I am trying to communicate ti’s TM4C1232D5PM (ARM Cortex M4 based) as a master and linear’s LTC2983 as a slave by SSI protocol.
I have used SSI2 module for interfacing, port PB4,PB5,PB6,PB7 is used as CLK,FSS,RX,TX respectively
As I have checked many times in logic analyser and I found that Master device is working properly it sends all data through SSI2TX (MOSI ) as per data given.
On other side from slave I am not getting any response and thus it is showing 0x00 in logic analyser in MISO pin i.e slave output pin SDO.
So whatever data I pass through MOSI ,it always gives 0x00 on MISO of master.
i have used freescale mode 0
i am trying to read slave device register as per slave device datasheet instruction but it is not resp[onding
can any one help?