For others facing an issue where previously- working hardware designs now fail in the board-programming process:
The updated Tiva/Stellaris DFU Windows driver supplied in the recent "XDS-ICDI Debug Probe" update
of 09 October 2014, contains changes that cause LM Flash to fail to detect Tiva C devices connected as DFU.
Manually reverting to the drivers in the TivaWare folder or the StellarisWare folder restores connectivity.
Driver V (09 Oct 2014) fails.
Driver V 1.2.9270.0 (03 Aug 2012) (Old StellarisWare) works correctly.
Driver V 1.3.953.0 (05 Sept 2012) (New StellarisWare) works correctly.
Driver V (07 Feb 2014) (New TivaWare) works correctly.
In Windows Device Manager, simply toggling between these drivers causes connected devices in DFU to be
detected / not detected in LM Flash.
My configuration: Win7 x64, LM Flash Build 1613, connecting to TM4C1232D5PM factory-fresh devices on PCB.
_______________ More forensics:
In the INFs that work:
; The following GUID is used by software that accesses Stellaris DFU devices
; (dfuprog and LM Flash Programmer). If you want your device to be accessible
; by these tools, don't change it.
..... And this Interface GUID is missing from the XDS-ICDI Debug Probe INF.
Note that in Windows, a newer-date signed driver will supersede other drivers with similar match levels, so
until a new SIGNED driver for VID/PID 1CBE/00FF is released, using "Search Automatically" in "Update Driver" will cause the BAD version to be active.
HTH -- Good Luck!
EDIT: updated title... ICDI driver update is the cause.