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TMS320F2810: #10099-D program will not fit into available memory. run placement with alignment/blocking fails for section "Flash28_API" size 0x559 page 0.

Part Number: TMS320F2810

I am trying to implement Flash28_API library.

Getting error of 

 #10099-D program will not fit into available memory.  run placement with alignment/blocking fails for section "Flash28_API" size 0x559 page 0.

According to MAP file Sector D having enough memory spares.

             TMS320C2000 Linker PC v6.2.5                      
>> Linked Fri Aug 20 13:06:01 2021

OUTPUT FILE NAME:   <D:/SPIFLashEn1/Stat/../Debug/stat.out>
ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: "_c_int00"  address: 003e9f43


         name            origin    length      used     unused   attr    fill
----------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ----  --------
  RAMM1                 00000400   00000400  000001ad  00000253  RWIX
  RAML0                 00008000   00002000  00001e80  00000180  RWIX
  OTP                   003d7800   00000800  00000000  00000800  RWIX
  FLASHE                003e8000   00003000  000021c7  00000e39  RWIX
  FLASHE1               003eb000   00000500  00000000  00000500  RWIX
  FLASHE2               003eb500   00000500  000001ad  00000353  RWIX
  FLASHD                003ec000   00004000  000023d9  00001c27  RWIX
  FLASHC                003f0000   00004000  00001fe7  00002019  RWIX
  FLASHA                003f6000   00001ff6  00000000  00001ff6  RWIX
  BEGIN                 003f7ff6   00000002  00000002  00000000  RWIX
  ROM                   003ff000   00000fc0  00000b50  00000470  RWIX
  RESET                 003fffc0   00000002  00000000  00000002  RWIX
  VECTORS               003fffc2   0000003e  00000000  0000003e  RWIX

  RAMM0                 00000000   00000400  000000c8  00000338  RWIX
  DEV_EMU               00000880   00000180  000000d6  000000aa  RWIX
  FLASH_REGS            00000a80   00000060  00000008  00000058  RWIX
  CSM                   00000ae0   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
  CPU_TIMER0            00000c00   00000008  00000008  00000000  RWIX
  CPU_TIMER1            00000c08   00000008  00000008  00000000  RWIX
  CPU_TIMER2            00000c10   00000008  00000000  00000008  RWIX
  PIE_CTRL              00000ce0   00000020  0000001a  00000006  RWIX
  PIE_VECT              00000d00   00000100  00000100  00000000  RWIX
  ECAN_A                00006000   00000100  00000034  000000cc  RWIX
  ECAN_AMBOX            00006100   00000100  00000100  00000000  RWIX
  SYSTEM                00007010   00000020  00000020  00000000  RWIX
  SPI_A                 00007040   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
  SCI_A                 00007050   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
  XINTRUPT              00007070   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
  GPIOMUX               000070c0   00000020  00000020  00000000  RWIX
  GPIODAT               000070e0   00000020  00000020  00000000  RWIX
  ADC                   00007100   00000020  0000001a  00000006  RWIX
  EV_A                  00007400   00000040  00000032  0000000e  RWIX
  EV_B                  00007500   00000040  00000032  0000000e  RWIX
  SCI_B                 00007750   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
  MCBSP_A               00007800   00000040  00000025  0000001b  RWIX
  FLASHB                003f4000   00002000  00000110  00001ef0  RWIX
  CSM_PWL               003f7ff8   00000008  00000008  00000000  RWIX
  RAMH0                 003f8000   00002000  00001b2a  000004d6  RWIX


 output                                  attributes/
section   page    origin      length       input sections
--------  ----  ----------  ----------   ----------------
.text      0    003e8000    000021c7     
                  003e8000    000016b5     mainpwm.obj (.text)
                  003e96b5    00000273     DefaultIsr.obj (.text:retain)
                  003e9928    00000179     svgen_dq.obj (.text)
                  003e9aa1    00000092     rts2800_ml.lib : tan.obj (.text)
                  003e9b33    0000008b                    : fs_add.obj (.text)
                  003e9bbe    00000083                    : fs_div.obj (.text)
                  003e9c41    00000082                    : fd_mpy.obj (.text)
                  003e9cc3    00000075     Adc.obj (.text)
                  003e9d38    00000069     DSP28_CpuTimers.obj (.text)
                  003e9da1    0000005a     rts2800_ml.lib : fs_mpy.obj (.text)
                  003e9dfb    00000057     SysCtrl.obj (.text)
                  003e9e52    00000054     f28xpwm.obj (.text)
                  003e9ea6    00000052     rts2800_ml.lib : sqrt.obj (.text)
                  003e9ef8    0000004b                    : exit.obj (.text)
                  003e9f43    00000046                    : boot.obj (.text)
                  003e9f89    0000003e                    : memcpy.obj (.text)
                  003e9fc7    0000003b                    : fs_tol.obj (.text)
                  003ea002    00000030                    : ldexp.obj (.text)
                  003ea032    0000002a                    : l_div.obj (.text)
                  003ea05c    00000024                    : fs_toi.obj (.text)
                  003ea080    00000022                    : i_div.obj (.text)
                  003ea0a2    00000020     Gpio.obj (.text)
                  003ea0c2    00000020     PieVect.obj (.text)
                  003ea0e2    0000001f     PieCtrl.obj (.text)
                  003ea101    0000001f     rts2800_ml.lib : fd_tol.obj (.text)
                  003ea120    0000001d     Ev.obj (.text)
                  003ea13d    0000001d     rts2800_ml.lib : fs_tofd.obj (.text)
                  003ea15a    0000001a                    : i_tofs.obj (.text)
                  003ea174    00000017                    : fs_cmp.obj (.text)
                  003ea18b    00000010                    : u_tofs.obj (.text)
                  003ea19b    00000009                    : _lock.obj (.text)
                  003ea1a4    00000009                    : fs_sub.obj (.text)
                  003ea1ad    00000008     DSP28_CodeStartBranch.obj (.text)
                  003ea1b5    00000008     Example_Flash281x_CsmKeys.obj (.text)
                  003ea1bd    00000005     mainpwm.obj (.text:retain)
                  003ea1c2    00000005     rts2800_ml.lib : fs_neg.obj (.text)

IQmath     0    003eb500    000001ad     RUN ADDR = 00000400
                  003eb500    00000060     IQmath.lib : IQ20mag.obj (IQmath)
                  003eb560    00000060                : IQ24mag.obj (IQmath)
                  003eb5c0    00000047                : IQ24div.obj (IQmath)
                  003eb607    00000042                : IQ24sqrt.obj (IQmath)
                  003eb649    00000029                : IQ24sinPU.obj (IQmath)
                  003eb672    00000027                : IQ24cosPU.obj (IQmath)
                  003eb699    00000014                : IQ24toF.obj (IQmath)

ramfuncs   0    003ec000    00001e80     RUN ADDR = 00008000
                  003ec000    00001a33     mainpwm.obj (ramfuncs)
                  003eda33    0000044d     mainpwm.obj (ramfuncs:retain)

*          0    003ede80    00000559     FAILED TO ALLOCATE
modfuncs   0    003f0000    00001542     
                  003f0000    00001542     modb_funcs.obj (modfuncs)

*          0    003f1542    0000060f     
                  003f1542    0000060f     data_log.obj (pi_com_a_sect)

.cinit     0    003f1b51    000003b4     
                  003f1b51    00000303     mainpwm.obj (.cinit)
                  003f1e54    00000069     data_log.obj (.cinit)
                  003f1ebd    00000020     modb_funcs.obj (.cinit)
                  003f1edd    0000000e     rts2800_ml.lib : exit.obj (.cinit)
                  003f1eeb    0000000a     Flash2810_API_V210.lib : Flash28_Globals.obj (.cinit)
                  003f1ef5    0000000a     rts2800_ml.lib : _lock.obj (.cinit)
                  003f1eff    00000004                    : errno.obj (.cinit)
                  003f1f03    00000002     --HOLE-- [fill = 0]

.switch    0    003f1f06    000000e2     
                  003f1f06    000000e2     modb_funcs.obj (.switch:_update_one)

*          0    003f7ff6    00000002     
                  003f7ff6    00000002     DSP28_CodeStartBranch.obj (codestart)

*          0    003ff000    00000b50     NOLOAD SECTION
                  003ff000    00000b50     IQmath.lib : IQmathTables.obj (IQmathTables)

.reset     0    003fffc0    00000002     DSECT
                  003fffc0    00000002     rts2800_ml.lib : boot.obj (.reset)

vectors    0    003fffc2    00000000     DSECT

.stack     1    00000000    000000c8     UNINITIALIZED
                  00000000    000000c8     --HOLE--

*          1    00000880    000000d6     UNINITIALIZED
                  00000880    000000d6     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (DevEmuRegsFile)

*          1    00000a80    00000008     UNINITIALIZED
                  00000a80    00000008     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (FlashRegsFile)

*          1    00000ae0    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                  00000ae0    00000010     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CsmRegsFile)

*          1    00000c00    00000008     UNINITIALIZED
                  00000c00    00000008     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CpuTimer0RegsFile)

*          1    00000c08    00000008     UNINITIALIZED
                  00000c08    00000008     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CpuTimer1RegsFile)

*          1    00000ce0    0000001a     UNINITIALIZED
                  00000ce0    0000001a     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (PieCtrlRegsFile)

*          1    00000d00    00000100     UNINITIALIZED
                  00000d00    00000100     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (PieVectTable)

*          1    00006000    00000034     UNINITIALIZED
                  00006000    00000034     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ECanaRegsFile)

*          1    00006100    00000100     UNINITIALIZED
                  00006100    00000100     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ECanaMboxesFile)

*          1    00007010    00000020     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007010    00000020     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SysCtrlRegsFile)

*          1    00007040    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007040    00000010     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SpiaRegsFile)

*          1    00007050    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007050    00000010     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SciaRegsFile)

*          1    00007070    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007070    00000010     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (XIntruptRegsFile)

*          1    000070c0    00000020     UNINITIALIZED
                  000070c0    00000020     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (GpioMuxRegsFile)

*          1    000070e0    00000020     UNINITIALIZED
                  000070e0    00000020     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (GpioDataRegsFile)

*          1    00007100    0000001a     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007100    0000001a     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (AdcRegsFile)

*          1    00007400    00000032     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007400    00000032     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EvaRegsFile)

*          1    00007500    00000032     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007500    00000032     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EvbRegsFile)

*          1    00007750    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007750    00000010     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ScibRegsFile)

*          1    00007800    00000025     UNINITIALIZED
                  00007800    00000025     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (McbspaRegsFile)

.econst    1    003f4000    00000110     
                  003f4000    00000100     PieVect.obj (.econst)
                  003f4100    00000008     mainpwm.obj (.econst)
                  003f4108    00000004     data_log.obj (.econst)
                  003f410c    00000004     modb_funcs.obj (.econst)

*          1    003f7ff8    00000008     UNINITIALIZED
                  003f7ff8    00000008     GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CsmPwlFile)

.bss       1    003f8000    00000000     UNINITIALIZED

.ebss      1    003f8000    00001b2a     UNINITIALIZED
                  003f8000    00001800     mainpwm.obj (.ebss)
                  003f9800    00000260     data_log.obj (.ebss)
                  003f9a60    00000010     DSP28_CpuTimers.obj (.ebss)
                  003f9a70    00000004     Flash2810_API_V210.lib : Flash28_Globals.obj (.ebss)
                  003f9a74    00000004     rts2800_ml.lib : _lock.obj (.ebss)
                  003f9a78    00000001                    : errno.obj (.ebss)
                  003f9a79    00000007     --HOLE--
                  003f9a80    00000080                    : exit.obj (.ebss)
                  003f9b00    0000002a     modb_funcs.obj (.ebss)


address     data page           name
--------    ----------------    ----
00000032       0 (00000000)     _Flash2810_Program

000000d6       3 (000000c0)     _Fl28x_EraseVerify

0000011e       4 (00000100)     _Fl28x_ErasePulse

00000170       5 (00000140)     _Flash2810_Erase

00000201       8 (00000200)     _Fl28x_LeaveCmdMode
0000020e       8 (00000200)     _Fl28x_EnterCmdMode
0000023c       8 (00000200)     _Fl28x_FlashRegSleep

0000025b       9 (00000240)     _Fl28x_OpenPulse
0000026c       9 (00000240)     _Fl28x_ClosePulse

00000283       a (00000280)     _Fl28x_MaskAll
0000028e       a (00000280)     _Fl28x_ProgVerify

000002cb       b (000002c0)     _Fl28x_ProgPulse

0000030d       c (00000300)     _Fl28x_CompactVerify

00000347       d (00000340)     _Fl28x_CompactPulse

0000038a       e (00000380)     _Fl2810_EraseSector

000003ea       f (000003c0)     _Fl2810_CompactSector

00000400      10 (00000400)     __IQ20mag

00000443      11 (00000440)     _Fl2810_Init
00000460      11 (00000440)     __IQ24mag
00000479      11 (00000440)     _Fl28x_WatchDogDisable

00000481      12 (00000480)     _Fl28x_DisableNMI
0000048a      12 (00000480)     _Fl28x_ClearLoop

000004c0      13 (000004c0)     __IQ24div
000004ce      13 (000004c0)     _Fl2810_ClearSector

00000507      14 (00000500)     __IQ24sqrt
00000509      14 (00000500)     _Flash2810_Verify
0000053d      14 (00000500)     _Fl28x_Delay

00000549      15 (00000540)     __IQ24sinPU
0000054a      15 (00000540)     _Fl28x_DisableInt
0000054e      15 (00000540)     _Fl28x_RestoreInt
00000551      15 (00000540)     _Flash2810_APIVersion
00000556      15 (00000540)     _Flash2810_APIVersionHex
00000572      15 (00000540)     __IQ24cosPU

00000599      16 (00000580)     __IQ24toF

00000880      22 (00000880)     _DevEmuRegs

00000a80      2a (00000a80)     _FlashRegs

00000ae0      2b (00000ac0)     _CsmRegs

00000c00      30 (00000c00)     _CpuTimer0Regs
00000c08      30 (00000c00)     _CpuTimer1Regs

00000ce0      33 (00000cc0)     _PieCtrlRegs

00000d00      34 (00000d00)     _PieVectTable

00006000     180 (00006000)     _ECanaRegs

00006100     184 (00006100)     _ECanaMboxes

00007010     1c0 (00007000)     _SysCtrlRegs

00007040     1c1 (00007040)     _SpiaRegs
00007050     1c1 (00007040)     _SciaRegs
00007070     1c1 (00007040)     _XIntruptRegs

000070c0     1c3 (000070c0)     _GpioMuxRegs
000070e0     1c3 (000070c0)     _GpioDataRegs

00007100     1c4 (00007100)     _AdcRegs

00007400     1d0 (00007400)     _EvaRegs

00007500     1d4 (00007500)     _EvbRegs

00007750     1dd (00007740)     _ScibRegs

00007800     1e0 (00007800)     _McbspaRegs

003e8000    fa00 (003e8000)     _Example_Error
003e8007    fa00 (003e8000)     _Example_MemCopy
003e801c    fa00 (003e8000)     _Example_CsmUnlock

003e8056    fa01 (003e8040)     _Example_Done
003e805a    fa01 (003e8040)     _fnInternalFlashWrite

003e80ed    fa03 (003e80c0)     _main

003e8180    fa06 (003e8180)     _RunASVC

003e8582    fa16 (003e8580)     _update_rmsmeters

003e8705    fa1c (003e8700)     _startup_sequence

003e881c    fa20 (003e8800)     _func_capture_waveform

003e8b91    fa2e (003e8b80)     _tustin_calculator

003e8cc8    fa33 (003e8cc0)     _update_harm_limits

003e8da6    fa36 (003e8d80)     _setWorkingParameters

003e8e54    fa39 (003e8e40)     _CalculateRMS
003e8e75    fa39 (003e8e40)     _InitPhaseLockedLoop

003e8ead    fa3a (003e8e80)     _initHarmonicReferenceExtraction

003e938c    fa4e (003e9380)     _initReferenceVoltageCalculation

003e93c1    fa4f (003e93c0)     _setLowPassFilter
003e93cc    fa4f (003e93c0)     _setPiRegulator
003e93e8    fa4f (003e93c0)     _setHarmonicOscillator
003e93f3    fa4f (003e93c0)     _initRmsMeter
003e93fe    fa4f (003e93c0)     _setCurrentLimiter

003e9409    fa50 (003e9400)     _initDigitalIO
003e9421    fa50 (003e9400)     _check_serial

003e9440    fa51 (003e9440)     _check_serial_a

003e9486    fa52 (003e9480)     _error
003e948d    fa52 (003e9480)     _scia_init
003e94a1    fa52 (003e9480)     _scia_xmit
003e94ab    fa52 (003e9480)     _scib_init
003e94bf    fa52 (003e9480)     _scib_xmit

003e94c9    fa53 (003e94c0)     _transmit_string
003e94e3    fa53 (003e94c0)     _scia_fifo_init
003e94ec    fa53 (003e94c0)     _scib_fifo_init
003e94f5    fa53 (003e94c0)     _initUser

003e952e    fa54 (003e9500)     _init_mf

003e95b7    fa56 (003e9580)     _update_limits

003e95c2    fa57 (003e95c0)     _display_7_segment

003e967d    fa59 (003e9640)     _waveform_data_fill
003e967e    fa59 (003e9640)     _cal_cm_voltage

003e96b5    fa5a (003e9680)     _INT13_ISR
003e96bc    fa5a (003e9680)     _INT14_ISR

003e96c3    fa5b (003e96c0)     _DATALOG_ISR
003e96ca    fa5b (003e96c0)     _RTOSINT_ISR
003e96d1    fa5b (003e96c0)     _EMUINT_ISR
003e96d8    fa5b (003e96c0)     _NMI_ISR
003e96df    fa5b (003e96c0)     _ILLEGAL_ISR
003e96e6    fa5b (003e96c0)     _USER0_ISR
003e96ed    fa5b (003e96c0)     _USER1_ISR
003e96f4    fa5b (003e96c0)     _USER2_ISR
003e96fb    fa5b (003e96c0)     _USER3_ISR

003e9702    fa5c (003e9700)     _USER4_ISR
003e9709    fa5c (003e9700)     _USER5_ISR
003e9710    fa5c (003e9700)     _USER6_ISR
003e9717    fa5c (003e9700)     _USER7_ISR
003e971e    fa5c (003e9700)     _USER8_ISR
003e9725    fa5c (003e9700)     _USER9_ISR
003e972c    fa5c (003e9700)     _USER10_ISR
003e9733    fa5c (003e9700)     _USER11_ISR
003e973a    fa5c (003e9700)     _PDPINTA_ISR

