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TM4C1231H6PGE: PWM interrupt never fires

Part Number: TM4C1231H6PGE


My goal is to generate an interrupt from my PWM peripheral.

I followed the instructions from this post: 

And came up with the following code:

int main(void)
    SysCtlPWMClockSet ( SYSCTL_PWMDIV_64 ) ;
    SysCtlPeripheralEnable ( SYSCTL_PERIPH_PWM1 ) ;
    SysCtlPeripheralEnable ( SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD ) ;

    GPIOPinConfigure ( GPIO_PD0_M1PWM0 ) ;
    GPIOPinConfigure ( GPIO_PD1_M1PWM1 ) ;

    volatile uint32_t ui32PWMClock = SysCtlClockGet ( ) / 64 ;

    volatile uint32_t ui32Load = ( ui32PWMClock / PWM_FREQUENCY ) - 1 ;

    PWMGenConfigure ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_GEN_0 , PWM_GEN_MODE_DOWN ) ;
    PWMGenPeriodSet ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_GEN_0 , ui32Load ) ;

    PWMPulseWidthSet ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_OUT_1 , IDLE_FROM_SPIN ) ;
    PWMOutputState ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_OUT_1_BIT , true ) ;

    PWMGenEnable ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_GEN_0 ) ;

    SysCtlDelay ( 2 * SysCtlClockGet ( ) ) ;

    PWMGenIntTrigEnable ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_GEN_0 , PWM_INT_CNT_ZERO ) ;
        if ( pwm_interrupt )
            // do something 

"pwm_interrupt" is a variable whose value is set in the ISR routine as follows:

// startup_ccs.c - Startup code for use with TI's Code Composer Studio.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
// This is part of revision 1.0 of the EK-TM4C123GXL Firmware Package.

#include <stdint.h>
#include "inc/hw_nvic.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"

// Forward declaration of the default fault handlers.
void ResetISR(void);
static void NmiSR(void);
static void FaultISR(void);
static void IntDefaultHandler(void);

// External declaration for the reset handler that is to be called when the
// processor is started
extern void _c_int00(void);

// Linker variable that marks the top of the stack.
extern uint32_t __STACK_TOP;

// External declarations for the interrupt handlers used by the application.
//extern void IntGPIOe(void);
extern void ISL29023I2CIntHandler ( void ) ;
void PWM1_GEN0_ISR ( void ) ;
//extern void SysTickIntHandler(void);
//extern void UARTStdioIntHandler(void);
//extern void RGBBlinkIntHandler(void);

// The vector table.  Note that the proper constructs must be placed on this to
// ensure that it ends up at physical address 0x0000.0000 or at the start of
// the program if located at a start address other than 0.
#pragma DATA_SECTION(g_pfnVectors, ".intvecs")
void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void) =
    (void (*)(void))((uint32_t)&__STACK_TOP),
                                            // The initial stack pointer
    ResetISR,                               // The reset handler
    NmiSR,                                  // The NMI handler
    FaultISR,                               // The hard fault handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The MPU fault handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The bus fault handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The usage fault handler
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SVCall handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Debug monitor handler
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The PendSV handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The SysTick handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port C
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port D
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port E
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART0 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART1 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI0 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C0 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Fault
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 3
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Watchdog timer
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 0 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 0 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 1 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 1 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 2 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 2 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // System Control (PLL, OSC, BO)
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // FLASH Control
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port F
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port G
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port H
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART2 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI1 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 3 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 3 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C1 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // CAN0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // CAN1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // CAN2
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Hibernate
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // USB0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 3
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // uDMA Software Transfer
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // uDMA Error
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 3
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port J
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port K
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port L
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI2 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI3 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART3 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART4 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART5 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART6 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART7 Rx and Tx
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    ISL29023I2CIntHandler ,                 // I2C2 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C3 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 4 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 4 subtimer B
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 5 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 5 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 0 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 0 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 1 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 1 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 2 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 2 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 3 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 3 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 4 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 4 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 5 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 5 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // FPU
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C4 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C5 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port M
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port N
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 2
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P (Summary or P0)
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P3
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P4
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P5
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P6
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P7
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q (Summary or Q0)
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q3
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q4
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q5
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q6
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q7
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port R
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port S
    PWM1_GEN0_ISR,                          // PWM 1 Generator 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 3
    IntDefaultHandler                       // PWM 1 Fault

