I am a beginner and want to explore the different controller algorithm on TMS320F28069 control card.
In my algorithm the controller take four values as Vs, Iref, I_in and Vdc. then the I_in is used for calculating the next cycle value. so I write it as;
I_in_next = I_in+(Vx_in - Vs)*alpha
where vx_in is the initial value of vx and then this value used to calculate the next value of the vx as:
vx = vx_in +(Iref-I_in_next)*alpha
I tried to implement this code along with the environment of TMS320F28069. however the value of the I_in is not as expected. I t should be a sinusoidal wave form but it is appeared as triangular waveform . Does anyone help me in this regard. I will be overwhelmed for this. If you don't understand the logic, please let me know.