003e9745    fa5d (003e9740)     _PDPINTB_ISR
003e9750    fa5d (003e9740)     _XINT1_ISR
003e975b    fa5d (003e9740)     _XINT2_ISR
003e9766    fa5d (003e9740)     _TINT0_ISR
003e976d    fa5d (003e9740)     _WAKEINT_ISR
003e9778    fa5d (003e9740)     _CMP1INT_ISR

003e9783    fa5e (003e9780)     _CMP2INT_ISR
003e978e    fa5e (003e9780)     _CMP3INT_ISR
003e9799    fa5e (003e9780)     _T1PINT_ISR
003e97a4    fa5e (003e9780)     _T1CINT_ISR
003e97af    fa5e (003e9780)     _T1UFINT_ISR
003e97ba    fa5e (003e9780)     _T1OFINT_ISR

003e97c5    fa5f (003e97c0)     _T2PINT_ISR
003e97d0    fa5f (003e97c0)     _T2CINT_ISR
003e97db    fa5f (003e97c0)     _T2UFINT_ISR
003e97e6    fa5f (003e97c0)     _T2OFINT_ISR
003e97f1    fa5f (003e97c0)     _CAPINT1_ISR
003e97fc    fa5f (003e97c0)     _CAPINT2_ISR

003e9807    fa60 (003e9800)     _CAPINT3_ISR
003e9812    fa60 (003e9800)     _CMP4INT_ISR
003e981d    fa60 (003e9800)     _CMP5INT_ISR
003e9828    fa60 (003e9800)     _CMP6INT_ISR
003e9833    fa60 (003e9800)     _T3PINT_ISR
003e983e    fa60 (003e9800)     _T3CINT_ISR

003e9849    fa61 (003e9840)     _T3UFINT_ISR
003e9854    fa61 (003e9840)     _T3OFINT_ISR
003e985f    fa61 (003e9840)     _T4PINT_ISR
003e986a    fa61 (003e9840)     _T4CINT_ISR
003e9875    fa61 (003e9840)     _T4UFINT_ISR

003e9880    fa62 (003e9880)     _T4OFINT_ISR
003e988b    fa62 (003e9880)     _CAPINT4_ISR
003e9896    fa62 (003e9880)     _CAPINT5_ISR
003e98a1    fa62 (003e9880)     _CAPINT6_ISR
003e98ac    fa62 (003e9880)     _SPIRXINTA_ISR
003e98b7    fa62 (003e9880)     _SPITXINTA_ISR

003e98c2    fa63 (003e98c0)     _MRINTA_ISR
003e98cd    fa63 (003e98c0)     _MXINTA_ISR
003e98d8    fa63 (003e98c0)     _SCIRXINTA_ISR
003e98e3    fa63 (003e98c0)     _SCITXINTA_ISR
003e98ee    fa63 (003e98c0)     _SCIRXINTB_ISR
003e98f9    fa63 (003e98c0)     _SCITXINTB_ISR

003e9904    fa64 (003e9900)     _ECAN0INTA_ISR
003e990f    fa64 (003e9900)     _ECAN1INTA_ISR
003e991a    fa64 (003e9900)     _PIE_RESERVED
003e9921    fa64 (003e9900)     _rsvd_ISR
003e9928    fa64 (003e9900)     _svgendq_calc

003e9aa1    fa6a (003e9a80)     _tan

003e9b33    fa6c (003e9b00)     FS$$ADD

003e9bbe    fa6e (003e9b80)     FS$$DIV

003e9c41    fa71 (003e9c40)     FD$$MPY

003e9cc3    fa73 (003e9cc0)     _DelayUs
003e9cd2    fa73 (003e9cc0)     _InitAdc

003e9d38    fa74 (003e9d00)     _InitCpuTimers

003e9d5c    fa75 (003e9d40)     _ConfigCpuTimer

003e9da1    fa76 (003e9d80)     FS$$MPY

003e9dfb    fa77 (003e9dc0)     _InitSysCtrl

003e9e52    fa79 (003e9e40)     _F28X_EV1_PWM_Init
003e9e73    fa79 (003e9e40)     _F28X_EV1_PWM_Update

003e9ea6    fa7a (003e9e80)     _sqrt

003e9ef8    fa7b (003e9ec0)     _exit

003e9f1e    fa7c (003e9f00)     C$$EXIT
003e9f20    fa7c (003e9f00)     _atexit

003e9f42    fa7d (003e9f40)     _abort
003e9f43    fa7d (003e9f40)     _c_int00

003e9f89    fa7e (003e9f80)     _memcpy
003e9f8c    fa7e (003e9f80)     ___memcpy
003e9f96    fa7e (003e9f80)     ___memcpy_nf
003e9fa0    fa7e (003e9f80)     ___memcpy_fn
003e9faa    fa7e (003e9f80)     ___memcpy_ff

003e9fc7    fa7f (003e9fc0)     FS$$TOL

003ea002    fa80 (003ea000)     _ldexp
003ea032    fa80 (003ea000)     L$$DIV

003ea041    fa81 (003ea040)     L$$MOD
003ea04f    fa81 (003ea040)     UL$$DIV
003ea056    fa81 (003ea040)     UL$$MOD
003ea05c    fa81 (003ea040)     FS$$TOI

003ea080    fa82 (003ea080)     I$$DIV
003ea091    fa82 (003ea080)     I$$MOD
003ea0a2    fa82 (003ea080)     _InitGpio

003ea0c2    fa83 (003ea0c0)     _InitPieVectTable
003ea0e2    fa83 (003ea0c0)     _InitPieCtrl

003ea101    fa84 (003ea100)     FD$$TOL
003ea120    fa84 (003ea100)     _InitEv
003ea13d    fa84 (003ea100)     FS$$TOFD

003ea15a    fa85 (003ea140)     I$$TOFS
003ea174    fa85 (003ea140)     FS$$CMP

003ea18b    fa86 (003ea180)     U$$TOFS
003ea19b    fa86 (003ea180)     __nop
003ea19c    fa86 (003ea180)     __register_lock
003ea1a0    fa86 (003ea180)     __register_unlock
003ea1a4    fa86 (003ea180)     FS$$SUB
003ea1b5    fa86 (003ea180)     _PRG_key0
003ea1b6    fa86 (003ea180)     _PRG_key1
003ea1b7    fa86 (003ea180)     _PRG_key2
003ea1b8    fa86 (003ea180)     _PRG_key3
003ea1b9    fa86 (003ea180)     _PRG_key4
003ea1ba    fa86 (003ea180)     _PRG_key5
003ea1bb    fa86 (003ea180)     _PRG_key6
003ea1bc    fa86 (003ea180)     _PRG_key7
003ea1bd    fa86 (003ea180)     _ADCINT_ISR

003ea1c2    fa87 (003ea1c0)     FS$$NEG

003f4000    fd00 (003f4000)     _PieVectTableInit

003f7ff8    fdff (003f7fc0)     _CsmPwl

003f8000    fe00 (003f8000)     _dcov_timer
003f8001    fe00 (003f8000)     _earth_fault
003f8002    fe00 (003f8000)     _changeover_timer
003f8003    fe00 (003f8000)     _over_voltage
003f8004    fe00 (003f8000)     _under_voltage
003f8005    fe00 (003f8000)     _char_waiting
003f8006    fe00 (003f8000)     _interchar_silent_timer
003f8007    fe00 (003f8000)     _user_stop
003f8008    fe00 (003f8000)     _ErrorCount
003f8009    fe00 (003f8000)     _LoopCount
003f800a    fe00 (003f8000)     _user_start
003f800b    fe00 (003f8000)     _last_char
003f800c    fe00 (003f8000)     _over_current_count
003f800d    fe00 (003f8000)     _poweron
003f800e    fe00 (003f8000)     _igbt_fault_counter
003f800f    fe00 (003f8000)     _chars_rxd
003f8010    fe00 (003f8000)     _user_shutdown
003f8011    fe00 (003f8000)     _rsync
003f8012    fe00 (003f8000)     _firstadc
003f8013    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp9
003f8014    fe00 (003f8000)     _check_entry
003f8015    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp7
003f8016    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp8
003f8017    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp6
003f8018    fe00 (003f8000)     _status_flag
003f8019    fe00 (003f8000)     _status_realtime
003f801a    fe00 (003f8000)     _breaker_close_delay_timer
003f801b    fe00 (003f8000)     _current_limit_flag
003f801c    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp0
003f801d    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp1
003f801e    fe00 (003f8000)     _count_plot
003f801f    fe00 (003f8000)     _fault_count
003f8020    fe00 (003f8000)     _release_count
003f8021    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp5
003f8022    fe00 (003f8000)     _build_now
003f8023    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp3
003f8024    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp4
003f8025    fe00 (003f8000)     _atemp2
003f8026    fe00 (003f8000)     _curlimit_release_timer
003f8027    fe00 (003f8000)     _en_rpc
003f8028    fe00 (003f8000)     _snap_start
003f8029    fe00 (003f8000)     _snap_end
003f802a    fe00 (003f8000)     _start_pll
003f802b    fe00 (003f8000)     _start_DFT
003f802c    fe00 (003f8000)     _count_tushar
003f802d    fe00 (003f8000)     _period_DFT
003f802e    fe00 (003f8000)     _dc_offset_cal
003f802f    fe00 (003f8000)     _block_pulses
003f8030    fe00 (003f8000)     _earthfault_timer
003f8031    fe00 (003f8000)     _power_up_timer
003f8032    fe00 (003f8000)     _charge_open_timer
003f8033    fe00 (003f8000)     _digital_flag_A
003f8034    fe00 (003f8000)     _capture_over
003f8035    fe00 (003f8000)     _digital_flag_D
003f8036    fe00 (003f8000)     _digital_flag_B
003f8037    fe00 (003f8000)     _digital_flag_F
003f8038    fe00 (003f8000)     _breaker_open_command
003f8039    fe00 (003f8000)     _discharge_command
003f803a    fe00 (003f8000)     _breaker_close_command
003f803b    fe00 (003f8000)     _charge_command
003f803c    fe00 (003f8000)     _address
003f803d    fe00 (003f8000)     _frame_complete
003f803e    fe00 (003f8000)     _rms_meter_zero
003f803f    fe00 (003f8000)     _live_frame

003f8040    fe01 (003f8040)     _temp_exceeded
003f8041    fe01 (003f8040)     _blink_timer
003f8042    fe01 (003f8040)     _uv_timer
003f8043    fe01 (003f8040)     _temp_resumed
003f8044    fe01 (003f8040)     _ov_timer
003f8045    fe01 (003f8040)     _blink
003f8046    fe01 (003f8040)     _comp_select_flag
003f8047    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_pulses
003f8048    fe01 (003f8040)     _PWM_on
003f8049    fe01 (003f8040)     _harm_limits_update_flag
003f804a    fe01 (003f8040)     _counter_main_contactor
003f804b    fe01 (003f8040)     _counter_PWM_start
003f804c    fe01 (003f8040)     _count_sin
003f804d    fe01 (003f8040)     _flag_PWM_started
003f804e    fe01 (003f8040)     _pfset
003f804f    fe01 (003f8040)     _flag_safe_turn_OFF
003f8050    fe01 (003f8040)     _set_const_current
003f8051    fe01 (003f8040)     _flag_precharg_over
003f8052    fe01 (003f8040)     _all_OK
003f8053    fe01 (003f8040)     _flag_startup_over
003f8054    fe01 (003f8040)     _gbu8wrttoflash
003f8055    fe01 (003f8040)     _snap_pointer
003f8056    fe01 (003f8040)     _tustin_counter
003f8057    fe01 (003f8040)     _TWO_sec_over
003f8058    fe01 (003f8040)     _t_1sec
003f8059    fe01 (003f8040)     _counter_1_sec
003f805a    fe01 (003f8040)     _protection_check
003f805b    fe01 (003f8040)     _alternate
003f805c    fe01 (003f8040)     _oc_count
003f805d    fe01 (003f8040)     _frq_check_count
003f805e    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_thirteenth_comp
003f805f    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_seventeenth_comp
003f8060    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_seventh_comp
003f8061    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_eleventh_comp
003f8062    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_fifth_comp
003f8063    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_twentyfifth_comp
003f8064    fe01 (003f8040)     _order_n
003f8065    fe01 (003f8040)     _count_5_sec
003f8066    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_twentythird_comp
003f8067    fe01 (003f8040)     _start_nineteenth_comp
003f8068    fe01 (003f8040)     _harm13_flag
003f8069    fe01 (003f8040)     _dc_ov_timer
003f806a    fe01 (003f8040)     _harm7_flag
003f806b    fe01 (003f8040)     _harm11_flag
003f806c    fe01 (003f8040)     _harm5_flag
003f806d    fe01 (003f8040)     _frame_complete_a
003f806e    fe01 (003f8040)     _interchar_silent_timer_a
003f806f    fe01 (003f8040)     _fundcomp_timer
003f8070    fe01 (003f8040)     _fundcomp_flag
003f8071    fe01 (003f8040)     _uDI_0_reg
003f8072    fe01 (003f8040)     _uDI_5_reg
003f8073    fe01 (003f8040)     _status_flag_old
003f8074    fe01 (003f8040)     _latch_fault
003f8075    fe01 (003f8040)     _present_fault
003f8076    fe01 (003f8040)     _harm1_flag
003f8077    fe01 (003f8040)     _autostart_timer
003f8078    fe01 (003f8040)     _uDI_7_reg
003f8079    fe01 (003f8040)     _enable_timer
003f807a    fe01 (003f8040)     _uDI_6_reg
003f807b    fe01 (003f8040)     _last_sec
003f807c    fe01 (003f8040)     _timeout
003f807d    fe01 (003f8040)     _rtcread_flag
003f807e    fe01 (003f8040)     _count_spi
003f807f    fe01 (003f8040)     _reset_setting

003f8080    fe02 (003f8080)     _chars_rxd_a
003f8081    fe02 (003f8080)     _rms_samplecount
003f8082    fe02 (003f8080)     _char_waiting_a_tmp
003f8083    fe02 (003f8080)     _live_frame_a
003f8084    fe02 (003f8080)     _char_waiting_a
003f8085    fe02 (003f8080)     _calc_mf_enable
003f8086    fe02 (003f8080)     _capture_sync
003f8087    fe02 (003f8080)     _no_of_samples
003f8088    fe02 (003f8080)     _value_ptr
003f8089    fe02 (003f8080)     _rms_update_flag
003f808a    fe02 (003f8080)     _step_counter
003f808b    fe02 (003f8080)     _count_cycles
003f808c    fe02 (003f8080)     _value_7_segment
003f808d    fe02 (003f8080)     _flag_1mS
003f808e    fe02 (003f8080)     _load_DFT_data
003f808f    fe02 (003f8080)     _mode
003f8090    fe02 (003f8080)     _xyz
003f8091    fe02 (003f8080)     _start_snap
003f8092    fe02 (003f8080)     _increment_7_segment
003f8093    fe02 (003f8080)     _harm_select
003f8094    fe02 (003f8080)     _DFT_freq
003f8095    fe02 (003f8080)     _xyz_seq
003f8096    fe02 (003f8080)     _DFT_cal_over
003f8097    fe02 (003f8080)     _DFT_point
003f8098    fe02 (003f8080)     _factor_counter
003f8099    fe02 (003f8080)     _count_1mS
003f809a    fe02 (003f8080)     _sample_cal
003f809b    fe02 (003f8080)     _pll_select
003f809c    fe02 (003f8080)     _order_number
003f809e    fe02 (003f8080)     _statcom_current_N
003f80a0    fe02 (003f8080)     _load_current_B_norm
003f80a2    fe02 (003f8080)     _statcom_current_R
003f80a4    fe02 (003f8080)     _inst_vol_mf
003f80a6    fe02 (003f8080)     _load_current_Y_norm
003f80a8    fe02 (003f8080)     _statcom_current_B
003f80aa    fe02 (003f8080)     _statcom_current_Y
003f80ac    fe02 (003f8080)     _inst_invcur_mf
003f80ae    fe02 (003f8080)     _initial_capacitor_voltage_reference
003f80b0    fe02 (003f8080)     _capacitor_voltage_reference_setpoint
003f80b2    fe02 (003f8080)     _harm_ref_I_Y
003f80b4    fe02 (003f8080)     _initial_capacitor_reference
003f80b6    fe02 (003f8080)     _v_beta
003f80b8    fe02 (003f8080)     _capacitor_voltage_reference
003f80ba    fe02 (003f8080)     _harm_ref_I_B
003f80bc    fe02 (003f8080)     _v_alpha
003f80be    fe02 (003f8080)     _voltage_buildup_level

003f80c0    fe03 (003f80c0)     _sin_val_prev
003f80c2    fe03 (003f80c0)     _statcom_current_Y_h
003f80c4    fe03 (003f80c0)     _statcom_current_R_h
003f80c6    fe03 (003f80c0)     _qcomp_ref
003f80c8    fe03 (003f80c0)     _statcom_current_B_h
003f80ca    fe03 (003f80c0)     _harm_ref_I_R
003f80cc    fe03 (003f80c0)     _voltage_ramp_slope
003f80ce    fe03 (003f80c0)     _voltage_reference_setting
003f80d0    fe03 (003f80c0)     _load_current_R_norm
003f80d2    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_loadcur_B
003f80d4    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_current_Y_scaled
003f80d6    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_loadcur_Y
003f80d8    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_gridcur_B
003f80da    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_loadcur_R
003f80dc    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_gridcur_Y
003f80de    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_invcur_R
003f80e0    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_invcur_Y
003f80e2    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_B
003f80e4    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_R
003f80e6    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_Y
003f80e8    fe03 (003f80c0)     _offset_Y
003f80ea    fe03 (003f80c0)     _offset_B
003f80ec    fe03 (003f80c0)     _offset_R
003f80ee    fe03 (003f80c0)     _average_Y
003f80f0    fe03 (003f80c0)     _average_B
003f80f2    fe03 (003f80c0)     _average_R
003f80f4    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_gridcur_R
003f80f6    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_current_B_scaled
003f80f8    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_current_R_scaled
003f80fa    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_voltage_Y
003f80fc    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_voltage_B
003f80fe    fe03 (003f80c0)     _rms_sum_voltage_R

