We observed a crash today in the following code.
00028240: E92D4004 STMFD R13!, {R2, R14}
00028244: E1B02001 MOVS R2, R1
00028248: 0A00000B BEQ div_by_zero
0002824c: E28FE001 ADD R14, PC, #1
00028250: E12FFF1E BX R14
00028254: FBB0FEF1 UDIV.W R14, R0, R1
00028258: 4778 BX PC
0002825a: BF00 NOP
0002825c: E002019E MUL R2, R14, R1
An ISR occurred and its return address was 0x28258. It appears that the processor is in Thumb mode when we entered the interrupt. However when the ISR returned it appears that the statements at 0x2825C was never executed because R2 still has the function entrance value. Any ideas? Are there any ISR rules that we must follow when operating with both Thumb and Arm mode?