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TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1: P55x external voltage reference for ADC setting

Part Number: TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE, SYSCONFIG


Hi Expert,

ADC_setVREF() is used for voltage reference setup for P55x ADC module. When selecting internal 3.3V, it shows results:    for 4 analog channels. After switching to external voltage reference (insert 3.1V to VREFHI: J15 pin1 of Launchpad), for same analog channels, the reading shows:  .   It's almost half value comparing with that of internal voltage ref.  I see the setting bit with CCS debug mode: ANAREFPCTL.REFPMUXSELA = 1; ANAREFNCTL.REFNMUXSELA = 1. 

Would you please advise?

Thanks and best regards,