003f8100    fe04 (003f8100)     _statcom_current_B_f
003f8102    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_voltage_R_f
003f8104    fe04 (003f8100)     _statcom_current_Y_f
003f8106    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_current_B_f
003f8108    fe04 (003f8100)     _statcom_current_R_f
003f810a    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_current_Y_f
003f810c    fe04 (003f8100)     _load_current_Y
003f810e    fe04 (003f8100)     _load_current_B
003f8110    fe04 (003f8100)     _load_current_R
003f8112    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_voltage_B_f
003f8114    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_current_N
003f8116    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_voltage_Y
003f8118    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_voltage_B
003f811a    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_voltage_R
003f811c    fe04 (003f8100)     _v_g_q
003f811e    fe04 (003f8100)     _v_g_d
003f8120    fe04 (003f8100)     _rms_sum_invcur_B
003f8122    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_current_R_f
003f8124    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_voltage_Y_f
003f8126    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_current_B
003f8128    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_current_R
003f812a    fe04 (003f8100)     _grid_current_Y
003f812c    fe04 (003f8100)     _rms_fifth
003f812e    fe04 (003f8100)     _rms_seventh
003f8130    fe04 (003f8100)     _IGBT_temperature_R_f_degree
003f8132    fe04 (003f8100)     _IGBT_temperature_Y_f_degree
003f8134    fe04 (003f8100)     _test_ct
003f8136    fe04 (003f8100)     _MODULE_RATING
003f8138    fe04 (003f8100)     _temp_ma
003f813a    fe04 (003f8100)     _blinking_rate
003f813c    fe04 (003f8100)     _IGBT_temperature_B_f_degree
003f813e    fe04 (003f8100)     _average_temperature

003f8140    fe05 (003f8140)     _sin_theta_new
003f8142    fe05 (003f8140)     _cos_theta_new
003f8144    fe05 (003f8140)     _tmp_counter
003f8146    fe05 (003f8140)     _counter_period
003f8148    fe05 (003f8140)     _counter_sampled
003f814a    fe05 (003f8140)     _mag_harm
003f814c    fe05 (003f8140)     _ang_harm
003f814e    fe05 (003f8140)     _ang_1
003f8150    fe05 (003f8140)     _ang
003f8152    fe05 (003f8140)     _harm_number
003f8154    fe05 (003f8140)     _m_adjust
003f8156    fe05 (003f8140)     _rms_nineteenth
003f8158    fe05 (003f8140)     _rms_twentythird
003f815a    fe05 (003f8140)     _rms_seventeenth
003f815c    fe05 (003f8140)     _rms_eleventh
003f815e    fe05 (003f8140)     _rms_thirteenth
003f8160    fe05 (003f8140)     _Iinv_mag
003f8162    fe05 (003f8140)     _rms_twentyfifth
003f8164    fe05 (003f8140)     _cm_voltage
003f8166    fe05 (003f8140)     _grid_current_d
003f8168    fe05 (003f8140)     _pll_omega
003f816a    fe05 (003f8140)     _harm_accu
003f816c    fe05 (003f8140)     _omega
003f816e    fe05 (003f8140)     _load_current_d
003f8170    fe05 (003f8140)     _load_current_q
003f8172    fe05 (003f8140)     _grid_current_zero_f
003f8174    fe05 (003f8140)     _grid_current_q
003f8176    fe05 (003f8140)     _grid_current_zero
003f8178    fe05 (003f8140)     _temp2
003f817a    fe05 (003f8140)     _rxbuffer
003f817c    fe05 (003f8140)     _rxbuffer_a
003f817e    fe05 (003f8140)     _longtemp

003f8180    fe06 (003f8180)     _inst_gridcur_mf
003f8182    fe06 (003f8180)     _counter
003f8184    fe06 (003f8180)     _temp_test_1
003f8186    fe06 (003f8180)     _temp1
003f8188    fe06 (003f8180)     _omega_1_f
003f818a    fe06 (003f8180)     _tempbuffer
003f818c    fe06 (003f8180)     _datablock
003f818e    fe06 (003f8180)     _reference_voltage_B
003f8190    fe06 (003f8180)     _xx
003f8192    fe06 (003f8180)     _reference_voltage_Y
003f8194    fe06 (003f8180)     _unlim_ref_current_B
003f8196    fe06 (003f8180)     _reference_voltage_R
003f8198    fe06 (003f8180)     _pDestAddr
003f819a    fe06 (003f8180)     _pSourceAddr
003f819c    fe06 (003f8180)     _download_staddr
003f819e    fe06 (003f8180)     _omega_T_1_f
003f81a0    fe06 (003f8180)     _xyz_iq
003f81a2    fe06 (003f8180)     _unlim_ref_current_Y
003f81a4    fe06 (003f8180)     _comp_ref_zero
003f81a6    fe06 (003f8180)     _fund_piout
003f81a8    fe06 (003f8180)     _pf_grid_side
003f81aa    fe06 (003f8180)     _load_current_zero
003f81ac    fe06 (003f8180)     _pf_Load_side
003f81ae    fe06 (003f8180)     _reference_current_B
003f81b0    fe06 (003f8180)     _unlim_ref_current_R
003f81b2    fe06 (003f8180)     _reference_current_Y
003f81b4    fe06 (003f8180)     _volt_gain
003f81b6    fe06 (003f8180)     _reference_current_R
003f81b8    fe06 (003f8180)     _factor_scaling
003f81ba    fe06 (003f8180)     _para_scaling
003f81bc    fe06 (003f8180)     _harm_load
003f81be    fe06 (003f8180)     _harm_sq_sum

003f81c0    fe07 (003f81c0)     _harm_ref_d
003f81c2    fe07 (003f81c0)     _kw_grid_Y_f
003f81c4    fe07 (003f81c0)     _temp_ref_q_h
003f81c6    fe07 (003f81c0)     _kw_grid_B_f
003f81c8    fe07 (003f81c0)     _kw_grid_B
003f81ca    fe07 (003f81c0)     _count_correction
003f81cc    fe07 (003f81c0)     _harm_ref_qe
003f81ce    fe07 (003f81c0)     _no_fault_timer
003f81d0    fe07 (003f81c0)     _temp_wavefom
003f81d2    fe07 (003f81c0)     _global_K_B
003f81d4    fe07 (003f81c0)     _id_ref_temp
003f81d6    fe07 (003f81c0)     _temp_total_harm
003f81d8    fe07 (003f81c0)     _temp_funda_cur
003f81da    fe07 (003f81c0)     _harm_limit_value
003f81dc    fe07 (003f81c0)     _harm_ref_q
003f81de    fe07 (003f81c0)     _period_count_iq
003f81e0    fe07 (003f81c0)     _sample_count_iq
003f81e2    fe07 (003f81c0)     _tmp_mag
003f81e4    fe07 (003f81c0)     _sum_i_q_real
003f81e6    fe07 (003f81c0)     _sum_i_q_img
003f81e8    fe07 (003f81c0)     _fixed_val
003f81ea    fe07 (003f81c0)     _stat_current_d
003f81ec    fe07 (003f81c0)     _sum_i_d_img
003f81ee    fe07 (003f81c0)     _sum_i_d_real
003f81f0    fe07 (003f81c0)     _deno
003f81f2    fe07 (003f81c0)     _fault_timer
003f81f4    fe07 (003f81c0)     _global_K_Y
003f81f6    fe07 (003f81c0)     _kw_grid_Y
003f81f8    fe07 (003f81c0)     _global_K_R
003f81fa    fe07 (003f81c0)     _kw_grid_R
003f81fc    fe07 (003f81c0)     _temp_ref_d_h
003f81fe    fe07 (003f81c0)     _cross_temp

003f8200    fe08 (003f8200)     _kw_grid_R_f
003f8202    fe08 (003f8200)     _fault_timesum
003f8204    fe08 (003f8200)     _temp_de_h
003f8206    fe08 (003f8200)     _counter_tmp
003f8208    fe08 (003f8200)     _iz_ref
003f820a    fe08 (003f8200)     _iz_load_limited
003f820c    fe08 (003f8200)     _mz
003f820e    fe08 (003f8200)     _neg_max
003f8210    fe08 (003f8200)     _neg_min
003f8212    fe08 (003f8200)     _neg_limit_value
003f8214    fe08 (003f8200)     _fund_limit_value
003f8216    fe08 (003f8200)     _total_neg
003f8218    fe08 (003f8200)     _load_q_level_f
003f821a    fe08 (003f8200)     _kw_load_B_f
003f821c    fe08 (003f8200)     _load_q_neg_f
003f821e    fe08 (003f8200)     _load_q_level
003f8220    fe08 (003f8200)     _load_d_level_f
003f8222    fe08 (003f8200)     _load_d_neg_f
003f8224    fe08 (003f8200)     _dft_mag
003f8226    fe08 (003f8200)     _kw_load_R_f
003f8228    fe08 (003f8200)     _load_d_level
003f822a    fe08 (003f8200)     _ccvq
003f822c    fe08 (003f8200)     _ccvd
003f822e    fe08 (003f8200)     _var_out_de
003f8230    fe08 (003f8200)     _var_out_qe
003f8232    fe08 (003f8200)     _ffvd
003f8234    fe08 (003f8200)     _p_waveform
003f8236    fe08 (003f8200)     _DAC_var1
003f8238    fe08 (003f8200)     _harm_ref_de
003f823a    fe08 (003f8200)     _DAC_var2
003f823c    fe08 (003f8200)     _cross
003f823e    fe08 (003f8200)     _dft_real

003f8240    fe09 (003f8240)     _dft_img
003f8242    fe09 (003f8240)     _cos_factor
003f8244    fe09 (003f8240)     _sin_factor
003f8246    fe09 (003f8240)     _kw_load_Y_f
003f8248    fe09 (003f8240)     _iz_load
003f824a    fe09 (003f8240)     _i_dc_ref
003f824c    fe09 (003f8240)     _mag_stat
003f824e    fe09 (003f8240)     _bias
003f8250    fe09 (003f8240)     _temp_comp
003f8252    fe09 (003f8240)     _dc_link_voltage_raw
003f8254    fe09 (003f8240)     _dc_link_voltage_upper
003f8256    fe09 (003f8240)     _breaker_close_voltage
003f8258    fe09 (003f8240)     _dc_link_voltage
003f825a    fe09 (003f8240)     _new_vol_mul
003f825c    fe09 (003f8240)     _dc_link_voltage_diff_f
003f825e    fe09 (003f8240)     _dc_link_voltage_diff
003f8260    fe09 (003f8240)     _dc_link_voltage_upper_f
003f8262    fe09 (003f8240)     _dc_link_voltage_lower_f
003f8264    fe09 (003f8240)     _dc_link_voltage_lower
003f8266    fe09 (003f8240)     _factor_R
003f8268    fe09 (003f8240)     _factor_Y
003f826a    fe09 (003f8240)     _thd_sum
003f826c    fe09 (003f8240)     _thd
003f826e    fe09 (003f8240)     _grid_volt_B
003f8270    fe09 (003f8240)     _snap
003f8272    fe09 (003f8240)     _snap_test
003f8274    fe09 (003f8240)     _voltage_level
003f8276    fe09 (003f8240)     _dummy_half
003f8278    fe09 (003f8240)     _cubicle_temperature
003f827a    fe09 (003f8240)     _cubicle_temperature_filter
003f827c    fe09 (003f8240)     _power_factor_set
003f827e    fe09 (003f8240)     _sampling_time

003f8280    fe0a (003f8280)     _power_factor
003f8282    fe0a (003f8280)     _iq_val3
003f8284    fe0a (003f8280)     _grid_voltage_N
003f8286    fe0a (003f8280)     _iq_val1
003f8288    fe0a (003f8280)     _iq_val2
003f828a    fe0a (003f8280)     _q_set
003f828c    fe0a (003f8280)     _IGBT_temperature_B
003f828e    fe0a (003f8280)     _IGBT_temperature_R_f
003f8290    fe0a (003f8280)     _IGBT_temperature_R
003f8292    fe0a (003f8280)     _IGBT_temperature_Y
003f8294    fe0a (003f8280)     _factor_B
003f8296    fe0a (003f8280)     _half_ov_setting
003f8298    fe0a (003f8280)     _dummy_comp
003f829a    fe0a (003f8280)     _IGBT_temperature_B_f
003f829c    fe0a (003f8280)     _overvoltage_setting
003f829e    fe0a (003f8280)     _IGBT_temperature_Y_f
003f82a0    fe0a (003f8280)     _dac_show
003f82a2    fe0a (003f8280)     _id_ref_neg_temp
003f82a4    fe0a (003f8280)     _k_zero
003f82a6    fe0a (003f8280)     _iq_ref_neg_temp
003f82a8    fe0a (003f8280)     _scale_factor
003f82aa    fe0a (003f8280)     _iq_ref_temp
003f82ac    fe0a (003f8280)     _temp_vdref
003f82ae    fe0a (003f8280)     _ide_neg_ref
003f82b0    fe0a (003f8280)     _temp_de_1
003f82b2    fe0a (003f8280)     _stat_current_zero
003f82b4    fe0a (003f8280)     _temp_qe_1
003f82b6    fe0a (003f8280)     _order_number_iq
003f82b8    fe0a (003f8280)     _pulse_on_timer
003f82ba    fe0a (003f8280)     _extra_filter
003f82bc    fe0a (003f8280)     _iqe_neg_ref
003f82be    fe0a (003f8280)     _temp_stat

003f82c0    fe0b (003f82c0)     _stat_current_q
003f82c2    fe0b (003f82c0)     _grid_volt_R
003f82c4    fe0b (003f82c0)     _temp_qe_h
003f82c6    fe0b (003f82c0)     _GlobalQ
003f82c8    fe0b (003f82c0)     _grid_volt_Y
003f82ca    fe0b (003f82c0)     _pll_theta
003f82ce    fe0b (003f82c0)     _snap_data
003f82d2    fe0b (003f82c0)     _theta_1
003f82d6    fe0b (003f82c0)     _theta_xyz_s
003f82da    fe0b (003f82c0)     _theta_1_neg
003f82de    fe0b (003f82c0)     _load_cur_scaled_meter_Y
003f82e4    fe0b (003f82c0)     _load_cur_scaled_meter_R
003f82ea    fe0b (003f82c0)     _load_cur_scaled_meter_B
003f82f0    fe0b (003f82c0)     _AHF_harm_cur_meter_R
003f82f6    fe0b (003f82c0)     _grid_volt_meter_R

003f8300    fe0c (003f8300)     _AHF_harm_cur_meter_B
003f8306    fe0c (003f8300)     _AHF_harm_cur_meter_Y
003f830c    fe0c (003f8300)     _vdc_bus
003f8312    fe0c (003f8300)     _grid_cur_meter_Y
003f8318    fe0c (003f8300)     _grid_cur_meter_B
003f831e    fe0c (003f8300)     _grid_volt_meter_B
003f8324    fe0c (003f8300)     _grid_cur_meter_R
003f832a    fe0c (003f8300)     _grid_volt_meter_Y
003f8330    fe0c (003f8300)     _b19
003f8336    fe0c (003f8300)     _a23

003f8340    fe0d (003f8340)     _b17
003f8346    fe0d (003f8340)     _a19
003f834c    fe0d (003f8340)     _a17
003f8352    fe0d (003f8340)     _an
003f8358    fe0d (003f8340)     _bn
003f835e    fe0d (003f8340)     _a25
003f8364    fe0d (003f8340)     _b25
003f836a    fe0d (003f8340)     _b23
003f8370    fe0d (003f8340)     _b5
003f8376    fe0d (003f8340)     _a7

003f8380    fe0e (003f8380)     _b3
003f8386    fe0e (003f8380)     _a5
003f838c    fe0e (003f8380)     _a3
003f8392    fe0e (003f8380)     _a13
003f8398    fe0e (003f8380)     _b13
003f839e    fe0e (003f8380)     _a11
003f83a4    fe0e (003f8380)     _b11
003f83aa    fe0e (003f8380)     _pll_lpf2
003f83b0    fe0e (003f8380)     _load_cur_meter_B
003f83b6    fe0e (003f8380)     _load_cur_meter_R

003f83c0    fe0f (003f83c0)     _stat_cur_meter_Y
003f83c6    fe0f (003f83c0)     _stat_cur_meter_B
003f83cc    fe0f (003f83c0)     _load_cur_meter_Y
003f83d2    fe0f (003f83c0)     _stat_cur_meter_R
003f83d8    fe0f (003f83c0)     _lpf_invI_R
003f83de    fe0f (003f83c0)     _lpf_invI_Y
003f83e4    fe0f (003f83c0)     _b7
003f83ea    fe0f (003f83c0)     _pll_lpf1
003f83f0    fe0f (003f83c0)     _i_stat_de
003f83f6    fe0f (003f83c0)     _i_stat_qe

003f8400    fe10 (003f8400)     _lpf_invI_B
003f8406    fe10 (003f8400)     _diff_B
003f840e    fe10 (003f8400)     _diff_R
003f8416    fe10 (003f8400)     _diff_Y
003f841e    fe10 (003f8400)     _fault_captimer
003f8426    fe10 (003f8400)     _harm_loop_Y_11
003f8430    fe10 (003f8400)     _harm_loop_B_11

003f8440    fe11 (003f8440)     _harm_loop_B_7
003f844a    fe11 (003f8440)     _harm_loop_R_11
003f8454    fe11 (003f8440)     _harm_loop_B_13
003f845e    fe11 (003f8440)     _harm_loop_R_17
003f8468    fe11 (003f8440)     _harm_loop_R_13
003f8472    fe11 (003f8440)     _harm_loop_Y_13

003f8480    fe12 (003f8480)     _harm_loop_B_3
003f848a    fe12 (003f8480)     _harm_loop_R_5
003f8494    fe12 (003f8480)     _harm_loop_R_3
003f849e    fe12 (003f8480)     _harm_loop_Y_3
003f84a8    fe12 (003f8480)     _harm_loop_R_7
003f84b2    fe12 (003f8480)     _harm_loop_Y_7

003f84c0    fe13 (003f84c0)     _harm_loop_Y_5
003f84ca    fe13 (003f84c0)     _harm_loop_B_5
003f84d4    fe13 (003f84c0)     _pwm1
003f84de    fe13 (003f84c0)     _harm_loop_R_n
003f84e8    fe13 (003f84c0)     _harm_loop_Y_n
003f84f2    fe13 (003f84c0)     _harm_loop_Y_25

003f8500    fe14 (003f8500)     _harm_loop_B_25
003f850a    fe14 (003f8500)     _cur_lim_Y
003f8514    fe14 (003f8500)     _cur_lim_B
003f851e    fe14 (003f8500)     _harm_loop_B_n
003f8528    fe14 (003f8500)     _cur_lim_R
003f8532    fe14 (003f8500)     _harm_loop_Y_19

