Dear Jagadish
Sorry for not communicating with you for about 5 months. I was assigned to other modules in the software. I have finished my assignment in other areas and now back to bootloader. I am able to flash our application software using the sample software from you: UART_Bootloader_LC4357_New . And changing the L_sys_link.cmd and HL_sys_startup.c of application software to be flashed.
We need to use our own PC application which is written in C# to download the bin file to the mcu, much like teraterm. Can you tell me the crc that you are using in the bootloader software? I have asked you this question before, 5 months ago but you haven't replied me. The crc file is in asm but I would like to have it written in c. If possible, do you have a simple application file with source code which we can use to communicate with the bootloader on the mcu?
Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you