// This is the code that gets called when the processor first starts execution
// following a reset event.  Only the absolutely necessary set is performed,
// after which the application supplied entry() routine is called.  Any fancy
// actions (such as making decisions based on the reset cause register, and
// resetting the bits in that register) are left solely in the hands of the
// application.
    // Jump to the CCS C initialization routine.  This will enable the
    // floating-point unit as well, so that does not need to be done here.
    __asm("    .global _c_int00\n"
          "    b.w     _c_int00");

// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives a NMI.  This
// simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state for examination
// by a debugger.
static void
    // Enter an infinite loop.

// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives a fault
// interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state
// for examination by a debugger.
static void
    // Enter an infinite loop.

// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an unexpected
// interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state
// for examination by a debugger.
static void
    // Go into an infinite loop.

The ISR:

void PWM1_GEN0_ISR ( void )
    PWMGenIntClear ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_GEN_0 , PWM_INT_CNT_ZERO ) ;
    pwm_interrupt = true ;

The PWM signal is generated successfully but no interrupt is called (the breakpoint is never reached).

What am I doing wrong ?

  • You need to add calls to enable the PWM interrupt in the VIM and the master interrupt enable by adding these lines:


  • I added these lines and now it works.
    But I've seen other examples on the internet that also call:
    PWMIntEnable ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_INT_GEN_0 ) ;
    What's the difference between it and IntEnable(INT_PWM1_0) ?
  • You are actually enabling interrupts at three levels. The PWMIntEnable() function selects which condition generates an interrupt out of the PWM module. The IntEnable() function enables the interrupt line in the VIM (vectored interrupt module). The IntMasterEnable() function enables the interrupts in the Cortex M4 CPU.
  • "The PWMIntEnable() function selects which condition generates an interrupt out of the PWM module."
    Are you sure you didn't mean PWMGenIntTrigEnable ( PWM1_BASE , PWM_GEN_0 , PWM_INT_CNT_ZERO ) does that ?
  • PWMGenIntTrigEnable() actually calls IntRegister() and IntEnable() for the specified PWM generator. In your code you statically initialized the PWMGEN0 vector, so the call to IntRegister() in PWMGenIntTrigEnable() is redundant.
  • You say:

    "PWMGenIntTrigEnable() actually calls IntRegister() and IntEnable()"

    From this I conclude that if I use PWMGenIntTrigEnable() I don't need to use neither IntRegister() and IntEnable().

    Is my understanding correct ?

  • That is correct. Also, with the use of PWMGenIntTrigEnable(), which calls IntRegister(), you do not need to edit the vector in statup_ccs.c.
  • You say that PWMGenIntTrigEnable calls IntRegister - I looked at the implementation of PWMGenIntTrigEnable and I can't see where...

    PWMGenIntTrigEnable(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Gen,
                        uint32_t ui32IntTrig)
        // Check the arguments.
        ASSERT((ui32Base == PWM0_BASE) || (ui32Base == PWM1_BASE));
        ASSERT((ui32IntTrig & ~(PWM_INT_CNT_ZERO | PWM_INT_CNT_LOAD |
                                PWM_INT_CNT_AU | PWM_INT_CNT_AD | PWM_INT_CNT_BU |
                                PWM_INT_CNT_BD | PWM_TR_CNT_ZERO |
                                PWM_TR_CNT_LOAD | PWM_TR_CNT_AU | PWM_TR_CNT_AD |
                                PWM_TR_CNT_BU | PWM_TR_CNT_BD)) == 0);
        // Enable the specified interrupts/triggers.
        HWREG(PWM_GEN_BADDR(ui32Base, ui32Gen) + PWM_O_X_INTEN) |= ui32IntTrig;
  • Sorry, I "mis-spoke", the function PWMGenIntRegister() calls both IntRegisterIO and IntEnable.