003f8540    fe15 (003f8540)     _harm_loop_B_19
003f854a    fe15 (003f8540)     _harm_loop_B_17
003f8554    fe15 (003f8540)     _harm_loop_R_19
003f855e    fe15 (003f8540)     _harm_loop_B_23
003f8568    fe15 (003f8540)     _harm_loop_R_25
003f8572    fe15 (003f8540)     _harm_loop_R_23

003f8580    fe16 (003f8580)     _harm_loop_Y_23
003f858a    fe16 (003f8580)     _harm_loop_Y_17
003f8594    fe16 (003f8580)     _pr_notch_B
003f85a0    fe16 (003f8580)     _pr_notch_Y
003f85ac    fe16 (003f8580)     _pr_ahf_Y

003f85c0    fe17 (003f85c0)     _pr_ahf_R
003f85cc    fe17 (003f85c0)     _pr_ahf_B
003f85d8    fe17 (003f85c0)     _pr_R
003f85e4    fe17 (003f85c0)     _notch
003f85f0    fe17 (003f85c0)     _pr_B

003f8600    fe18 (003f8600)     _pr_Y
003f860c    fe18 (003f8600)     _pr_notch_R
003f8618    fe18 (003f8600)     _svgen_dq1
003f8624    fe18 (003f8600)     _pll_pi
003f8632    fe18 (003f8600)     _statcur_Y

003f8640    fe19 (003f8640)     _cur_ref_pi_zero
003f864e    fe19 (003f8640)     _statcur_B
003f865c    fe19 (003f8640)     _statcur_R
003f866a    fe19 (003f8640)     _funda_arr

003f8680    fe1a (003f8680)     _dc_volt_reg

003f86c0    fe1b (003f86c0)     _order_17

003f8700    fe1c (003f8700)     _order_13

003f8740    fe1d (003f8740)     _order_19

003f8780    fe1e (003f8780)     _order_25

003f87c0    fe1f (003f87c0)     _order_23

003f8800    fe20 (003f8800)     _order_xyz

003f8840    fe21 (003f8840)     _fundamental_stat

003f8880    fe22 (003f8880)     _fundamental_neg

003f88c0    fe23 (003f88c0)     _order_3

003f8900    fe24 (003f8900)     _fundamental_stat_neg

003f8940    fe25 (003f8940)     _harm_stat

003f8980    fe26 (003f8980)     _order_7

003f89c0    fe27 (003f89c0)     _order_11

003f8a00    fe28 (003f8a00)     _fundamental

003f8a40    fe29 (003f8a40)     _order_5

003f8a80    fe2a (003f8a80)     _dft_result

003f8b00    fe2c (003f8b00)     _rx_buffer_a

003f8c00    fe30 (003f8c00)     _data_block

003f8f40    fe3d (003f8f40)     _dft_array

003f9200    fe48 (003f9200)     _new_snap_data

003f9800    fe60 (003f9800)     _tempvar1
003f9801    fe60 (003f9800)     _tempvar2
003f9802    fe60 (003f9800)     _temp_pointer
003f9803    fe60 (003f9800)     _screen_barchart_ON
003f9804    fe60 (003f9800)     _Power_ON_TFT
003f9805    fe60 (003f9800)     _fifth_1
003f9806    fe60 (003f9800)     _harm_1
003f9807    fe60 (003f9800)     _fifth_2
003f9808    fe60 (003f9800)     _tempvar3
003f9809    fe60 (003f9800)     _tempvar4
003f980a    fe60 (003f9800)     _harm_2
003f980b    fe60 (003f9800)     _show_DFT
003f980c    fe60 (003f9800)     _const_Q_mode
003f980d    fe60 (003f9800)     _flag_initialisation_over
003f980e    fe60 (003f9800)     _setting_com_received
003f9810    fe60 (003f9800)     _module_OFF
003f9812    fe60 (003f9800)     _module_ON
003f9814    fe60 (003f9800)     _tempf22
003f9816    fe60 (003f9800)     _p2
003f9818    fe60 (003f9800)     _templong
003f981a    fe60 (003f9800)     _PT_ratio
003f981c    fe60 (003f9800)     _CT_ratio
003f981e    fe60 (003f9800)     _Total_capacity
003f9820    fe60 (003f9800)     _Hybrid_parameter
003f9822    fe60 (003f9800)     _fifth_address_f
003f9824    fe60 (003f9800)     _fifth_value
003f9826    fe60 (003f9800)     _received_value
003f9828    fe60 (003f9800)     _fifth_address
003f982a    fe60 (003f9800)     _cur_lim_adj_n
003f982c    fe60 (003f9800)     _const_Q
003f982e    fe60 (003f9800)     _cur_lim_adj
003f9830    fe60 (003f9800)     _temp_float_var
003f9832    fe60 (003f9800)     _harm_address_f
003f9834    fe60 (003f9800)     _harm_address
003f9836    fe60 (003f9800)     _add_limit
003f9838    fe60 (003f9800)     _number_of_slaves
003f983a    fe60 (003f9800)     _operation_mode
003f983c    fe60 (003f9800)     _working_mode
003f983e    fe60 (003f9800)     _power_on_mode

003f9840    fe61 (003f9840)     _CT_location
003f9842    fe61 (003f9840)     _addr_float_temp
003f9844    fe61 (003f9840)     _Machine_mode
003f9846    fe61 (003f9840)     _compensation_mode
003f9848    fe61 (003f9840)     _DFT_multiplier

003f9880    fe62 (003f9880)     _Harm_limit

003f9900    fe64 (003f9900)     _Harm_limit_new

003f9980    fe66 (003f9980)     _setting_parameter

003f9a60    fe69 (003f9a40)     _CpuTimer0
003f9a68    fe69 (003f9a40)     _CpuTimer1
003f9a70    fe69 (003f9a40)     _Flash_CallbackPtr
003f9a72    fe69 (003f9a40)     _Flash_CPUScaleFactor
003f9a74    fe69 (003f9a40)     __unlock
003f9a76    fe69 (003f9a40)     __lock
003f9a78    fe69 (003f9a40)     _errno

003f9a82    fe6a (003f9a80)     __dtors_ptr
003f9a84    fe6a (003f9a80)     __cleanup_ptr

003f9b00    fe6c (003f9b00)     _pakt_num
003f9b01    fe6c (003f9b00)     _pt_primary
003f9b02    fe6c (003f9b00)     _panel_ct_primary
003f9b03    fe6c (003f9b00)     _seventh_enable
003f9b04    fe6c (003f9b00)     _eleventh_enable
003f9b05    fe6c (003f9b00)     _disp
003f9b06    fe6c (003f9b00)     _select
003f9b07    fe6c (003f9b00)     _grid_ct_primary
003f9b08    fe6c (003f9b00)     _fifth_enable
003f9b09    fe6c (003f9b00)     _pf_setting
003f9b0a    fe6c (003f9b00)     _temp_mf
003f9b0c    fe6c (003f9b00)     _temp15
003f9b0e    fe6c (003f9b00)     _tempf1
003f9b10    fe6c (003f9b00)     _spec_cur_mf
003f9b12    fe6c (003f9b00)     _temp_iq
003f9b14    fe6c (003f9b00)     _temp_load_f
003f9b16    fe6c (003f9b00)     _tempf2
003f9b18    fe6c (003f9b00)     _stat_cur_mf
003f9b1a    fe6c (003f9b00)     _harm_cur_mf
003f9b1c    fe6c (003f9b00)     _grid_vol_mf
003f9b1e    fe6c (003f9b00)     _grid_cur_mf
003f9b20    fe6c (003f9b00)     _inv_ref_mf
003f9b22    fe6c (003f9b00)     _tempf3
003f9b24    fe6c (003f9b00)     _ref_cur_mf
003f9b26    fe6c (003f9b00)     _freq_display
003f9b28    fe6c (003f9b00)     _link_vol_mf

003ff000    ffc0 (003ff000)     _IQsinTable

003ff100    ffc4 (003ff100)     _IQcosTable

003ff400    ffd0 (003ff400)     _IQsinTableEnd

003ff502    ffd4 (003ff500)     _IQcosTableEnd
003ff502    ffd4 (003ff500)     _IQdivRoundSatTable
003ff510    ffd4 (003ff500)     _IQdivTable

003ff712    ffdc (003ff700)     _IQdivTableEnd
003ff712    ffdc (003ff700)     _IQisqrtRoundSatTable
003ff712    ffdc (003ff700)     _IQsqrtRoundSatTable
003ff722    ffdc (003ff700)     _IQisqrtTable
003ff722    ffdc (003ff700)     _IQsqrtTable

003ff824    ffe0 (003ff800)     _IQatan2HalfPITable
003ff824    ffe0 (003ff800)     _IQisqrtTableEnd
003ff824    ffe0 (003ff800)     _IQsqrtTableEnd

003ff862    ffe1 (003ff840)     _IQatan2Table

003ff9e8    ffe7 (003ff9c0)     _IQ30mpyRndSatTable
003ff9e8    ffe7 (003ff9c0)     _IQatan2TableEnd
003ff9e8    ffe7 (003ff9c0)     _IQmpyRndSatTable
003ff9f4    ffe7 (003ff9c0)     _IQ29mpyRndSatTable

003ffa00    ffe8 (003ffa00)     _IQ28mpyRndSatTable
003ffa0c    ffe8 (003ffa00)     _IQ27mpyRndSatTable
003ffa18    ffe8 (003ffa00)     _IQ26mpyRndSatTable
003ffa24    ffe8 (003ffa00)     _IQ25mpyRndSatTable
003ffa30    ffe8 (003ffa00)     _IQ24mpyRndSatTable
003ffa3c    ffe8 (003ffa00)     _IQ23mpyRndSatTable

003ffa48    ffe9 (003ffa40)     _IQ22mpyRndSatTable
003ffa54    ffe9 (003ffa40)     _IQ21mpyRndSatTable
003ffa60    ffe9 (003ffa40)     _IQ20mpyRndSatTable
003ffa6c    ffe9 (003ffa40)     _IQ19mpyRndSatTable
003ffa78    ffe9 (003ffa40)     _IQ18mpyRndSatTable

003ffa84    ffea (003ffa80)     _IQ17mpyRndSatTable
003ffa90    ffea (003ffa80)     _IQ16mpyRndSatTable
003ffa9c    ffea (003ffa80)     _IQ15mpyRndSatTable
003ffaa8    ffea (003ffa80)     _IQ14mpyRndSatTable
003ffab4    ffea (003ffa80)     _IQ13mpyRndSatTable

003ffac0    ffeb (003ffac0)     _IQ12mpyRndSatTable
003ffacc    ffeb (003ffac0)     _IQ11mpyRndSatTable
003ffad8    ffeb (003ffac0)     _IQ10mpyRndSatTable
003ffae4    ffeb (003ffac0)     _IQ9mpyRndSatTable
003ffaf0    ffeb (003ffac0)     _IQ8mpyRndSatTable
003ffafc    ffeb (003ffac0)     _IQ7mpyRndSatTable

003ffb08    ffec (003ffb00)     _IQ6mpyRndSatTable
003ffb14    ffec (003ffb00)     _IQ5mpyRndSatTable
003ffb20    ffec (003ffb00)     _IQ4mpyRndSatTable
003ffb2c    ffec (003ffb00)     _IQ3mpyRndSatTable
003ffb38    ffec (003ffb00)     _IQ2mpyRndSatTable

003ffb44    ffed (003ffb40)     _IQ1mpyRndSatTable
003ffb50    ffed (003ffb40)     _IQmpyRndSatTableEnd


