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TMS320F28379D: C2000 SCI Boot Loader returns error

Part Number: TMS320F28379D


I have the serial flash programmer connected to a F28379D device. Communication works, flash kernel is loaded, operations like Erase CPU or Run CPU are working.

Next I have a working blinky program, that lets a connected LED flashing. This little program works out of the flash, when programmed via the debugger.

However, I want to flash this program via SCI boot loader. I converted the blinky application with

  hex2000.exe -boot -a -sci8 TRuSST_C28_1f.out -o applf.txt

without any problems.

Next I want to flash this with the serial flash programmer:

  serial_flash_programmer.exe -d f2837xD -k F2837xD_sci_flash_kernels_cpu01.txt -b 9600 -p COM1 -v -a applf.txt

The flash kernel is loaded, next I choose DFU CPU1 and next the blinky application is transferred to the flash kernel correctly.

But after this the following error occurs:

... a lot if data ...
Bit rate /s of transfer was: 1148.564819
Application load successful!
Done waiting for application to download and boot...
SUCCESS of Command
ERROR Address: 0x80044
Flash API Error: Incorrect Data Buffer Length
Please refer to the Flash API documentation for further explanation of the error.
FMSTAT Register contents: 00

What have to be done, the get the SCI boot loading working?

Thank you.