Hello All,
We have a custom made C2000 board with TMS320F28379D & FTDI 2232H. We have tried to mimic the Schematics from the "C:\ti\controlSUITE\development_kits\~controlCARDs\TMDSCNCD28379D_v1_0" files. That way we can make sure that we are not doing anything different and reinventing the wheel. On the new custom board manufactured, we configured the FT2232H using MPROG and the .ept file provided from the TI Wiki Page. We also configured GPIO Pins 72 and 84 to have the MCU in Wait Mode to stop the watchdog timer (which would otherwise reset C2000 at about 14.2 MSec.). Everytime I try to load the Blinky CPU01 code on the custom board using CCS, I would get this error:
"The controller has detected a cable break far-from itself. The user must connect the cable/pod to the target."
We have 2 custom boards and I see the same behavior.
I also read the FT2232 configuration from one of the C2000 Control Card + Development Kit using MPROG to make sure that I have the correct configuration for FT2232. I have exhausted my search on TI reading forums and Wiki Pages such as http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/XDS_Target_Connection_Guide, http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Debugging_JTAG_Connectivity_Problems and http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/XDS100.
So, based on the research, it seems that there is something wrong with the TDO line or the data present on the TDO line. C2000 is the originator of the data on TDO line and either its sending corrupted data or some error signals.
We have made sure that the power up sequence is according to the specs by probing some signals on the scope. There is an error pin on the C2000 which indicates of any error and it is logic low.
I am not a JTAG expert and have no understanding of the protocol. So, we used a logic analyzer to capture the traffic and I need your help to try to figure out whats going on. I have exhausted my knowledge and resources to solve this problem.
We are using TI XDS100v2 USB Debug Probe Setting. I also tried to use other options but then I receive an error that its not able to open FTDI port......
The first image is the aerial view of the capture and the following images are the zoomed in versions of the traffic from left to right in aerial view. I really appreciate your insight to help me figure out whats going on and solve the problem.
Also, if there is anything else that I can check, please let me know. Again, thanks for your help!