address    name
--------   ----
003f8000   .bss
003e8000   .text
003e9f1e   C$$EXIT
003e9c41   FD$$MPY
003ea101   FD$$TOL
003e9b33   FS$$ADD
003ea174   FS$$CMP
003e9bbe   FS$$DIV
003e9da1   FS$$MPY
003ea1c2   FS$$NEG
003ea1a4   FS$$SUB
003ea13d   FS$$TOFD
003ea05c   FS$$TOI
003e9fc7   FS$$TOL
003ea080   I$$DIV
003ea091   I$$MOD
003ea15a   I$$TOFS
003ea032   L$$DIV
003ea041   L$$MOD
003ea18b   U$$TOFS
003ea04f   UL$$DIV
003ea056   UL$$MOD
003ea1bd   _ADCINT_ISR
003f8300   _AHF_harm_cur_meter_B
003f82f0   _AHF_harm_cur_meter_R
003f8306   _AHF_harm_cur_meter_Y
00007100   _AdcRegs
003e97f1   _CAPINT1_ISR
003e97fc   _CAPINT2_ISR
003e9807   _CAPINT3_ISR
003e988b   _CAPINT4_ISR
003e9896   _CAPINT5_ISR
003e98a1   _CAPINT6_ISR
003e9778   _CMP1INT_ISR
003e9783   _CMP2INT_ISR
003e978e   _CMP3INT_ISR
003e9812   _CMP4INT_ISR
003e981d   _CMP5INT_ISR
003e9828   _CMP6INT_ISR
003f150b   _CRC16
003f9840   _CT_location
003f981c   _CT_ratio
003e8e54   _CalculateRMS
003e9d5c   _ConfigCpuTimer
003f9a60   _CpuTimer0
00000c00   _CpuTimer0Regs
003f9a68   _CpuTimer1
00000c08   _CpuTimer1Regs
003f7ff8   _CsmPwl
00000ae0   _CsmRegs
003f8236   _DAC_var1
003f823a   _DAC_var2
003e96c3   _DATALOG_ISR
003f8096   _DFT_cal_over
003f8094   _DFT_freq
003f9848   _DFT_multiplier
003f8097   _DFT_point
003e9cc3   _DelayUs
00000880   _DevEmuRegs
003e9904   _ECAN0INTA_ISR
003e990f   _ECAN1INTA_ISR
00006100   _ECanaMboxes
00006000   _ECanaRegs
003e96d1   _EMUINT_ISR
003f8008   _ErrorCount
00007400   _EvaRegs
00007500   _EvbRegs
003e801c   _Example_CsmUnlock
003e8056   _Example_Done
003e8000   _Example_Error
003e8007   _Example_MemCopy
003e9e52   _F28X_EV1_PWM_Init
003e9e73   _F28X_EV1_PWM_Update
000004ce   _Fl2810_ClearSector
000003ea   _Fl2810_CompactSector
0000038a   _Fl2810_EraseSector
00000443   _Fl2810_Init
0000048a   _Fl28x_ClearLoop
0000026c   _Fl28x_ClosePulse
00000347   _Fl28x_CompactPulse
0000030d   _Fl28x_CompactVerify
0000053d   _Fl28x_Delay
0000054a   _Fl28x_DisableInt
00000481   _Fl28x_DisableNMI
0000020e   _Fl28x_EnterCmdMode
0000011e   _Fl28x_ErasePulse
000000d6   _Fl28x_EraseVerify
0000023c   _Fl28x_FlashRegSleep
00000201   _Fl28x_LeaveCmdMode
00000283   _Fl28x_MaskAll
0000025b   _Fl28x_OpenPulse
000002cb   _Fl28x_ProgPulse
0000028e   _Fl28x_ProgVerify
0000054e   _Fl28x_RestoreInt
00000479   _Fl28x_WatchDogDisable
00000551   _Flash2810_APIVersion
00000556   _Flash2810_APIVersionHex
00000170   _Flash2810_Erase
00000032   _Flash2810_Program
00000509   _Flash2810_Verify
003ee3d9   _Flash28_API_LoadEnd
00000559   _Flash28_API_LoadSize
003ede80   _Flash28_API_LoadStart
00000000   _Flash28_API_RunStart
00000a80   _FlashRegs
003f9a72   _Flash_CPUScaleFactor
003f9a70   _Flash_CallbackPtr
003f82c6   _GlobalQ
000070e0   _GpioDataRegs
000070c0   _GpioMuxRegs
003f9880   _Harm_limit
003f9900   _Harm_limit_new
003f9820   _Hybrid_parameter
003f828c   _IGBT_temperature_B
003f829a   _IGBT_temperature_B_f
003f813c   _IGBT_temperature_B_f_degree
003f8290   _IGBT_temperature_R
003f828e   _IGBT_temperature_R_f
003f8130   _IGBT_temperature_R_f_degree
003f8292   _IGBT_temperature_Y
003f829e   _IGBT_temperature_Y_f
003f8132   _IGBT_temperature_Y_f_degree
003e96df   _ILLEGAL_ISR
003e96b5   _INT13_ISR
003e96bc   _INT14_ISR
003ffad8   _IQ10mpyRndSatTable
003ffacc   _IQ11mpyRndSatTable
003ffac0   _IQ12mpyRndSatTable
003ffab4   _IQ13mpyRndSatTable
003ffaa8   _IQ14mpyRndSatTable
003ffa9c   _IQ15mpyRndSatTable
003ffa90   _IQ16mpyRndSatTable
003ffa84   _IQ17mpyRndSatTable
003ffa78   _IQ18mpyRndSatTable
003ffa6c   _IQ19mpyRndSatTable
003ffb44   _IQ1mpyRndSatTable
003ffa60   _IQ20mpyRndSatTable
003ffa54   _IQ21mpyRndSatTable
003ffa48   _IQ22mpyRndSatTable
003ffa3c   _IQ23mpyRndSatTable
003ffa30   _IQ24mpyRndSatTable
003ffa24   _IQ25mpyRndSatTable
003ffa18   _IQ26mpyRndSatTable
003ffa0c   _IQ27mpyRndSatTable
003ffa00   _IQ28mpyRndSatTable
003ff9f4   _IQ29mpyRndSatTable
003ffb38   _IQ2mpyRndSatTable
003ff9e8   _IQ30mpyRndSatTable
003ffb2c   _IQ3mpyRndSatTable
003ffb20   _IQ4mpyRndSatTable
003ffb14   _IQ5mpyRndSatTable
003ffb08   _IQ6mpyRndSatTable
003ffafc   _IQ7mpyRndSatTable
003ffaf0   _IQ8mpyRndSatTable
003ffae4   _IQ9mpyRndSatTable
003ff824   _IQatan2HalfPITable
003ff862   _IQatan2Table
003ff9e8   _IQatan2TableEnd
003ff100   _IQcosTable
003ff502   _IQcosTableEnd
003ff502   _IQdivRoundSatTable
003ff510   _IQdivTable
003ff712   _IQdivTableEnd
003ff712   _IQisqrtRoundSatTable
003ff722   _IQisqrtTable
003ff824   _IQisqrtTableEnd
003ff9e8   _IQmpyRndSatTable
003ffb50   _IQmpyRndSatTableEnd
003ff000   _IQsinTable
003ff400   _IQsinTableEnd
003ff712   _IQsqrtRoundSatTable
003ff722   _IQsqrtTable
003ff824   _IQsqrtTableEnd
003f8160   _Iinv_mag
003e9cd2   _InitAdc
003e9d38   _InitCpuTimers
003ea120   _InitEv
00008182   _InitFlash
003ea0a2   _InitGpio
003e8e75   _InitPhaseLockedLoop
003ea0e2   _InitPieCtrl
003ea0c2   _InitPieVectTable
003e9dfb   _InitSysCtrl
003f8009   _LoopCount
003f8136   _MODULE_RATING
003e98c2   _MRINTA_ISR
003e98cd   _MXINTA_ISR
003f9844   _Machine_mode
00007800   _McbspaRegs
003e96d8   _NMI_ISR
003e973a   _PDPINTA_ISR
003e9745   _PDPINTB_ISR
003e991a   _PIE_RESERVED
003ea1b5   _PRG_key0
003ea1b6   _PRG_key1
003ea1b7   _PRG_key2
003ea1b8   _PRG_key3
003ea1b9   _PRG_key4
003ea1ba   _PRG_key5
003ea1bb   _PRG_key6
003ea1bc   _PRG_key7
003f981a   _PT_ratio
003f8048   _PWM_on
00000ce0   _PieCtrlRegs
00000d00   _PieVectTable
003f4000   _PieVectTableInit
003f9804   _Power_ON_TFT
003e96ca   _RTOSINT_ISR
003ede80   _RamfuncsLoadEnd
00001e80   _RamfuncsLoadSize
003ec000   _RamfuncsLoadStart
00009e80   _RamfuncsRunEnd
00001e80   _RamfuncsRunSize
00008000   _RamfuncsRunStart
003e8180   _RunASVC
003e98d8   _SCIRXINTA_ISR
003e98ee   _SCIRXINTB_ISR
003e98e3   _SCITXINTA_ISR
003e98f9   _SCITXINTB_ISR
003e98ac   _SPIRXINTA_ISR
003e98b7   _SPITXINTA_ISR
0000921e   _Safe_Turn_OFF
00007050   _SciaRegs
00007750   _ScibRegs
00007040   _SpiaRegs
00007010   _SysCtrlRegs
003e97a4   _T1CINT_ISR
003e97ba   _T1OFINT_ISR
003e9799   _T1PINT_ISR
00009a79   _T1Period_isr
003e97af   _T1UFINT_ISR
003e97d0   _T2CINT_ISR
003e97e6   _T2OFINT_ISR
003e97c5   _T2PINT_ISR
003e97db   _T2UFINT_ISR
003e983e   _T3CINT_ISR
003e9854   _T3OFINT_ISR
003e9833   _T3PINT_ISR
00009a6a   _T3Period_isr
003e9849   _T3UFINT_ISR
003e986a   _T4CINT_ISR
003e9880   _T4OFINT_ISR
003e985f   _T4PINT_ISR
003e9875   _T4UFINT_ISR
003e9766   _TINT0_ISR
003f8057   _TWO_sec_over
003f981e   _Total_capacity
00009a42   _Trip_routine
003e96e6   _USER0_ISR
003e972c   _USER10_ISR
003e9733   _USER11_ISR
003e96ed   _USER1_ISR
003e96f4   _USER2_ISR
003e96fb   _USER3_ISR
003e9702   _USER4_ISR
003e9709   _USER5_ISR
003e9710   _USER6_ISR
003e9717   _USER7_ISR
003e971e   _USER8_ISR
003e9725   _USER9_ISR
003e976d   _WAKEINT_ISR
003e9750   _XINT1_ISR
003e975b   _XINT2_ISR
00007070   _XIntruptRegs
00000400   __IQ20mag
00000572   __IQ24cosPU
000004c0   __IQ24div
00000460   __IQ24mag
00000549   __IQ24sinPU
00000507   __IQ24sqrt
00000599   __IQ24toF
000000c8   __STACK_END
000000c8   __STACK_SIZE
ffffffff   ___binit__
003f8000   ___bss__
ffffffff   ___c_args__
003f1b51   ___cinit__
003f8000   ___end__
003ea1c7   ___etext__
003e9f8c   ___memcpy
003e9faa   ___memcpy_ff
003e9fa0   ___memcpy_fn
003e9f96   ___memcpy_nf
ffffffff   ___pinit__
003e8000   ___text__
003f9a84   __cleanup_ptr
003f9a82   __dtors_ptr
003f9a76   __lock
003ea19b   __nop
003ea19c   __register_lock
003ea1a0   __register_unlock
003f9a74   __unlock
003f839e   _a11
003f8392   _a13
003f834c   _a17
003f8346   _a19
003f8336   _a23
003f835e   _a25
003f838c   _a3
003f8386   _a5
003f8376   _a7
003e9f42   _abort
003f9836   _add_limit
003f9842   _addr_float_temp
003f803c   _address
003f8052   _all_OK
003f805b   _alternate
003f8352   _an
003f8150   _ang
003f814e   _ang_1
003f814c   _ang_harm
003f801c   _atemp0
003f801d   _atemp1
003f8025   _atemp2
003f8023   _atemp3
003f8024   _atemp4
003f8021   _atemp5
003f8017   _atemp6
003f8015   _atemp7
003f8016   _atemp8
003f8013   _atemp9
003e9f20   _atexit
003f8077   _autostart_timer
003f80f0   _average_B
003f80f2   _average_R
003f80ee   _average_Y
003f813e   _average_temperature
003f83a4   _b11
003f8398   _b13
003f8340   _b17
003f8330   _b19
003f836a   _b23
003f8364   _b25
003f8380   _b3
003f8370   _b5
003f83e4   _b7
003f824e   _bias
003f8045   _blink
003f8041   _blink_timer
003f813a   _blinking_rate
003f802f   _block_pulses
003f8358   _bn
003f803a   _breaker_close_command
003f801a   _breaker_close_delay_timer
003f8256   _breaker_close_voltage
003f8038   _breaker_open_command
003f8022   _build_now
003e9f43   _c_int00
003e967e   _cal_cm_voltage
003f8085   _calc_mf_enable
003f80b8   _capacitor_voltage_reference
003f80b0   _capacitor_voltage_reference_setpoint
003f8034   _capture_over
003f8086   _capture_sync
003f822c   _ccvd
003f822a   _ccvq
003f8002   _changeover_timer
003f8005   _char_waiting
003f8084   _char_waiting_a
003f8082   _char_waiting_a_tmp
003f803b   _charge_command
003f8032   _charge_open_timer
003f800f   _chars_rxd
003f8080   _chars_rxd_a
003f8014   _check_entry
003e9421   _check_serial
003e9440   _check_serial_a
003f8164   _cm_voltage
003f81a4   _comp_ref_zero
003f8046   _comp_select_flag
003f9846   _compensation_mode
003f982c   _const_Q
003f980c   _const_Q_mode
003f8242   _cos_factor
003f8142   _cos_theta_new
003f8099   _count_1mS
003f8065   _count_5_sec
003f81ca   _count_correction
003f808b   _count_cycles
003f801e   _count_plot
003f804c   _count_sin
003f807e   _count_spi
003f802c   _count_tushar
003f8182   _counter
003f8059   _counter_1_sec
003f804b   _counter_PWM_start
003f804a   _counter_main_contactor
003f8146   _counter_period
003f8148   _counter_sampled
003f8206   _counter_tmp
00009a33   _cpu_timer0_isr
00009a3d   _cpu_timer1_isr
003f823c   _cross
003f81fe   _cross_temp
003f8278   _cubicle_temperature
003f827a   _cubicle_temperature_filter
003f8514   _cur_lim_B
003f8528   _cur_lim_R
003f850a   _cur_lim_Y
003f982e   _cur_lim_adj
003f982a   _cur_lim_adj_n
003f8640   _cur_ref_pi_zero
003f8026   _curlimit_release_timer
003f801b   _current_limit_flag
003f82a0   _dac_show
003f8c00   _data_block
003f818c   _datablock
003f8258   _dc_link_voltage
003f825e   _dc_link_voltage_diff
003f825c   _dc_link_voltage_diff_f
003f8264   _dc_link_voltage_lower
003f8262   _dc_link_voltage_lower_f
003f8252   _dc_link_voltage_raw
003f8254   _dc_link_voltage_upper
003f8260   _dc_link_voltage_upper_f
003f802e   _dc_offset_cal
003f8069   _dc_ov_timer
003f8680   _dc_volt_reg
003f8000   _dcov_timer
003f81f0   _deno
003f8f40   _dft_array
003f8240   _dft_img
003f8224   _dft_mag
003f823e   _dft_real
003f8a80   _dft_result
003f8406   _diff_B
003f840e   _diff_R
003f8416   _diff_Y
003f8033   _digital_flag_A
003f8036   _digital_flag_B
003f8035   _digital_flag_D
003f8037   _digital_flag_F
003f8039   _discharge_command
003f9b05   _disp
003e95c2   _display_7_segment
003f819c   _download_staddr
003f8298   _dummy_comp
003f8276   _dummy_half
003f8001   _earth_fault
003f8030   _earthfault_timer
003f9b04   _eleventh_enable
003f8027   _en_rpc
003f8079   _enable_timer
003f9a78   _errno
003e9486   _error
003e9ef8   _exit
003f82ba   _extra_filter
003f8294   _factor_B
003f8266   _factor_R
003f8268   _factor_Y
003f8098   _factor_counter
003f81b8   _factor_scaling
003f841e   _fault_captimer
003f801f   _fault_count
003f81f2   _fault_timer
003f8202   _fault_timesum
003f8232   _ffvd
003f9805   _fifth_1
003f9807   _fifth_2
003f9828   _fifth_address
003f9822   _fifth_address_f
003f9b08   _fifth_enable
003f9824   _fifth_value
003f8012   _firstadc
003f81e8   _fixed_val
003f808d   _flag_1mS
003f804d   _flag_PWM_started
003f980d   _flag_initialisation_over
003f8051   _flag_precharg_over
003f804f   _flag_safe_turn_OFF
003f8053   _flag_startup_over
003e805a   _fnInternalFlashWrite
003f803d   _frame_complete
003f806d   _frame_complete_a
003f9b26   _freq_display
003f805d   _frq_check_count
003e881c   _func_capture_waveform
0000990d   _func_harm_limitation
003f8214   _fund_limit_value
003f81a6   _fund_piout
003f866a   _funda_arr
003f8a00   _fundamental
003f8880   _fundamental_neg
003f8840   _fundamental_stat
003f8900   _fundamental_stat_neg
003f8070   _fundcomp_flag
003f806f   _fundcomp_timer
003f8054   _gbu8wrttoflash
0000945a   _getReferenceCurrent
0000992c   _get_harmonic_reference
00009a23   _get_harmonic_reference_xyz
003f81d2   _global_K_B
003f81f8   _global_K_R
003f81f4   _global_K_Y
003f9b07   _grid_ct_primary
003f8318   _grid_cur_meter_B
003f8324   _grid_cur_meter_R
003f8312   _grid_cur_meter_Y
003f9b1e   _grid_cur_mf
003f8126   _grid_current_B
003f8106   _grid_current_B_f
003f8114   _grid_current_N
003f8128   _grid_current_R
003f8122   _grid_current_R_f
003f812a   _grid_current_Y
003f810a   _grid_current_Y_f
003f8166   _grid_current_d
003f8174   _grid_current_q
003f8176   _grid_current_zero
003f8172   _grid_current_zero_f
003f9b1c   _grid_vol_mf
003f826e   _grid_volt_B
003f82c2   _grid_volt_R
003f82c8   _grid_volt_Y
003f831e   _grid_volt_meter_B
003f82f6   _grid_volt_meter_R
003f832a   _grid_volt_meter_Y
003f8118   _grid_voltage_B
003f8112   _grid_voltage_B_f
003f8284   _grid_voltage_N
003f811a   _grid_voltage_R
003f8102   _grid_voltage_R_f
003f8116   _grid_voltage_Y
003f8124   _grid_voltage_Y_f
003f8296   _half_ov_setting
003f806b   _harm11_flag
003f8068   _harm13_flag
003f8076   _harm1_flag
003f806c   _harm5_flag
003f806a   _harm7_flag
003f9806   _harm_1
003f980a   _harm_2
003f816a   _harm_accu
003f9834   _harm_address
003f9832   _harm_address_f
003f9b1a   _harm_cur_mf
003f81da   _harm_limit_value
003f8049   _harm_limits_update_flag
003f81bc   _harm_load
003f8430   _harm_loop_B_11
003f8454   _harm_loop_B_13
003f854a   _harm_loop_B_17
003f8540   _harm_loop_B_19
003f855e   _harm_loop_B_23
003f8500   _harm_loop_B_25
003f8480   _harm_loop_B_3
003f84ca   _harm_loop_B_5
003f8440   _harm_loop_B_7
003f851e   _harm_loop_B_n
003f844a   _harm_loop_R_11
003f8468   _harm_loop_R_13
003f845e   _harm_loop_R_17
003f8554   _harm_loop_R_19
003f8572   _harm_loop_R_23
003f8568   _harm_loop_R_25
003f8494   _harm_loop_R_3
003f848a   _harm_loop_R_5
003f84a8   _harm_loop_R_7
003f84de   _harm_loop_R_n
003f8426   _harm_loop_Y_11
003f8472   _harm_loop_Y_13
003f858a   _harm_loop_Y_17
003f8532   _harm_loop_Y_19
003f8580   _harm_loop_Y_23
003f84f2   _harm_loop_Y_25
003f849e   _harm_loop_Y_3
003f84c0   _harm_loop_Y_5
003f84b2   _harm_loop_Y_7
003f84e8   _harm_loop_Y_n
003f8152   _harm_number
003f80ba   _harm_ref_I_B
003f80ca   _harm_ref_I_R
003f80b2   _harm_ref_I_Y
003f81c0   _harm_ref_d
003f8238   _harm_ref_de
003f81dc   _harm_ref_q
003f81cc   _harm_ref_qe
003f8093   _harm_select
003f81be   _harm_sq_sum
003f8940   _harm_stat
003f824a   _i_dc_ref
003f83f0   _i_stat_de
003f83f6   _i_stat_qe
003f82a2   _id_ref_neg_temp
003f81d4   _id_ref_temp
003f82ae   _ide_neg_ref
003f800e   _igbt_fault_counter
003f8092   _increment_7_segment
003e9409   _initDigitalIO
003e8ead   _initHarmonicReferenceExtraction
003e938c   _initReferenceVoltageCalculation
003e93f3   _initRmsMeter
003e94f5   _initUser
003e952e   _init_mf
003f80b4   _initial_capacitor_reference
003f80ae   _initial_capacitor_voltage_reference
003f8180   _inst_gridcur_mf
003f80ac   _inst_invcur_mf
003f80a4   _inst_vol_mf
003f8006   _interchar_silent_timer
003f806e   _interchar_silent_timer_a
003f9b20   _inv_ref_mf
003f82a6   _iq_ref_neg_temp
003f82aa   _iq_ref_temp
003f8286   _iq_val1
003f8288   _iq_val2
003f8282   _iq_val3
003f82bc   _iqe_neg_ref
003f8248   _iz_load
003f820a   _iz_load_limited
003f8208   _iz_ref
003f82a4   _k_zero
003f81c8   _kw_grid_B
003f81c6   _kw_grid_B_f
003f81fa   _kw_grid_R
003f8200   _kw_grid_R_f
003f81f6   _kw_grid_Y
003f81c2   _kw_grid_Y_f
003f821a   _kw_load_B_f
003f8226   _kw_load_R_f
003f8246   _kw_load_Y_f
003f800b   _last_char
003f807b   _last_sec
003f8074   _latch_fault
003ea002   _ldexp
003f9b28   _link_vol_mf
003f803f   _live_frame
003f8083   _live_frame_a
003f808e   _load_DFT_data
003f83b0   _load_cur_meter_B
003f83b6   _load_cur_meter_R
003f83cc   _load_cur_meter_Y
003f82ea   _load_cur_scaled_meter_B
003f82e4   _load_cur_scaled_meter_R
003f82de   _load_cur_scaled_meter_Y
003f810e   _load_current_B
003f80a0   _load_current_B_norm
003f8110   _load_current_R
003f80d0   _load_current_R_norm
003f810c   _load_current_Y
003f80a6   _load_current_Y_norm
003f816e   _load_current_d
003f8170   _load_current_q
003f81aa   _load_current_zero
003f8228   _load_d_level
003f8220   _load_d_level_f
003f8222   _load_d_neg_f
003f821e   _load_q_level
003f8218   _load_q_level_f
003f821c   _load_q_neg_f
003f817e   _longtemp
003f8400   _lpf_invI_B
003f83d8   _lpf_invI_R
003f83de   _lpf_invI_Y
003f8154   _m_adjust
003f814a   _mag_harm
003f824c   _mag_stat
003e80ed   _main
003e9f89   _memcpy
003f808f   _mode
003f9810   _module_OFF
003f9812   _module_ON
003f820c   _mz
003f8212   _neg_limit_value
003f820e   _neg_max
003f8210   _neg_min
003f9200   _new_snap_data
003f825a   _new_vol_mul
003f81ce   _no_fault_timer
003f8087   _no_of_samples
003f85e4   _notch
003f9838   _number_of_slaves
003f805c   _oc_count
003f80ea   _offset_B
003f80ec   _offset_R
003f80e8   _offset_Y
003f816c   _omega
003f8188   _omega_1_f
003f819e   _omega_T_1_f
00008ab7   _one_mS
003f983a   _operation_mode
003f89c0   _order_11
003f8700   _order_13
003f86c0   _order_17
003f8740   _order_19
003f87c0   _order_23
003f8780   _order_25
003f88c0   _order_3
003f8a40   _order_5
003f8980   _order_7
003f8064   _order_n
003f809c   _order_number
003f82b6   _order_number_iq
003f8800   _order_xyz
003f8044   _ov_timer
003f800c   _over_current_count
003f8003   _over_voltage
003f829c   _overvoltage_setting
003f9816   _p2
003f8198   _pDestAddr
003f819a   _pSourceAddr
003f8234   _p_waveform
003f9b00   _pakt_num
003f9b02   _panel_ct_primary
003f81ba   _para_scaling
003f802d   _period_DFT
003f81de   _period_count_iq
003f81ac   _pf_Load_side
003f81a8   _pf_grid_side
003f9b09   _pf_setting
003f804e   _pfset
00009391   _phaseLockedLoop
003f03e0   _pi_com
003f1542   _pi_com_a
003f83ea   _pll_lpf1
003f83aa   _pll_lpf2
003f8168   _pll_omega
003f8624   _pll_pi
003f809b   _pll_select
003f82ca   _pll_theta
003f8280   _power_factor
003f827c   _power_factor_set
003f983e   _power_on_mode
003f8031   _power_up_timer
003f800d   _poweron
003f85f0   _pr_B
003f85d8   _pr_R
003f8600   _pr_Y
003f85cc   _pr_ahf_B
003f85c0   _pr_ahf_R
003f85ac   _pr_ahf_Y
003f8594   _pr_notch_B
003f860c   _pr_notch_R
003f85a0   _pr_notch_Y
003f8075   _present_fault
0000926b   _protectionSystem_fast
003f805a   _protection_check
003f9b01   _pt_primary
003f82b8   _pulse_on_timer
003f84d4   _pwm1
003f828a   _q_set
003f80c6   _qcomp_ref
00008388   _readAdc
00009252   _readAndUpdateDigitalIO
003f9826   _received_value
003f9b24   _ref_cur_mf
003f81ae   _reference_current_B
003f81b6   _reference_current_R
003f81b2   _reference_current_Y
003f818e   _reference_voltage_B
003f8196   _reference_voltage_R
003f8192   _reference_voltage_Y
003f8020   _release_count
003f807f   _reset_setting
00008199   _rmsCal
003f815c   _rms_eleventh
003f812c   _rms_fifth
003f803e   _rms_meter_zero
003f8156   _rms_nineteenth
003f8081   _rms_samplecount
003f815a   _rms_seventeenth
003f812e   _rms_seventh
003f80e2   _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_B
003f80e4   _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_R
003f80e6   _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_Y
003f80f6   _rms_sum_current_B_scaled
003f80f8   _rms_sum_current_R_scaled
003f80d4   _rms_sum_current_Y_scaled
003f80d8   _rms_sum_gridcur_B
003f80f4   _rms_sum_gridcur_R
003f80dc   _rms_sum_gridcur_Y
003f8120   _rms_sum_invcur_B
003f80de   _rms_sum_invcur_R
003f80e0   _rms_sum_invcur_Y
003f80d2   _rms_sum_loadcur_B
003f80da   _rms_sum_loadcur_R
003f80d6   _rms_sum_loadcur_Y
003f80fc   _rms_sum_voltage_B
003f80fe   _rms_sum_voltage_R
003f80fa   _rms_sum_voltage_Y
003f815e   _rms_thirteenth
003f8162   _rms_twentyfifth
003f8158   _rms_twentythird
003f8089   _rms_update_flag
003e9921   _rsvd_ISR
003f8011   _rsync
003f807d   _rtcread_flag
003f8b00   _rx_buffer_a
003f817a   _rxbuffer
003f817c   _rxbuffer_a
003f809a   _sample_cal
003f81e0   _sample_count_iq
003f827e   _sampling_time
003f82a8   _scale_factor
003e94e3   _scia_fifo_init
003e948d   _scia_init
003e94a1   _scia_xmit
003e94ec   _scib_fifo_init
003e94ab   _scib_init
003e94bf   _scib_xmit
003f9803   _screen_barchart_ON
003f9b06   _select
003e93fe   _setCurrentLimiter
003e93e8   _setHarmonicOscillator
003e93c1   _setLowPassFilter
003e93cc   _setPiRegulator
003e8da6   _setWorkingParameters
003f8050   _set_const_current
003f980e   _setting_com_received
003f9980   _setting_parameter
003f9b03   _seventh_enable
003f980b   _show_DFT
003f8244   _sin_factor
003f8140   _sin_theta_new
003f80c0   _sin_val_prev
003f8270   _snap
003f153d   _snapShot
003f82ce   _snap_data
003f8029   _snap_end
003f8055   _snap_pointer
003f8028   _snap_start
003f8272   _snap_test
003f9b10   _spec_cur_mf
003e9ea6   _sqrt
003f802b   _start_DFT
003f8061   _start_eleventh_comp
003f8062   _start_fifth_comp
003f8067   _start_nineteenth_comp
003f802a   _start_pll
003f8047   _start_pulses
003f805f   _start_seventeenth_comp
003f8060   _start_seventh_comp
003f8091   _start_snap
003f805e   _start_thirteenth_comp
003f8063   _start_twentyfifth_comp
003f8066   _start_twentythird_comp
003e8705   _startup_sequence
000088d0   _startup_sequence1
003f83c6   _stat_cur_meter_B
003f83d2   _stat_cur_meter_R
003f83c0   _stat_cur_meter_Y
003f9b18   _stat_cur_mf
003f81ea   _stat_current_d
003f82c0   _stat_current_q
003f82b2   _stat_current_zero
003f80a8   _statcom_current_B
003f8100   _statcom_current_B_f
003f80c8   _statcom_current_B_h
003f809e   _statcom_current_N
003f80a2   _statcom_current_R
003f8108   _statcom_current_R_f
003f80c4   _statcom_current_R_h
003f80aa   _statcom_current_Y
003f8104   _statcom_current_Y_f
003f80c2   _statcom_current_Y_h
003f864e   _statcur_B
003f865c   _statcur_R
003f8632   _statcur_Y
003f8018   _status_flag
003f8073   _status_flag_old
003f8019   _status_realtime
003f808a   _step_counter
003f81ec   _sum_i_d_img
003f81ee   _sum_i_d_real
003f81e6   _sum_i_q_img
003f81e4   _sum_i_q_real
003f8618   _svgen_dq1
003e9928   _svgendq_calc
003f8058   _t_1sec
003e9aa1   _tan
003f8186   _temp1
003f9b0c   _temp15
003f8178   _temp2
003f8250   _temp_comp
003f82b0   _temp_de_1
003f8204   _temp_de_h
003f8040   _temp_exceeded
003f9830   _temp_float_var
003f81d8   _temp_funda_cur
003f9b12   _temp_iq
003f9b14   _temp_load_f
003f8138   _temp_ma
003f9b0a   _temp_mf
003f9802   _temp_pointer
003f82b4   _temp_qe_1
003f82c4   _temp_qe_h
003f81fc   _temp_ref_d_h
003f81c4   _temp_ref_q_h
003f8043   _temp_resumed
003f82be   _temp_stat
003f8184   _temp_test_1
003f81d6   _temp_total_harm
003f82ac   _temp_vdref
003f81d0   _temp_wavefom
003f818a   _tempbuffer
003f9b0e   _tempf1
003f9b16   _tempf2
003f9814   _tempf22
003f9b22   _tempf3
003f9818   _templong
003f9800   _tempvar1
003f9801   _tempvar2
003f9808   _tempvar3
003f9809   _tempvar4
003f8134   _test_ct
003f826c   _thd
003f826a   _thd_sum
003f82d2   _theta_1
003f82da   _theta_1_neg
003f82d6   _theta_xyz_s
003f807c   _timeout
003f8144   _tmp_counter
003f81e2   _tmp_mag
003f8216   _total_neg
003e94c9   _transmit_string
003e8b91   _tustin_calculator
003f8056   _tustin_counter
003f8071   _uDI_0_reg
003f8072   _uDI_5_reg
003f807a   _uDI_6_reg
003f8078   _uDI_7_reg
003f8004   _under_voltage
003f8194   _unlim_ref_current_B
003f81b0   _unlim_ref_current_R
003f81a2   _unlim_ref_current_Y
00008000   _update_Kp_Ki
003f050b   _update_datablock
003e8cc8   _update_harm_limits
003e95b7   _update_limits
003f0000   _update_one
003e8582   _update_rmsmeters
003f8010   _user_shutdown
003f800a   _user_start
003f8007   _user_stop
003f8042   _uv_timer
003f80bc   _v_alpha
003f80b6   _v_beta
003f811e   _v_g_d
003f811c   _v_g_q
003f808c   _value_7_segment
003f8088   _value_ptr
003f822e   _var_out_de
003f8230   _var_out_qe
003f830c   _vdc_bus
003f81b4   _volt_gain
003f80be   _voltage_buildup_level
003f8274   _voltage_level
003f80cc   _voltage_ramp_slope
003f80ce   _voltage_reference_setting
003e967d   _waveform_data_fill
003f983c   _working_mode
003f8190   _xx
003f8090   _xyz
003f81a0   _xyz_iq
003f8095   _xyz_seq
ffffffff   binit
003f1b51   cinit
003f7ff6   code_start
003f8000   end
003ea1c7   etext
ffffffff   pinit


