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Part Number: TMS320C28346

I was using DSC TMS320c28346 for developing an application specific code using code composer studio 5.5. The project had a (.h)header file where I had declared and initialised all the variables and functions.Once the code was completed, I flashed this using spi serial eeprom AT25512-TH-T. I followed the instructions in the document about how to flash the code.I was able to successfully flash the code...Later I had to implement some more functions. For that, I  continued to initialise and declare some more variables and functions again.Instead of using the same (.h) file where I had already declared nearly 200-300 variables and related functions, I just created another (.h) file and declared all my new variables and functions there.I need to use them in the code now. But just before using this in the main program, I tried to flash the code as such..But this time I had an issue like "Exceeded algorithm execution timeout.  Failed algorithm execution. Failed at block address 0x00007c00. Program flash failed.   WARNING: THE CONTENTS OF THE SECURITY PASSWORD LOCATIONS IN THE FLASH MAY NOT BE IN THE EXPECTED STATE. FOR FURTHER DEBUG PLEASE CHECK THE README FILE INCLUDED IN THE LATEST PROGRAMMING ALGORITHM RELEASE (JULY 2004 AND LATER) SPECIFIC TO YOUR DEVICE". I tried several possible solutions  like increasing the size of  memory area allocated to store(.ebss),(.stack) and (.text). I managed to copy all the new variables and functions into the old header file ..But still the error exists..What could be the possible reason for this issue and how can I handle this issue in sdflash tool?.
Thanks and Regards
  • Deepak,

    I think the error about passwords and the such is not applicable here, left from support of our devices with embedded flash.  Likely when SDFlash encounters a programming error this is some default message based on typical reasons.

    Since we are dealing with EEPROM, I'm wondering if it is re-acting poorly if we try to "re-program" those locations that already have data, even if the data is matching.

    Would it be possible to create a separate programming file just for the new additions you have made and retry the operation?  Would it be possible to replace the EEPROM with new one and try to flash the entire image at once?



  • I tried to flash the same code in a new eeprom stil the same error exists...if I remove that new(.h)file,  the .out gets flashed.  How can variable and function declaration in the code hinder the flashing process??

  • Deepak,

    Can you attach the .map file that gets generated when you compile the project.  Both working and non-working?  This should be in the .debug directory(you may need to enable its creation in your project settings if you don't see it).
