We want to perform following operation from the Boot loader to Disable JTAG .
As we cannot write at address 0xF0000000 with Bootloader FLASH API (F021_API_CortexR4_BE_NDS.lib) library what is the solution to disable the JTAG using Boot loader .
/* Lock JTAG permanently */
.sect ".ajsm"
AJSM0 .word 0x00000000U
AJSM1 .word 0x00000000U
AJSM2 .word 0x00000000U
AJSM3 .word 0x00000000U
.sect ".ajsmecc"
AJSMECC0 .byte 0x0CU
AJSMECC1 .byte 0x92U
AJSM : org = 0xF0000000 length = 0x00000010
AJSMECC : org = 0xF0040000 length = 0x00000002
.ajsm : {} > AJSM
.ajsmecc : {} > AJSMECC