address    name
--------   ----
00000000   _Flash28_API_RunStart
00000032   _Flash2810_Program
000000c8   __STACK_END
000000c8   __STACK_SIZE
000000d6   _Fl28x_EraseVerify
0000011e   _Fl28x_ErasePulse
00000170   _Flash2810_Erase
00000201   _Fl28x_LeaveCmdMode
0000020e   _Fl28x_EnterCmdMode
0000023c   _Fl28x_FlashRegSleep
0000025b   _Fl28x_OpenPulse
0000026c   _Fl28x_ClosePulse
00000283   _Fl28x_MaskAll
0000028e   _Fl28x_ProgVerify
000002cb   _Fl28x_ProgPulse
0000030d   _Fl28x_CompactVerify
00000347   _Fl28x_CompactPulse
0000038a   _Fl2810_EraseSector
000003ea   _Fl2810_CompactSector
00000400   __IQ20mag
00000443   _Fl2810_Init
00000460   __IQ24mag
00000479   _Fl28x_WatchDogDisable
00000481   _Fl28x_DisableNMI
0000048a   _Fl28x_ClearLoop
000004c0   __IQ24div
000004ce   _Fl2810_ClearSector
00000507   __IQ24sqrt
00000509   _Flash2810_Verify
0000053d   _Fl28x_Delay
00000549   __IQ24sinPU
0000054a   _Fl28x_DisableInt
0000054e   _Fl28x_RestoreInt
00000551   _Flash2810_APIVersion
00000556   _Flash2810_APIVersionHex
00000559   _Flash28_API_LoadSize
00000572   __IQ24cosPU
00000599   __IQ24toF
00000880   _DevEmuRegs
00000a80   _FlashRegs
00000ae0   _CsmRegs
00000c00   _CpuTimer0Regs
00000c08   _CpuTimer1Regs
00000ce0   _PieCtrlRegs
00000d00   _PieVectTable
00001e80   _RamfuncsLoadSize
00001e80   _RamfuncsRunSize
00006000   _ECanaRegs
00006100   _ECanaMboxes
00007010   _SysCtrlRegs
00007040   _SpiaRegs
00007050   _SciaRegs
00007070   _XIntruptRegs
000070c0   _GpioMuxRegs
000070e0   _GpioDataRegs
00007100   _AdcRegs
00007400   _EvaRegs
00007500   _EvbRegs
00007750   _ScibRegs
00007800   _McbspaRegs
00008000   _RamfuncsRunStart
00008000   _update_Kp_Ki
00008182   _InitFlash
00008199   _rmsCal
00008388   _readAdc
000088d0   _startup_sequence1
00008ab7   _one_mS
0000921e   _Safe_Turn_OFF
00009252   _readAndUpdateDigitalIO
0000926b   _protectionSystem_fast
00009391   _phaseLockedLoop
0000945a   _getReferenceCurrent
0000990d   _func_harm_limitation
0000992c   _get_harmonic_reference
00009a23   _get_harmonic_reference_xyz
00009a33   _cpu_timer0_isr
00009a3d   _cpu_timer1_isr
00009a42   _Trip_routine
00009a6a   _T3Period_isr
00009a79   _T1Period_isr
00009e80   _RamfuncsRunEnd
003e8000   .text
003e8000   _Example_Error
003e8000   ___text__
003e8007   _Example_MemCopy
003e801c   _Example_CsmUnlock
003e8056   _Example_Done
003e805a   _fnInternalFlashWrite
003e80ed   _main
003e8180   _RunASVC
003e8582   _update_rmsmeters
003e8705   _startup_sequence
003e881c   _func_capture_waveform
003e8b91   _tustin_calculator
003e8cc8   _update_harm_limits
003e8da6   _setWorkingParameters
003e8e54   _CalculateRMS
003e8e75   _InitPhaseLockedLoop
003e8ead   _initHarmonicReferenceExtraction
003e938c   _initReferenceVoltageCalculation
003e93c1   _setLowPassFilter
003e93cc   _setPiRegulator
003e93e8   _setHarmonicOscillator
003e93f3   _initRmsMeter
003e93fe   _setCurrentLimiter
003e9409   _initDigitalIO
003e9421   _check_serial
003e9440   _check_serial_a
003e9486   _error
003e948d   _scia_init
003e94a1   _scia_xmit
003e94ab   _scib_init
003e94bf   _scib_xmit
003e94c9   _transmit_string
003e94e3   _scia_fifo_init
003e94ec   _scib_fifo_init
003e94f5   _initUser
003e952e   _init_mf
003e95b7   _update_limits
003e95c2   _display_7_segment
003e967d   _waveform_data_fill
003e967e   _cal_cm_voltage
003e96b5   _INT13_ISR
003e96bc   _INT14_ISR
003e96c3   _DATALOG_ISR
003e96ca   _RTOSINT_ISR
003e96d1   _EMUINT_ISR
003e96d8   _NMI_ISR
003e96df   _ILLEGAL_ISR
003e96e6   _USER0_ISR
003e96ed   _USER1_ISR
003e96f4   _USER2_ISR
003e96fb   _USER3_ISR
003e9702   _USER4_ISR
003e9709   _USER5_ISR
003e9710   _USER6_ISR
003e9717   _USER7_ISR
003e971e   _USER8_ISR
003e9725   _USER9_ISR
003e972c   _USER10_ISR
003e9733   _USER11_ISR
003e973a   _PDPINTA_ISR
003e9745   _PDPINTB_ISR
003e9750   _XINT1_ISR
003e975b   _XINT2_ISR
003e9766   _TINT0_ISR
003e976d   _WAKEINT_ISR
003e9778   _CMP1INT_ISR
003e9783   _CMP2INT_ISR
003e978e   _CMP3INT_ISR
003e9799   _T1PINT_ISR
003e97a4   _T1CINT_ISR
003e97af   _T1UFINT_ISR
003e97ba   _T1OFINT_ISR
003e97c5   _T2PINT_ISR
003e97d0   _T2CINT_ISR
003e97db   _T2UFINT_ISR
003e97e6   _T2OFINT_ISR
003e97f1   _CAPINT1_ISR
003e97fc   _CAPINT2_ISR
003e9807   _CAPINT3_ISR
003e9812   _CMP4INT_ISR
003e981d   _CMP5INT_ISR
003e9828   _CMP6INT_ISR
003e9833   _T3PINT_ISR
003e983e   _T3CINT_ISR
003e9849   _T3UFINT_ISR
003e9854   _T3OFINT_ISR
003e985f   _T4PINT_ISR
003e986a   _T4CINT_ISR
003e9875   _T4UFINT_ISR
003e9880   _T4OFINT_ISR
003e988b   _CAPINT4_ISR
003e9896   _CAPINT5_ISR
003e98a1   _CAPINT6_ISR
003e98ac   _SPIRXINTA_ISR
003e98b7   _SPITXINTA_ISR
003e98c2   _MRINTA_ISR
003e98cd   _MXINTA_ISR
003e98d8   _SCIRXINTA_ISR
003e98e3   _SCITXINTA_ISR
003e98ee   _SCIRXINTB_ISR
003e98f9   _SCITXINTB_ISR
003e9904   _ECAN0INTA_ISR
003e990f   _ECAN1INTA_ISR
003e991a   _PIE_RESERVED
003e9921   _rsvd_ISR
003e9928   _svgendq_calc
003e9aa1   _tan
003e9b33   FS$$ADD
003e9bbe   FS$$DIV
003e9c41   FD$$MPY
003e9cc3   _DelayUs
003e9cd2   _InitAdc
003e9d38   _InitCpuTimers
003e9d5c   _ConfigCpuTimer
003e9da1   FS$$MPY
003e9dfb   _InitSysCtrl
003e9e52   _F28X_EV1_PWM_Init
003e9e73   _F28X_EV1_PWM_Update
003e9ea6   _sqrt
003e9ef8   _exit
003e9f1e   C$$EXIT
003e9f20   _atexit
003e9f42   _abort
003e9f43   _c_int00
003e9f89   _memcpy
003e9f8c   ___memcpy
003e9f96   ___memcpy_nf
003e9fa0   ___memcpy_fn
003e9faa   ___memcpy_ff
003e9fc7   FS$$TOL
003ea002   _ldexp
003ea032   L$$DIV
003ea041   L$$MOD
003ea04f   UL$$DIV
003ea056   UL$$MOD
003ea05c   FS$$TOI
003ea080   I$$DIV
003ea091   I$$MOD
003ea0a2   _InitGpio
003ea0c2   _InitPieVectTable
003ea0e2   _InitPieCtrl
003ea101   FD$$TOL
003ea120   _InitEv
003ea13d   FS$$TOFD
003ea15a   I$$TOFS
003ea174   FS$$CMP
003ea18b   U$$TOFS
003ea19b   __nop
003ea19c   __register_lock
003ea1a0   __register_unlock
003ea1a4   FS$$SUB
003ea1b5   _PRG_key0
003ea1b6   _PRG_key1
003ea1b7   _PRG_key2
003ea1b8   _PRG_key3
003ea1b9   _PRG_key4
003ea1ba   _PRG_key5
003ea1bb   _PRG_key6
003ea1bc   _PRG_key7
003ea1bd   _ADCINT_ISR
003ea1c2   FS$$NEG
003ea1c7   ___etext__
003ea1c7   etext
003ec000   _RamfuncsLoadStart
003ede80   _Flash28_API_LoadStart
003ede80   _RamfuncsLoadEnd
003ee3d9   _Flash28_API_LoadEnd
003f0000   _update_one
003f03e0   _pi_com
003f050b   _update_datablock
003f150b   _CRC16
003f153d   _snapShot
003f1542   _pi_com_a
003f1b51   ___cinit__
003f1b51   cinit
003f4000   _PieVectTableInit
003f7ff6   code_start
003f7ff8   _CsmPwl
003f8000   .bss
003f8000   ___bss__
003f8000   ___end__
003f8000   _dcov_timer
003f8000   end
003f8001   _earth_fault
003f8002   _changeover_timer
003f8003   _over_voltage
003f8004   _under_voltage
003f8005   _char_waiting
003f8006   _interchar_silent_timer
003f8007   _user_stop
003f8008   _ErrorCount
003f8009   _LoopCount
003f800a   _user_start
003f800b   _last_char
003f800c   _over_current_count
003f800d   _poweron
003f800e   _igbt_fault_counter
003f800f   _chars_rxd
003f8010   _user_shutdown
003f8011   _rsync
003f8012   _firstadc
003f8013   _atemp9
003f8014   _check_entry
003f8015   _atemp7
003f8016   _atemp8
003f8017   _atemp6
003f8018   _status_flag
003f8019   _status_realtime
003f801a   _breaker_close_delay_timer
003f801b   _current_limit_flag
003f801c   _atemp0
003f801d   _atemp1
003f801e   _count_plot
003f801f   _fault_count
003f8020   _release_count
003f8021   _atemp5
003f8022   _build_now
003f8023   _atemp3
003f8024   _atemp4
003f8025   _atemp2
003f8026   _curlimit_release_timer
003f8027   _en_rpc
003f8028   _snap_start
003f8029   _snap_end
003f802a   _start_pll
003f802b   _start_DFT
003f802c   _count_tushar
003f802d   _period_DFT
003f802e   _dc_offset_cal
003f802f   _block_pulses
003f8030   _earthfault_timer
003f8031   _power_up_timer
003f8032   _charge_open_timer
003f8033   _digital_flag_A
003f8034   _capture_over
003f8035   _digital_flag_D
003f8036   _digital_flag_B
003f8037   _digital_flag_F
003f8038   _breaker_open_command
003f8039   _discharge_command
003f803a   _breaker_close_command
003f803b   _charge_command
003f803c   _address
003f803d   _frame_complete
003f803e   _rms_meter_zero
003f803f   _live_frame
003f8040   _temp_exceeded
003f8041   _blink_timer
003f8042   _uv_timer
003f8043   _temp_resumed
003f8044   _ov_timer
003f8045   _blink
003f8046   _comp_select_flag
003f8047   _start_pulses
003f8048   _PWM_on
003f8049   _harm_limits_update_flag
003f804a   _counter_main_contactor
003f804b   _counter_PWM_start
003f804c   _count_sin
003f804d   _flag_PWM_started
003f804e   _pfset
003f804f   _flag_safe_turn_OFF
003f8050   _set_const_current
003f8051   _flag_precharg_over
003f8052   _all_OK
003f8053   _flag_startup_over
003f8054   _gbu8wrttoflash
003f8055   _snap_pointer
003f8056   _tustin_counter
003f8057   _TWO_sec_over
003f8058   _t_1sec
003f8059   _counter_1_sec
003f805a   _protection_check
003f805b   _alternate
003f805c   _oc_count
003f805d   _frq_check_count
003f805e   _start_thirteenth_comp
003f805f   _start_seventeenth_comp
003f8060   _start_seventh_comp
003f8061   _start_eleventh_comp
003f8062   _start_fifth_comp
003f8063   _start_twentyfifth_comp
003f8064   _order_n
003f8065   _count_5_sec
003f8066   _start_twentythird_comp
003f8067   _start_nineteenth_comp
003f8068   _harm13_flag
003f8069   _dc_ov_timer
003f806a   _harm7_flag
003f806b   _harm11_flag
003f806c   _harm5_flag
003f806d   _frame_complete_a
003f806e   _interchar_silent_timer_a
003f806f   _fundcomp_timer
003f8070   _fundcomp_flag
003f8071   _uDI_0_reg
003f8072   _uDI_5_reg
003f8073   _status_flag_old
003f8074   _latch_fault
003f8075   _present_fault
003f8076   _harm1_flag
003f8077   _autostart_timer
003f8078   _uDI_7_reg
003f8079   _enable_timer
003f807a   _uDI_6_reg
003f807b   _last_sec
003f807c   _timeout
003f807d   _rtcread_flag
003f807e   _count_spi
003f807f   _reset_setting
003f8080   _chars_rxd_a
003f8081   _rms_samplecount
003f8082   _char_waiting_a_tmp
003f8083   _live_frame_a
003f8084   _char_waiting_a
003f8085   _calc_mf_enable
003f8086   _capture_sync
003f8087   _no_of_samples
003f8088   _value_ptr
003f8089   _rms_update_flag
003f808a   _step_counter
003f808b   _count_cycles
003f808c   _value_7_segment
003f808d   _flag_1mS
003f808e   _load_DFT_data
003f808f   _mode
003f8090   _xyz
003f8091   _start_snap
003f8092   _increment_7_segment
003f8093   _harm_select
003f8094   _DFT_freq
003f8095   _xyz_seq
003f8096   _DFT_cal_over
003f8097   _DFT_point
003f8098   _factor_counter
003f8099   _count_1mS
003f809a   _sample_cal
003f809b   _pll_select
003f809c   _order_number
003f809e   _statcom_current_N
003f80a0   _load_current_B_norm
003f80a2   _statcom_current_R
003f80a4   _inst_vol_mf
003f80a6   _load_current_Y_norm
003f80a8   _statcom_current_B
003f80aa   _statcom_current_Y
003f80ac   _inst_invcur_mf
003f80ae   _initial_capacitor_voltage_reference
003f80b0   _capacitor_voltage_reference_setpoint
003f80b2   _harm_ref_I_Y
003f80b4   _initial_capacitor_reference
003f80b6   _v_beta
003f80b8   _capacitor_voltage_reference
003f80ba   _harm_ref_I_B
003f80bc   _v_alpha
003f80be   _voltage_buildup_level
003f80c0   _sin_val_prev
003f80c2   _statcom_current_Y_h
003f80c4   _statcom_current_R_h
003f80c6   _qcomp_ref
003f80c8   _statcom_current_B_h
003f80ca   _harm_ref_I_R
003f80cc   _voltage_ramp_slope
003f80ce   _voltage_reference_setting
003f80d0   _load_current_R_norm
003f80d2   _rms_sum_loadcur_B
003f80d4   _rms_sum_current_Y_scaled
003f80d6   _rms_sum_loadcur_Y
003f80d8   _rms_sum_gridcur_B
003f80da   _rms_sum_loadcur_R
003f80dc   _rms_sum_gridcur_Y
003f80de   _rms_sum_invcur_R
003f80e0   _rms_sum_invcur_Y
003f80e2   _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_B
003f80e4   _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_R
003f80e6   _rms_sum_ahf_harm_cur_Y
003f80e8   _offset_Y
003f80ea   _offset_B
003f80ec   _offset_R
003f80ee   _average_Y
003f80f0   _average_B
003f80f2   _average_R
003f80f4   _rms_sum_gridcur_R
003f80f6   _rms_sum_current_B_scaled
003f80f8   _rms_sum_current_R_scaled
003f80fa   _rms_sum_voltage_Y
003f80fc   _rms_sum_voltage_B
003f80fe   _rms_sum_voltage_R
003f8100   _statcom_current_B_f
003f8102   _grid_voltage_R_f
003f8104   _statcom_current_Y_f
003f8106   _grid_current_B_f
