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How to Configure JTAG connection in EK-TM4C1294XL Launch Pad

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EK-TM4C1294XL, TM4C1232D5PM


I am working on Ek-TM4C1294Xl launch pad board.

I am able to work on the launch board easily but when I try working on my target board I fail to do so. I am unable to transfer the program to my target board(using JTAG)

Request you to support on the issue.

Best Regards


  • Hello Yeshwanth,

    How are you connecting the target board over JTAG. The detail eludes the post!!!

  • Amit Ashara said:
    The detail eludes the post!!!

    How surprising/novel that! 

    Inmates - asylum - rejection of S.O.P. - some may (start) to believe the "failed guidance" is by (vendor) intent...

    Let the record show that this poster provided (some) detail - but not those critical bits - centered upon his unique issue.  And - many may ask - why would you (as vendor) expect this (and other) new posters to, "include all of the (required) pertinent detail???"   That's unrealistic at best - destructive at worst - and continues even though (seemingly) logical, corrective methods (i.e. "fill in the detail blanks" Template) - have been presented.

    Those (here) who "aid/abet" the ongoing, "wild-west" of forum-postings may not enjoy full sympathy when they (then) cry, "Lack of Detail..."

  • Hello Amit,
    My mistake I should have explained my connection details.(Regret for not informing it in my earlier post).
    According to the datasheet I desholdered the resistors R8,R10,R11,R15,R16 pins.
    And I connected the X1 pins to the Target board(ie TCK,TMS,TD1,TD0,reset respectively).

    I am using CCS6 for compilation. I have taken blinky program as an example. In the target file I chose my target controller as TM4C1232D5PM. And as a usual process I built the program and tried to run it.( I did not get the desired O/P)

    The above mentioned is the procedure I followed. I wonder if it is indeed the correct procedure to do so.
    Kindly rectify if I am wrong.

  • Hello Yeshwanth,

    Which pins on the X1 connector. The odd-side pins have to be taken to the custom board. Also when doing so can you check if the Pull Up on the JTAG lines are installed on the custom board? Please see the checklist in the following post.

  • Hello Amit,

    Thanks for your reply. I went through your post and I have a few queries 

    1) Why is the capacitance range for VDCC limitted to 2.2uf to 4.7uf??( I am using 10uf for my purpose)

    2) Why is it necessary to pull up all the JTAG pins??

    3) In your previous reply you have mentioned "odd side pins" could you explain what did you exactly mean by ( kindly bear with me I am novice).

    To your question which pins on the X1 Connectors:

    TCK,TMS,TD1,TD0(From Launch pad) are connected with TCK,TMS,TD1,TD0(To my custom board).

    Thank you 


  • Hello Yeshwanth,

    1. The VDDC cap must be large enough to supply temporary surge in current due to device activity, but small enough to be able to discharge quickly when the VDD supply is removed, else you may have a long decay time for 1.2V VDDC even after the VDD is removed. This could change the device characteristics over time due to electrical stress
    2. The JTAG pins are Input or Tri-State (TDO). By having a Pull up you can ensure that noise due to nearby signals does not cause the JTAG State Machine to move into a wrong state.
    3, The X1 header pins are marked X1-1, X1-2... and so on. Have you tapped the X1-1, X1-3... side pins or the X1-2, X1-4... side pins, which I refer to as odd or even. Please refer to the schematics. Also a pic of the board around the X1 header will be useful.

  • Hello Amit,
    1)So the capacitance will be a problem over a period of time.(it should not cause any problem now)
    2) The JTAG pins are internally puled up, so I still wonder why should I pull up externally( Its is my understanding that internal pullup/pull down has more priority than external pullup/pull down)
    3) With respect to the X1 odd pins and even pins (In the launch pad) if find that X1-1 and X1-2 are short similarly X1-3 and X1-4 and so on.( I believe the connection to odd pins or even pins should not matter).
    And one more clarification is the removal of resistors R6,R7,R8,R10,R11,R15,R16 correct???

    Thank you
  • Hi CB1, And Amit too, also another annoying is the imperative language used from them:
    >>>>Request you to support on the issue.<<<<

    So please develop all my job for free and help me have more income!

    Who are slave of this? We are citizen of world or courtesy form has to be forgotten?
    Again arrogance come before good manner. We need also stop this worst form too.
  • Unruly, fact rejecting, demanding poster dittos - friend Roberto!

    Even after Amit's provided full guidance - poster challenges - seeks (still further) explanation!  Can this ever end?

    To save Amit:

    a) we don't know that any problem from your rejection of capacitor spec will occur (for sure) later.  (and what really defines later?)  foolish to violate spec.

    b) your "understanding" is dead wrong - an external pull-up of ~4K7 - 10K has far more impact than the "much higher" resistance provided by MCU internals.

    c) your "beliefs" have landed you here - they have proved (almost) universally incorrect.  Follow the man's directions - your "beliefs" are of little interest and have not proved especially successful...

  • Hello cb1_mobile,

    I am not trying to challenge Amit ( I would be a fool to do so), I am just trying to understand it better.( And if this is not the place, I regret to do so).

    My "beliefs" are from information in the datasheet available from net. Its is a clarification on it I wanted. (Section 2.31 page number 18 of EM-TM4C1294Xl datasheet)

    And it is not that I am just sitting and asking questions, I am also trying to get it done.

    My series of questions might have angered you( or  cause frustration because all day you keep facing such questions). It is not that I am asking just for fun, but it is because I wanted to know.



  • >> for fun, but it is because I wanted to know. <<
    I wish not want!!
    I wish this bad language stop, I cannot WANT...
    You can be more kind on asking question, so all us are here to try help other when someone want from other don't wish to be helped... So why not be more quiet and try do a better language and respect other people TOO?
    It's language and mode used, if this get the rule is irritating and when forever used still hurt too much.

  • Hello Yeshwanth, All,

    Let's get to the problem at hand. Can you please share the schematics of your board around the Tiva device you have and also send in a pic/snapshot of the manner in which you are connecting the EK-TM4C129 to your board. The reason why I ask so is 2 weeks back a customer did come with the same issue and after wiring the board as I suggested he got his custom Tiva Board working.

  • Hi Amit, sorry I insist again I propose write a good guide again on how to request for help, one is the usual detail all fail to and one chapter about courtesy too has to be drawn then spread over all fora.
    I think this must be the rule to impose as unique answer when question like this arises, we (YOU in first) are consuming too many time to try get same basic information in long useless thread.
    I still ask again split forum in thematic area to collect all real issue to a peripheral and have a dispatch area where to leave this kind of question to minimize oblivion of real issue. As a guide when no noise is on this I suppose can be better than example and application to solve common and also odd issue.
  • Amit Ashara said:
    Let's get to the problem at hand.

    That's exactly my point, Amit.  Is the forum to EXPAND to cover each/every (inexperienced users') custom board?  Really?

    Are there not real Tiva MCU issues requiring greater clarity, and driver lib use/tips, and endless fixes/tricks required by the (necessary) IDEs.  (not CCS, alone)

    If custom boards are to be (blindly) accepted - clearly that should be managed by detailed App Notes - at minimum providing a basic board design framework.  (such a design guide for Tiva does exist - yet has remained (un-high-lighted) forcing you to expend great time/energy in these (endless) custom board "repairs" often made by those not (fully) up to the task.

    That's (as you suggest) the real, "Problem at hand" - is it not?  

    Diluting your effectiveness serves no one - many (far more general & valuable) guides are (clearly) required!  Not so much, How to fix my, "Does not work" custom board!  (clearly a very minority issue) - requiring your immense - and repeated time/effort!