I want to boot from either flash or CAN.
To achieve that, I have:
1. Written 0x5AFFFF2E to Z1-OTP-BOOTPIN-CONFIG (0x00078000C), which assigns GPIO46 as my only boot pin.
2. Written 0xFFFF2203 to Z1-OTP-BOOTDEF-LOW (0x0007801E), which assigns CANTX as GPIO32 and CANRX as GPIO33 & Flash sector 0x00080000 to the boot table.
When I switch my boot pin LOW, I get the expected result. The micro jumps to flash.
When I switch the boot pin to high, I get no CAN interaction from the micro.
I am sending the start bytes 0x08AA @100Kb and receive no response. I have tried changing the CAN dlc from 2 to 8. I have tried changing the endianness etc.
Note that my circuit and CAN bus communication is verified.
Can anyone help me out with some tips or direction? I am most likely just missing something.
Any assistance would be appreciated.