003f8108   _statcom_current_R_f
003f810a   _grid_current_Y_f
003f810c   _load_current_Y
003f810e   _load_current_B
003f8110   _load_current_R
003f8112   _grid_voltage_B_f
003f8114   _grid_current_N
003f8116   _grid_voltage_Y
003f8118   _grid_voltage_B
003f811a   _grid_voltage_R
003f811c   _v_g_q
003f811e   _v_g_d
003f8120   _rms_sum_invcur_B
003f8122   _grid_current_R_f
003f8124   _grid_voltage_Y_f
003f8126   _grid_current_B
003f8128   _grid_current_R
003f812a   _grid_current_Y
003f812c   _rms_fifth
003f812e   _rms_seventh
003f8130   _IGBT_temperature_R_f_degree
003f8132   _IGBT_temperature_Y_f_degree
003f8134   _test_ct
003f8136   _MODULE_RATING
003f8138   _temp_ma
003f813a   _blinking_rate
003f813c   _IGBT_temperature_B_f_degree
003f813e   _average_temperature
003f8140   _sin_theta_new
003f8142   _cos_theta_new
003f8144   _tmp_counter
003f8146   _counter_period
003f8148   _counter_sampled
003f814a   _mag_harm
003f814c   _ang_harm
003f814e   _ang_1
003f8150   _ang
003f8152   _harm_number
003f8154   _m_adjust
003f8156   _rms_nineteenth
003f8158   _rms_twentythird
003f815a   _rms_seventeenth
003f815c   _rms_eleventh
003f815e   _rms_thirteenth
003f8160   _Iinv_mag
003f8162   _rms_twentyfifth
003f8164   _cm_voltage
003f8166   _grid_current_d
003f8168   _pll_omega
003f816a   _harm_accu
003f816c   _omega
003f816e   _load_current_d
003f8170   _load_current_q
003f8172   _grid_current_zero_f
003f8174   _grid_current_q
003f8176   _grid_current_zero
003f8178   _temp2
003f817a   _rxbuffer
003f817c   _rxbuffer_a
003f817e   _longtemp
003f8180   _inst_gridcur_mf
003f8182   _counter
003f8184   _temp_test_1
003f8186   _temp1
003f8188   _omega_1_f
003f818a   _tempbuffer
003f818c   _datablock
003f818e   _reference_voltage_B
003f8190   _xx
003f8192   _reference_voltage_Y
003f8194   _unlim_ref_current_B
003f8196   _reference_voltage_R
003f8198   _pDestAddr
003f819a   _pSourceAddr
003f819c   _download_staddr
003f819e   _omega_T_1_f
003f81a0   _xyz_iq
003f81a2   _unlim_ref_current_Y
003f81a4   _comp_ref_zero
003f81a6   _fund_piout
003f81a8   _pf_grid_side
003f81aa   _load_current_zero
003f81ac   _pf_Load_side
003f81ae   _reference_current_B
003f81b0   _unlim_ref_current_R
003f81b2   _reference_current_Y
003f81b4   _volt_gain
003f81b6   _reference_current_R
003f81b8   _factor_scaling
003f81ba   _para_scaling
003f81bc   _harm_load
003f81be   _harm_sq_sum
003f81c0   _harm_ref_d
003f81c2   _kw_grid_Y_f
003f81c4   _temp_ref_q_h
003f81c6   _kw_grid_B_f
003f81c8   _kw_grid_B
003f81ca   _count_correction
003f81cc   _harm_ref_qe
003f81ce   _no_fault_timer
003f81d0   _temp_wavefom
003f81d2   _global_K_B
003f81d4   _id_ref_temp
003f81d6   _temp_total_harm
003f81d8   _temp_funda_cur
003f81da   _harm_limit_value
003f81dc   _harm_ref_q
003f81de   _period_count_iq
003f81e0   _sample_count_iq
003f81e2   _tmp_mag
003f81e4   _sum_i_q_real
003f81e6   _sum_i_q_img
003f81e8   _fixed_val
003f81ea   _stat_current_d
003f81ec   _sum_i_d_img
003f81ee   _sum_i_d_real
003f81f0   _deno
003f81f2   _fault_timer
003f81f4   _global_K_Y
003f81f6   _kw_grid_Y
003f81f8   _global_K_R
003f81fa   _kw_grid_R
003f81fc   _temp_ref_d_h
003f81fe   _cross_temp
003f8200   _kw_grid_R_f
003f8202   _fault_timesum
003f8204   _temp_de_h
003f8206   _counter_tmp
003f8208   _iz_ref
003f820a   _iz_load_limited
003f820c   _mz
003f820e   _neg_max
003f8210   _neg_min
003f8212   _neg_limit_value
003f8214   _fund_limit_value
003f8216   _total_neg
003f8218   _load_q_level_f
003f821a   _kw_load_B_f
003f821c   _load_q_neg_f
003f821e   _load_q_level
003f8220   _load_d_level_f
003f8222   _load_d_neg_f
003f8224   _dft_mag
003f8226   _kw_load_R_f
003f8228   _load_d_level
003f822a   _ccvq
003f822c   _ccvd
003f822e   _var_out_de
003f8230   _var_out_qe
003f8232   _ffvd
003f8234   _p_waveform
003f8236   _DAC_var1
003f8238   _harm_ref_de
003f823a   _DAC_var2
003f823c   _cross
003f823e   _dft_real
003f8240   _dft_img
003f8242   _cos_factor
003f8244   _sin_factor
003f8246   _kw_load_Y_f
003f8248   _iz_load
003f824a   _i_dc_ref
003f824c   _mag_stat
003f824e   _bias
003f8250   _temp_comp
003f8252   _dc_link_voltage_raw
003f8254   _dc_link_voltage_upper
003f8256   _breaker_close_voltage
003f8258   _dc_link_voltage
003f825a   _new_vol_mul
003f825c   _dc_link_voltage_diff_f
003f825e   _dc_link_voltage_diff
003f8260   _dc_link_voltage_upper_f
003f8262   _dc_link_voltage_lower_f
003f8264   _dc_link_voltage_lower
003f8266   _factor_R
003f8268   _factor_Y
003f826a   _thd_sum
003f826c   _thd
003f826e   _grid_volt_B
003f8270   _snap
003f8272   _snap_test
003f8274   _voltage_level
003f8276   _dummy_half
003f8278   _cubicle_temperature
003f827a   _cubicle_temperature_filter
003f827c   _power_factor_set
003f827e   _sampling_time
003f8280   _power_factor
003f8282   _iq_val3
003f8284   _grid_voltage_N
003f8286   _iq_val1
003f8288   _iq_val2
003f828a   _q_set
003f828c   _IGBT_temperature_B
003f828e   _IGBT_temperature_R_f
003f8290   _IGBT_temperature_R
003f8292   _IGBT_temperature_Y
003f8294   _factor_B
003f8296   _half_ov_setting
003f8298   _dummy_comp
003f829a   _IGBT_temperature_B_f
003f829c   _overvoltage_setting
003f829e   _IGBT_temperature_Y_f
003f82a0   _dac_show
003f82a2   _id_ref_neg_temp
003f82a4   _k_zero
003f82a6   _iq_ref_neg_temp
003f82a8   _scale_factor
003f82aa   _iq_ref_temp
003f82ac   _temp_vdref
003f82ae   _ide_neg_ref
003f82b0   _temp_de_1
003f82b2   _stat_current_zero
003f82b4   _temp_qe_1
003f82b6   _order_number_iq
003f82b8   _pulse_on_timer
003f82ba   _extra_filter
003f82bc   _iqe_neg_ref
003f82be   _temp_stat
003f82c0   _stat_current_q
003f82c2   _grid_volt_R
003f82c4   _temp_qe_h
003f82c6   _GlobalQ
003f82c8   _grid_volt_Y
003f82ca   _pll_theta
003f82ce   _snap_data
003f82d2   _theta_1
003f82d6   _theta_xyz_s
003f82da   _theta_1_neg
003f82de   _load_cur_scaled_meter_Y
003f82e4   _load_cur_scaled_meter_R
003f82ea   _load_cur_scaled_meter_B
003f82f0   _AHF_harm_cur_meter_R
003f82f6   _grid_volt_meter_R
003f8300   _AHF_harm_cur_meter_B
003f8306   _AHF_harm_cur_meter_Y
003f830c   _vdc_bus
003f8312   _grid_cur_meter_Y
003f8318   _grid_cur_meter_B
003f831e   _grid_volt_meter_B
003f8324   _grid_cur_meter_R
003f832a   _grid_volt_meter_Y
003f8330   _b19
003f8336   _a23
003f8340   _b17
003f8346   _a19
003f834c   _a17
003f8352   _an
003f8358   _bn
003f835e   _a25
003f8364   _b25
003f836a   _b23
003f8370   _b5
003f8376   _a7
003f8380   _b3
003f8386   _a5
003f838c   _a3
003f8392   _a13
003f8398   _b13
003f839e   _a11
003f83a4   _b11
003f83aa   _pll_lpf2
003f83b0   _load_cur_meter_B
003f83b6   _load_cur_meter_R
003f83c0   _stat_cur_meter_Y
003f83c6   _stat_cur_meter_B
003f83cc   _load_cur_meter_Y
003f83d2   _stat_cur_meter_R
003f83d8   _lpf_invI_R
003f83de   _lpf_invI_Y
003f83e4   _b7
003f83ea   _pll_lpf1
003f83f0   _i_stat_de
003f83f6   _i_stat_qe
003f8400   _lpf_invI_B
003f8406   _diff_B
003f840e   _diff_R
003f8416   _diff_Y
003f841e   _fault_captimer
003f8426   _harm_loop_Y_11
003f8430   _harm_loop_B_11
003f8440   _harm_loop_B_7
003f844a   _harm_loop_R_11
003f8454   _harm_loop_B_13
003f845e   _harm_loop_R_17
003f8468   _harm_loop_R_13
003f8472   _harm_loop_Y_13
003f8480   _harm_loop_B_3
003f848a   _harm_loop_R_5
003f8494   _harm_loop_R_3
003f849e   _harm_loop_Y_3
003f84a8   _harm_loop_R_7
003f84b2   _harm_loop_Y_7
003f84c0   _harm_loop_Y_5
003f84ca   _harm_loop_B_5
003f84d4   _pwm1
003f84de   _harm_loop_R_n
003f84e8   _harm_loop_Y_n
003f84f2   _harm_loop_Y_25
003f8500   _harm_loop_B_25
003f850a   _cur_lim_Y
003f8514   _cur_lim_B
003f851e   _harm_loop_B_n
003f8528   _cur_lim_R
003f8532   _harm_loop_Y_19
003f8540   _harm_loop_B_19
003f854a   _harm_loop_B_17
003f8554   _harm_loop_R_19
003f855e   _harm_loop_B_23
003f8568   _harm_loop_R_25
003f8572   _harm_loop_R_23
003f8580   _harm_loop_Y_23
003f858a   _harm_loop_Y_17
003f8594   _pr_notch_B
003f85a0   _pr_notch_Y
003f85ac   _pr_ahf_Y
003f85c0   _pr_ahf_R
003f85cc   _pr_ahf_B
003f85d8   _pr_R
003f85e4   _notch
003f85f0   _pr_B
003f8600   _pr_Y
003f860c   _pr_notch_R
003f8618   _svgen_dq1
003f8624   _pll_pi
003f8632   _statcur_Y
003f8640   _cur_ref_pi_zero
003f864e   _statcur_B
003f865c   _statcur_R
003f866a   _funda_arr
003f8680   _dc_volt_reg
003f86c0   _order_17
003f8700   _order_13
003f8740   _order_19
003f8780   _order_25
003f87c0   _order_23
003f8800   _order_xyz
003f8840   _fundamental_stat
003f8880   _fundamental_neg
003f88c0   _order_3
003f8900   _fundamental_stat_neg
003f8940   _harm_stat
003f8980   _order_7
003f89c0   _order_11
003f8a00   _fundamental
003f8a40   _order_5
003f8a80   _dft_result
003f8b00   _rx_buffer_a
003f8c00   _data_block
003f8f40   _dft_array
003f9200   _new_snap_data
003f9800   _tempvar1
003f9801   _tempvar2
003f9802   _temp_pointer
003f9803   _screen_barchart_ON
003f9804   _Power_ON_TFT
003f9805   _fifth_1
003f9806   _harm_1
003f9807   _fifth_2
003f9808   _tempvar3
003f9809   _tempvar4
003f980a   _harm_2
003f980b   _show_DFT
003f980c   _const_Q_mode
003f980d   _flag_initialisation_over
003f980e   _setting_com_received
003f9810   _module_OFF
003f9812   _module_ON
003f9814   _tempf22
003f9816   _p2
003f9818   _templong
003f981a   _PT_ratio
003f981c   _CT_ratio
003f981e   _Total_capacity
003f9820   _Hybrid_parameter
003f9822   _fifth_address_f
003f9824   _fifth_value
003f9826   _received_value
003f9828   _fifth_address
003f982a   _cur_lim_adj_n
003f982c   _const_Q
003f982e   _cur_lim_adj
003f9830   _temp_float_var
003f9832   _harm_address_f
003f9834   _harm_address
003f9836   _add_limit
003f9838   _number_of_slaves
003f983a   _operation_mode
003f983c   _working_mode
003f983e   _power_on_mode
003f9840   _CT_location
003f9842   _addr_float_temp
003f9844   _Machine_mode
003f9846   _compensation_mode
003f9848   _DFT_multiplier
003f9880   _Harm_limit
003f9900   _Harm_limit_new
003f9980   _setting_parameter
003f9a60   _CpuTimer0
003f9a68   _CpuTimer1
003f9a70   _Flash_CallbackPtr
003f9a72   _Flash_CPUScaleFactor
003f9a74   __unlock
003f9a76   __lock
003f9a78   _errno
003f9a82   __dtors_ptr
003f9a84   __cleanup_ptr
003f9b00   _pakt_num
003f9b01   _pt_primary
003f9b02   _panel_ct_primary
003f9b03   _seventh_enable
003f9b04   _eleventh_enable
003f9b05   _disp
003f9b06   _select
003f9b07   _grid_ct_primary
003f9b08   _fifth_enable
003f9b09   _pf_setting
003f9b0a   _temp_mf
003f9b0c   _temp15
003f9b0e   _tempf1
003f9b10   _spec_cur_mf
003f9b12   _temp_iq
003f9b14   _temp_load_f
003f9b16   _tempf2
003f9b18   _stat_cur_mf
003f9b1a   _harm_cur_mf
003f9b1c   _grid_vol_mf
003f9b1e   _grid_cur_mf
003f9b20   _inv_ref_mf
003f9b22   _tempf3
003f9b24   _ref_cur_mf
003f9b26   _freq_display
003f9b28   _link_vol_mf
003ff000   _IQsinTable
003ff100   _IQcosTable
003ff400   _IQsinTableEnd
003ff502   _IQcosTableEnd
003ff502   _IQdivRoundSatTable
003ff510   _IQdivTable
003ff712   _IQdivTableEnd
003ff712   _IQisqrtRoundSatTable
003ff712   _IQsqrtRoundSatTable
003ff722   _IQisqrtTable
003ff722   _IQsqrtTable
003ff824   _IQatan2HalfPITable
003ff824   _IQisqrtTableEnd
003ff824   _IQsqrtTableEnd
003ff862   _IQatan2Table
003ff9e8   _IQ30mpyRndSatTable
003ff9e8   _IQatan2TableEnd
003ff9e8   _IQmpyRndSatTable
003ff9f4   _IQ29mpyRndSatTable
003ffa00   _IQ28mpyRndSatTable
003ffa0c   _IQ27mpyRndSatTable
003ffa18   _IQ26mpyRndSatTable
003ffa24   _IQ25mpyRndSatTable
003ffa30   _IQ24mpyRndSatTable
003ffa3c   _IQ23mpyRndSatTable
003ffa48   _IQ22mpyRndSatTable
003ffa54   _IQ21mpyRndSatTable
003ffa60   _IQ20mpyRndSatTable
003ffa6c   _IQ19mpyRndSatTable
003ffa78   _IQ18mpyRndSatTable
003ffa84   _IQ17mpyRndSatTable
003ffa90   _IQ16mpyRndSatTable
003ffa9c   _IQ15mpyRndSatTable
003ffaa8   _IQ14mpyRndSatTable
003ffab4   _IQ13mpyRndSatTable
003ffac0   _IQ12mpyRndSatTable
003ffacc   _IQ11mpyRndSatTable
003ffad8   _IQ10mpyRndSatTable
003ffae4   _IQ9mpyRndSatTable
003ffaf0   _IQ8mpyRndSatTable
003ffafc   _IQ7mpyRndSatTable
003ffb08   _IQ6mpyRndSatTable
003ffb14   _IQ5mpyRndSatTable
003ffb20   _IQ4mpyRndSatTable
003ffb2c   _IQ3mpyRndSatTable
003ffb38   _IQ2mpyRndSatTable
003ffb44   _IQ1mpyRndSatTable
003ffb50   _IQmpyRndSatTableEnd
ffffffff   ___binit__
ffffffff   ___c_args__
ffffffff   ___pinit__
ffffffff   binit
ffffffff   pinit

