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CCS/SM320F28335-EP: TMDSRSLVR: What is LOS and why it set

Part Number: SM320F28335-EP

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I have implemented the resolver circuit based on TMDSRSLVR along with code, which successfully provides angle.

F28335 is running on 100MHz SYSCLK.

During debug, I note the LOS flags (Loss Of Signal (LOS) identification) is always set. (DOS and PPL flag is always cleared).

Should I be concerned out this?, I could not find reference about this and how to fix this.


  • The code is available in Resolver-Main.c, and it compares the magnitude of resolver feedback signals to a predefined limiting value. The magnitude is computed in library but the value is visible in debug window. 

    The section of code that deals with LOS is a provisional code for the user to enhance. Based on the value of 'resmag' obtained during test conditions, the user can intuitively set some limits for protection. The associated comment in the code could help a bit.

  • Dear Ramesh: Nice to hear from you again, how are you?. I do remember you since 2017/18.

    In regard to associated comment, where to find it?, thx.

  • #BTN-26:RES_ANGLE(0)
    rslvIn.offsetSin       : 1.038672 | dc offset of sin fbk analog channel
    rslvIn.offsetCos       : 1.045667 | dc offset of cos fbk analog channel
    rslvrOut.angleRaw      : 0.232585 | raw angle estimate from arctan.
    rslvrOut.angleObs      : 0.232729 | observer angle estimate w/o FIR delay comp.
    rslvrIn.resMag         : 0.311693 | resolver fbk mag.
    rslvrOut.errorNew      : 0.000041 | new angle error estimated by the observer.
    rslvrOut.angleOut (Rad): 0.232590 | final angle estimate after FIR delay comp.
    rslvrOut.resMagQ20     : 0.305854 | resolver magnitude in Q20.
    resMaxQ20              : 0.317402 | resolver magnitude in Q20.
    resMinQ20              : 0.299156 | resolver magnitude in Q20.
    rslvrOut.angleOut (Deg): 41.918094
    Angle Out      (deg/10): 416
    rslvrIn.rpsObs(Speed)  : 1.119828 | shaft speed estimate by the observer
    DOS_ERROR Error Flag   :0x0000
    LOS_ERROR Error Flag   :0x0001
    PLL_ERROR Error Flag   :0x0000
    2nd capture 
    rslvIn.offsetSin       : 1.038672 | dc offset of sin fbk analog channel
    rslvIn.offsetCos       : 1.045667 | dc offset of cos fbk analog channel
    rslvrOut.angleRaw      : 0.232461 | raw angle estimate from arctan.
    rslvrOut.angleObs      : 0.232715 | observer angle estimate w/o FIR delay comp.
    rslvrIn.resMag         : 0.312960 | resolver fbk mag.
    rslvrOut.errorNew      :-0.000144 | new angle error estimated by the observer.
    rslvrOut.angleOut (Rad): 0.232313 | final angle estimate after FIR delay comp.
    rslvrOut.resMagQ20     : 0.312426 | resolver magnitude in Q20.
    resMaxQ20              : 0.321434 | resolver magnitude in Q20.
    resMinQ20              : 0.297489 | resolver magnitude in Q20.
    rslvrOut.angleOut (Deg): 41.867153
    Angle Out      (deg/10): 418
    rslvrIn.rpsObs(Speed)  :-1.437343 | shaft speed estimate by the observer
    DOS_ERROR Error Flag   :0x0000
    LOS_ERROR Error Flag   :0x0001
    PLL_ERROR Error Flag   :0x0000

    Hi Ramesh

    The above is a snapshot while the motor is stationary, I was wondering if you may explain the above number meaning related to LOS. What you think of a number, are they good?. The Vpp of TX signals is 6.3V in good sinewave (10KHz)

    I note the rpsObs, shaft speed is jumpy in readout when the shaft is in a static position, is there a reason for this?.  Is there a way to improve that?

    BTW: I have read more about the control observer concept along with TI documents related to the resolver. 

    When the readout is done, it reset the number as shown below. 

    void mResolver_ClearFlag(void)
    	zRes_Angle10   = 0;
    	zResolver_Flags.zResWord & 0x000F;
    	//	zResolver_Flags.DOS_ERROR  = 0;
    	//	zResolver_Flags.LOS_ERROR  = 0;
    	//	zResolver_Flags.PLL_ERROR  = 0;
    	resetAll   = 0;
    	skipLosCnt = 0;
    	resMagMax  = _IQ(-2.0);
    	resMagMin  = _IQ(2.0);
  • Hi Richard,

    Due to quantization error, for the same sampling instance, there could be variations in the LSBs of the end result. This can lead to minor jumpiness that you observed. This is where the observer helps to smooth it out.  To reduce jumpiness in the observer output, you may need to tweak the values of the PI coefficients in the loop. I would consider reducing Kp and/ or reduce Ki.

    The reset is meant to be user initiated from the expressions window (in debug perspective) by setting resetAll = 1, during eval time. 

  • Is there another C2000 MCU that supports the resolver driver from TMDSRSLVR_v1.0 kit?

    For example, will the Resolver_f28035_CLA work on F2804x, F2807x MCU or TI need to recompile "hidden source code" to a library from your end. Is there a plan to update?


  • It should work as such, let us know if you see any issues.

  • Did you run into any issues?

  • Looks like your concern is resolved. Since the thread is inactive for so long, am closing the thread. If you have further queries, you may post within 30 days to reopen the thread, else create a new thread.

  • I have been side tracked at the moment.