HI All,
I used to download the executable using the following command format using dss.bat which was working fine till CCS v1010
C:\ti\ccs1010\ccs\ccs_base\SCRIPT~1/bin/dss.bat <SCRIPTINGPATH>/runProgram_generic.js <CCXMLFILE> <EXECUTABLENAMEWITHPATH> "*" C28xx_CPU1 "TI_F28002x" "*"'
But starting from CCS v1030,the arguments I am passing after javascript file is not at all considered and getting the error because of that.
C:\ti\ccs1030\ccs\ccs_base\SCRIPT~1/bin/dss.bat <SCRIPTINGPATH>/runProgram_generic.js <CCXMLFILE> <EXECUTABLENAMEWITHPATH> "*" C28xx_CPU1 "TI_F28002x" "*"'
*** User inputs:
Target Configuration: undefined
Program Name: undefined
Board Name: unspecified (connect to first board)
CPU Name: unspecified (connect to first CPU)
*** Starting debug session...
SEVERE: Cannot read System Setup data from XML file
Though I am maintaining the same order as recommended by the usage example
Usage: dss [-dss.debug] [-dss.workspace WORKPLACE_FOLDER] DSS_JAVASCRIPT_FILE [optional script arguments]
Can you tell me what is happening?