[961 symbols]

Linker command file ,

//      Intended for product evaluation purposes
// FILE:	F2810.cmd
// TITLE:	Linker Command File For F2810 Device
//  Ver | dd mmm yyyy | Who  | Description of changes
// =====|=============|======|===============================================
//  0.51| 01 May 2002 | L.H. | EzDSP Alpha Release
//  0.56| 20 May 2002 | L.H. | Peripheral frame 1 & 2 names were swapped
//  0.58| 18 Jun 2002 | L.H. | .reset and vectors section are set to type = DSECT
//      |             |      | IQ math table in ROM is set to type = NOLOAD
//      |             |      | Added codestart section to redirect execution after
//      |             |      | a from boot to flash
//      |             |      | Fixed FLASHA length
//      |             |      | CPU Timer1 and CPU Timer2 are reserved for BIOS/RTOS
//      |             |      | Added XINTF Zones

/* Define the memory block start/length for the F2812  
   PAGE 0 will be used to organize program sections
   PAGE 1 will be used to organize data sections

         Memory blocks on F2812 are uniform (ie same
         physical memory) in both PAGE 0 and PAGE 1.  
         That is the same memory region should not be
         defined for both PAGE 0 and PAGE 1.
         Doing so will result in corruption of program 
         and/or data. 

PAGE 0:    /* Program Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */

   RAML0       : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x002000     /* on-chip RAM block L0 */
   RAMM1       : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
   OTP         : origin = 0x3D7800, length = 0x000800     /* on-chip OTP */
   FLASHE      : origin = 0x3E8000, length = 0x003000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHE1     : origin = 0x3EB000, length = 0x000500     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHE2     : origin = 0x3EB500, length = 0x000500
   FLASHD      : origin = 0x3EC000, length = 0x004000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHC      : origin = 0x3F0000, length = 0x004000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHA      : origin = 0x3F6000, length = 0x001FF6     /* on-chip FLASH */
   BEGIN       : origin = 0x3F7FF6, length = 0x000002     /* Part of FLASHA.  Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */
   ROM         : origin = 0x3FF000, length = 0x000FC0     /* Boot ROM available */
   RESET       : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002     /* part of boot ROM ) */
   VECTORS     : origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E     /* part of boot ROM ) */
/*   PRAMH0	   : origin = 0x3F9D00, length = 0x000300    */

PAGE 1 :   /* Data Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation */
           /* Registers remain on PAGE1                                                  */

   RAMM0       : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M0 */
   DEV_EMU     : origin = 0x000880, length = 0x000180     /* Device emulation registers */
   FLASH_REGS  : origin = 0x000A80, length = 0x000060     /* FLASH registers */
   CSM         : origin = 0x000AE0, length = 0x000010     /* Code security module registers */
   CPU_TIMER0  : origin = 0x000C00, length = 0x000008     /* CPU Timer0 registers (CPU Timer1 and Timer2 are reserved for BIOS)*/
   CPU_TIMER1  : origin = 0x000C08, length = 0x000008		 
   CPU_TIMER2  : origin = 0x000C10, length = 0x000008		 
   PIE_CTRL    : origin = 0x000CE0, length = 0x000020     /* PIE control registers */
   PIE_VECT    : origin = 0x000D00, length = 0x000100     /* PIE vector table */
   ECAN_A      : origin = 0x006000, length = 0x000100     /* eCAN registers */
   ECAN_AMBOX  : origin = 0x006100, length = 0x000100     /* eCAN mailboxes */
   SYSTEM      : origin = 0x007010, length = 0x000020     /* System control registers */
   SPI_A       : origin = 0x007040, length = 0x000010     /* SPI registers */
   SCI_A       : origin = 0x007050, length = 0x000010     /* SCI-A registers */
   XINTRUPT    : origin = 0x007070, length = 0x000010     /* External interrupt registers */
   GPIOMUX     : origin = 0x0070C0, length = 0x000020     /* GPIO mux registers */
   GPIODAT     : origin = 0x0070E0, length = 0x000020     /* GPIO data registers */
   ADC         : origin = 0x007100, length = 0x000020     /* ADC registers */
   EV_A        : origin = 0x007400, length = 0x000040     /* Event Manager A registers */
   EV_B        : origin = 0x007500, length = 0x000040     /* Event Manager B registers */
   SCI_B       : origin = 0x007750, length = 0x000010     /* SCI-B registers */
   MCBSP_A     : origin = 0x007800, length = 0x000040     /* McBSP registers */
   FLASHB      : origin = 0x3F4000, length = 0x002000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   CSM_PWL     : origin = 0x3F7FF8, length = 0x000008     /* CSM password locations in FLASHA */
   RAMH0       : origin = 0x3F8000, length = 0x002000     /* on-chip RAM block H0 */
/* Allocate sections to memory blocks.
         codestart user defined section in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm used to redirect code 
                   execution when booting to flash
         ramfuncs  user defined section to store functions that will be copied from Flash into RAM
   }                   LOAD = FLASHD,
                       RUN = RAML0,
                       PAGE = 0
   ramfuncs: 		   LOAD = FLASHD,
   					   RUN = RAML0,
    				   PAGE = 0
   /* Allocate program areas: */
   .cinit              : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0  //FEB_14_EVENING PREVIOSULY FLASHA
   .text               : > FLASHE      PAGE = 0
   modfuncs		   	   : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0
   pi_com_a_sect	   : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0
   .switch             : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0
   codestart           : > BEGIN       PAGE = 0
   //ramfuncs            : LOAD = FLASHD, RUN = RAML0, PAGE = 0
/*   ramfuncs_new        : LOAD = FLASHD, RUN = RAML0, PAGE = 0*/

   /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
   .stack              : > RAMM0       PAGE = 1
   .bss                : > RAMH0       PAGE = 1
   .ebss               : > RAMH0       PAGE = 1
   .sysmem             : > RAMH0       PAGE = 1
   .esysmem            : > RAMH0       PAGE = 1

   /* Initalized sections go in Flash */
   .const              : > FLASHB      PAGE = 1
   .econst             : > FLASHB      PAGE = 1      

   /* Allocate IQ math areas: */   
    IQmath              : LOAD =  FLASHC      PAGE = 0, RUN = RAMH0 PAGE = 1
    IQmathTables        : > ROM         PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD   
   /*IQmathTables  : load = ROM, type = NOLOAD, PAGE = 0     
   IQmath        : LOAD = FLASHC, RUN = RAMH0, PAGE = 1
   IQmath              : LOAD =  FLASHE2, RUN = RAMM1, PAGE = 0
   IQmathTables        : > ROM   PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD   

   /* .reset indicates the start of _c_int00 for C Code.  
   /* When using the boot ROM this section and the CPU vector
   /* table is not needed.  Thus the default type is set to 
   /* DESECT */ 
   .reset              : > RESET,      PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
   vectors             : > VECTORS     PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT

/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* The following allocations are required for the DSP28 Header file
   examples.  Each allocation maps a structure defined in the DSP28 
   header files to the memory location of those registers.  
   /* Allocate Peripheral Frame 0 Register Structures:   */
   DevEmuRegsFile      : > DEV_EMU     PAGE = 1
   FlashRegsFile       : > FLASH_REGS  PAGE = 1
   CsmRegsFile         : > CSM         PAGE = 1
   XintfRegsFile       : > XINTF       PAGE = 1
   CpuTimer0RegsFile   : > CPU_TIMER0  PAGE = 1 
   CpuTimer1RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER1, PAGE = 1
   CpuTimer2RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER2, PAGE = 1

   PieCtrlRegsFile     : > PIE_CTRL    PAGE = 1      
   PieVectTable        : > PIE_VECT    PAGE = 1

   /* Allocate Peripheral Frame 2 Register Structures:   */
   ECanaRegsFile       : > ECAN_A      PAGE = 1   
   ECanaMboxesFile     : > ECAN_AMBOX  PAGE = 1

   /* Allocate Peripheral Frame 1 Register Structures:   */
   SysCtrlRegsFile     : > SYSTEM      PAGE = 1
   SpiaRegsFile        : > SPI_A       PAGE = 1
   SciaRegsFile        : > SCI_A       PAGE = 1
   XIntruptRegsFile    : > XINTRUPT    PAGE = 1
   GpioMuxRegsFile     : > GPIOMUX     PAGE = 1
   GpioDataRegsFile    : > GPIODAT     PAGE = 1
   AdcRegsFile         : > ADC         PAGE = 1
   EvaRegsFile         : > EV_A        PAGE = 1
   EvbRegsFile         : > EV_B        PAGE = 1
   ScibRegsFile        : > SCI_B       PAGE = 1
   McbspaRegsFile      : > MCBSP_A     PAGE = 1

   /* CSM Password Locations */
   CsmPwlFile          : > CSM_PWL     PAGE = 1


Thanks in advance,

Girish Brahme

  • Girish,

    I think the issue is with the space in the L0 RAM.  If you look at line 107 in the .cmd file you will see that while the flash API is loaded to flash, it will run from RAM. 

    For the Flash API this is a hard requirement as you cannot run code from flash while the flash is being programmed, erased, etc.  You will see that ramfuncs are also placed in L0 right below this as well.

    Since the error message is referring to run placement, that's why I suspect this is the issue.

    Assuming the 0x180 of free space in RAML0 is what is left after ramfuncs are allocated, I don't see space in either L0 or H0 for a size of 0x559, assuming that is the total flash API.  Do you see anyway to free up another 256 words or so in H0, so that we could allocate a chunk for the API? We may have to look at the code optimization settings to see if those would improve the build size.

    Let me know what you think is possible, and I can see if there are some other techniques we can use if we are still short on RAM space.



  • Dear Mattthew,

    Thanks for giving right direction for correcting the problem.

    After reviewing code I found  that some codes like ADC calculation ,control algorithm and IQ Math calculation executing from RAM.

    Which constitutes in increasing in RAM consumptions.

    As per end application I have to execute these calculations from RAM and using of Flash API for read/write of 1 sector (B) is also required.

    So I will suggest please check is there any other techniques that we can use if running short on RAM space.

    Thanks once again

    Best Regards

    Girish Brahme

  • Girish,

    Let me check with the compiler team to see if there is a way to overload a section with multiple sections.  My point here is that when you want to execute the flash API, you could call the memcpy function to load this RAM then call the API.  When the API is done, you could call the memcpy and put your program code back in that space.

    Can you comment on your optimization settings?  If you right click on your project and select "properties" it will bring up the below dialogue; expand the Build/C2000 Compiler/ Optimization to get the same view.  We typically recommend Optimization level 2, and here I've forced the speed vs size slider to "0" which would favor code size.  If you haven't already done this, please try and re-compile and see if it helps things.



  • Dear Matthew,

    With reference to your first solution,

    I am sharing source code for implementation of calling flash APIs,

     Status = Example_CsmUnlock();
     if(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
    //   VersionFloat = Flash_APIVersion();
    //   if(VersionFloat != (float32)2.10)
    //   {
    //       Example_Error(1);
    //   }
    //   VersionHex = Flash_APIVersionHex();
    //   if(VersionHex != 0x0210)
    //   {
    //       Example_Error(1);
    //   }
     memcpy(&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart,  (Uint32)(RamfuncsLoadSize));
     memcpy(&Flash28_API_RunStart, &Flash28_API_LoadStart,  (Uint32)(&Flash28_API_LoadEnd - &Flash28_API_LoadStart));
     Flash_CPUScaleFactor = SCALE_FACTOR;
    /*-------Before programming make sure the sectors are Erased.-  */
     Status = Flash_Erase((_SECTOR),&EraseStatus);
     if(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
    Program Flash Example------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    // A buffer can be supplied to the program function.  Each word is
    // programmed until the whole buffer is programmed or a problem is
    // found.  If the buffer goes outside of the range of OTP or Flash
    // then nothing is done and an error is returned.
    // Example: Program 0x400 values in Flash Sector E starting at
    // 0x3E8000.    // In this case just fill a buffer with data to program into the flash.
     Flash_ptr = (Uint16 *) RAM_DATA_LOAD ;
     Length = flNoofParamter * WORDSIZE;//0x1ff;
     Uint16 *pTest = NULL;
     pTest = (unsigned int *)&gstparameterset[0].Word.u16buf[0];
     Status = Flash_Program(Flash_ptr,(unsigned int *)pTest,Length,&ProgStatus);//Status = Flash_Program(Flash_ptr,fldata,Length,&ProgStatus);
     if(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
     FLASH_ST VerifyStatus;
     Status = Flash_Verify(Flash_ptr,(unsigned int *)pTest,Length,&VerifyStatus);
     if(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
     memcpy(&RamfuncsLoadStart,&RamfuncsRunStart,  (Uint32)(RamfuncsLoadSize));
     memcpy(&Flash28_API_LoadStart,&Flash28_API_RunStart, (Uint32)(&Flash28_API_LoadEnd - &Flash28_API_LoadStart));

    For second solution of complier optimization, I tried to raise optimization level as you suggested.

    Though I used optimization level 2, getting same error of memory allocation.


    Girish Brahme

  • Girish,

    Please take a look at this post and the reply from George regarding using the UNION directive in the .cmd file.  He gives a link to another document as well.

    This should allow you to load both the Flash API and other contents to the same memory region.  You will just need to use memcpy to swap in the API/program code before you call into the targeted function.


  • Dear Matthew,

    Thanks for your cooperation.

    I modified my linker file as you suggested for allocating memory.

    At the same time I am also working on reducing my RAM consumption wherever it is possible.

    Actually your first reply of 20 August,2021 - which given direction to solve my problem.

    Thanks once again.


    Girish Brahme