Hello Team,
Iam trying to implement the range filter (Extended ID's) for MCAN Rx buffer configuration, Following is my configuration, but it does not seem to work and the examples provided for range filters are FIFO based and was not very helpful.Could you please let me know if i have missed any configuration to get it working?
extFiltelem.efid2 = 0x00001408; // Extended ID2
extFiltelem.efid1 = 0x00001400; // Extended ID1
extFiltelem.efec = 0x7U; //Store into Rx Buffer
extFiltelem.eft = 0x3U; // Range filter from EFID1 to EFID2//(EFID2 >= EFID1)
MCAN_addExtMsgIDFilter(MCANA_DRIVER_BASE, 0, &extFiltelem);
Interrupt register status for MCAN_getIntrStatus is 0x00000008 instead of 0x00080000(basically checking for MCAN_IR_DRX_MASK)