of failing test cases (see attached reports).
Are we doing something wrong? is there any HalCoGen CPS specific configuration to get 100% Test Passed?
Thanks for your support!HALCoGenCSP_Report_defaultOptions.rar
I did the test several years ago, the default HalCoGen code and test cases should pass the all the unit tests. I don't know how LDRA uses the TCF for the test. You don't need to change ethe test cases in the CSP, but you can add more test cases.
For ADC unit test, the test case uses the GPIOB[1] as the Group0 trigger. It doesn't have to be the same trigger in your configuration:
I don't know why you got 30% failed.